Thursday, November 15, 2018

My Mary is named Jane....

My Mary... My Jane

There is no doubt how much Mary loved Jesus.  She was a part of his miracle birth, watched him grow into a fine young man, was there when he performed his first miracle (with his mother's encouragement of course), and was there at his death.  I can think of no other role model for mothers besides Mary. 

I'm not bragging... just telling a few facts... Mama had a heart for making her children be something.  Although Jim and I could never measure up to the perfection of that middle child of hers, she was determined that all three of us would graduate from college and be able to support ourselves.  Jim and I took a little extra time and enjoyed ourselves... and through her determination and pushing us... we graduated!  She also played an integral part in our spouses.  While there was no doubt that Jim's "neighbor" was more than a neighbor... Mama thought she was wonderful.  Guille's friend who kept flooding the bathroom was also a perfect fit for him... She could see the love he had for her immediately.  And Mark... she knew he was smart and would take care of me.... What people don't know is what went on behind the scenes... she didn't let us date everyone we wanted... she and Daddy put their foot down and said no!  They didn't care if it might make us want to date someone more if they said no..... She was known to forget to tell Jim and Guille about girls who would call them... girls shouldn't call boys.  She was also known to tell me quite often that I needed to quit chasing "such and such" because he didn't like me.  The fact is she didn't like him!  Thank goodness for Mama's intuition.  Mama has also been there for us when we needed strength and prayers to get through situations. 

When I picture the love that Mary had for Jesus... I picture the love that my mama has for me.  That little girl in the middle is really lucky.... she gets to be raised just like I was.... she isn't out at all hours of the night like I was, but she definitely has been told to leave certain boys alone, that she WILL graduate from college and be able to support herself, and that I will be here for her no matter what she does to disappoint or thrill me.  I'm her mama and that love will never go away.  I hope one day she will call me every morning on her way to work to check on me... she will invite me to stay at her house for the weekend... and she will think going to church is just as important as I do.

Some people are spending their first Christmas without their mama.... or maybe their fifth or sixth.... and some may not know their mama at all.... but for those of you who have a great, good, or could be better relationship.... this Christmas.... open your heart to spend a little extra time with the one who brought you into the world.  Think of the love that Mary had for Jesus.... your mama loves you too... no matter what you have done.  For those who don't have their mama... just remember the good times... and smile... pass on the traits she left you with... and think of her as you look at your nativity. 

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