Sunday, November 18, 2018

You are NOT the Father!

I don't think any men read this blog... except for Mark who loves to correct my spelling and word murdering, but feel free to share this week... I may have a word or two for the men! 

How many countless, wasteful hours have I wasted watching Maury claim who is and isn't the father of the baby?  Thank goodness I have my own children now and can't find the time to sit down to watch these shows... even though they are complete entertainment... they also make me realize how lucky I am to not be in that situation.... or at least that is what I told myself when I used to watch them.

This week I'll focus on Joseph... our next important character in the Nativity Scene.  In Matthew 1:18-25, Joseph is introduced to the Christmas story when an angel appears to him and tells him not to follow through with his plan to quietly divorce his soon to be wife who is pregnant.... and he is NOT the father! 

Joseph listened to his gut, or as I call it the Holy Spirit" and did what was right... he didn't divorce Mary quietly... he stayed with her.  I can only imagine the gossip of the town when everyone "thought" Mary was cheating on him.  I'm sure there were those who went to their grave doubting what Mary was saying.  As a preacher once shared in his sermon... Joseph faced a bad dilemma, he received a bold declaration, and he made a brave decision. 

I want to talk about that brave decision.  How many times have men wimped out and worried about what their friends thought... or worried they would look weak... or worried that they wouldn't be included if they made the right decision... and who am I kidding?  Women are the say way.  Brave decisions take a lot of strength, courage, and for me, prayer. 

Mark made a decision many years ago to change his lifestyle.  He wanted to be different.  He wanted to quit living on the fence.  He changed.... and it took me a few years to get in the boat and travel with him, but I decided I might better use him as a life raft.  I think Joseph was like that for Mary.  He was a source of strength for her.... Of course God knew how the story would end up... but what if Joseph hadn't been brave and done the right thing... what if Joseph left her stranded.... what if Joseph hadn't been brave enough to enter into a world that would cause judgment from friends, questions from everyone, and even a time that he would know he wasn't the blood father of a baby being born.  Whatever you might be going through... the answer is in the Bible... You can find comfort in scripture that gives the ins and outs of life. 

Characters in the Bible are used to show us that God uses tough situations to make a difference in our lives.  We all have choices to make... during those tough times we can choose to do the right thing... which may not be the easiest... or we can choose to do what the world would want us to do.  When you look at Joseph in your Nativity Scene... think about a man who did the right thing... he didn't worry about the world and what they would think... he didn't leave Mary stranded with a baby... and he didn't take the easy road out.  Think about the ideal man who sacrificed for his soon to wife... and I picture him loving his wife just as Christ loved the church.  And yes, that's from the Bible. 

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