Wednesday, December 26, 2012

And... she turned 13 just like that!

     KB turned 13 Friday, December 21st.  She woke up in the town she was born... just a few miles from the hospital.  I wanted to cry... I am sentimental... but I didn't... she won't understand until she has children of her own.  After a long night, we had family over for cake and ice cream to celebrate the "sis" turning 13!  
     My best friends in Greenville gave me a baby shower when I was pregnant with KB.  Not that I didn't appreciate anything I got, but I can only remember that there was a huge dessert tray from Strossner's Bakery... I ate about 10 different desserts... It was delicious.  I felt it was only right to head back there and get her 13th birthday cake. 

Uncle Guille comes for cake and ice cream...doesn't matter whose party it is!
The birthday girl... I love her simple ways... I want her to be out of the box and be different and bold... but I love her simplicity too! 
That little patch of grey hair...may turn white after her teenage years!

 These two thought playing ball in the house would be a lot of fun... We could have passed out nerve pills at the door...
 By the way... I got a new camera... I need to work on the settings...but I think this is pretty neat... Ben's Clemson ball...
 The birthday girl and her Dabo.... He follows her around and loves her better than Mark... don't tell him... but Dabo thinks Sis is the best!
 He likes James too...getting lots of licks in at the party!

KB's fake uncle.... Mayonaisse... He loved her cake...better than anyone else!  Double chocolate...who wouldn't love that...

 Thomas busy on his Ipod... didn't talk to us... just played his game...
 My two favorite girls... checking out her charm Jane gave her...
 After looking at these pictures, I'm thinking our house is cold...everyone has on a jacket.... Velda interested in the gift opening!
 Two peas in a pod.... love watching tv and being busy doing that instead of focusing on anything else.

 I have a much better picture of these three... but I LOVE the fact that Daddy is holding rabbit ears up behind Mama's head...He makes me laugh...every day.... He hates when I make him pose for pictures... I really don't care... One day pictures are all we are going to have... and this shows his sense of humor...
 No make-up.... just as happy as me when we don't have to dress up and be fancy for parties! 
 Hunka Jim had to come get a bite too! 
Jane is recovering from being in the hospital... She looks so much better than this time last week!  I  think this is the first time she has ever sat at my house and visited... I needed her to organize my cabinets... but I guess that can wait until the next visit! 
     KB had a great 13th birthday!  Parties are not my favorite thing... I really don't like them, but being with family is all worth it!  I love making memories! 
     Happy birthday baby girl!  Love you much!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Through the Years 2012

     There are many other things I should be doing right now... Christmas cards, faculty Christmas party, cleaning out my closet... but I want to write tonight... I think I have found my therapy... writing.  I really don't care if anyone likes what I write...except my children.  I have been reminded again this week that life is short... life is busy... life can be demanding... no matter what is going on life can make you miserable...or happy... it is your choice. 
     As I looked at the pictures sitting around my den tonight, I thought to myself "Do my children realize how important they are to me... and how much I love them...?"  I have so many memories of things they did... things that I wish I had written down from the beginning of their lives... I have said it before, but I will say again... the purpose of my blog is to remind my children how special they are to me... and let them know and always be able to see the importance they have in my life.  I hope that I live to see their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren... but in case something ever happens to me... I want them to have these words to read and know that they were loved! 
This is Katie Britt's first Christmas... she was four days old... I pick at her and tell her she wasn't the prettiest baby... I didn't know it at the time... I just look back and think she is much prettier now than she was then!  This is the most memorable Christmas to me by far... I can't imagine anything else happening that could top this precious little bundle of joy coming at Christmas time!  She was my baby doll and I could not have been happier....  She was so little, so early, and so perfect!  This week she turns 13 years old and my heart aches that I can't still hold her, and rock her, and shelter her.  This little angel  has grown her wings...and it is time for her to fly!

Your second Christmas was SO much fun for me!  I was determined to make up the fact that Santa had not come to see you your first Christmas except for the hippopotamus bracelet... I know you can't see how much your daddy and I loved you in this picture, but there was nothing like watching you smile, grin, coo, and start to walk around this special time of year!  You were determined Santa was not going to touch we had to sit with you!  I am sure that overalls were in style...and my short hair... but I apologize for that now... I know you will make fun of it for the rest of your life! 

     Your third Christmas was much better...even though you cried when we went to see Santa... You were hard-headed...and  WOULD NOT sit in his lap!  Daddy is really holding you down so you wouldn't jump out of my lap!  I am happy to say that you had grown hair (Yeah for bows), and had started talking!  I could pinch your cheeks when I look at  this picture! 

You finally decided you would sit in Santa's lap all by yourself.  I remember buying this dress for you in March the year before thinking it would fit just perfectly... you were short, petite, and didn't grow much that year...except for your hair!  I knew you would eventually learn to love Santa... it just took a little more time that we thought!  I hope you will be this way for the rest of your life... see things that you like, but be just careful enough to check it out before you jump right in to something! 
Too darn cute to me!  I love that precious, little smile.  You were so innocent, sweet, and loving this year.  You had started dancing and that personality just bloomed from that experience.  I can remember watching this picture being taken and thinking that the next year you would have a stinky, rotten little brother to share Santa's lap with! 
Ben's first Christmas... matching outfits from the family of the girl who kept ya'll!  I probably could have worked on ya'll's hair a little better that year...but I am sure I was about to lose my mind with ya'll so little and trying to get you ready to go see Santa.  I love that you adjusted so well to that little brother of yours... you loved him and I don't think you were ever jealous.  I had worried so much that you would be jealous because Daddy and I spoiled you so much.  Ben came here with a mind of his own...and he hasn't let up one bit!  You couldn't be a better big sister if you tried.  I loved that Christmas morning when you came down and went straight to his toys and made sure that he was okay and had some things before you got your things.. I hope you will always watch over him like you do now and you did then!  Ben loved his first Christmas... trucks and cars... He hasn't changed a bit! 

This is my favorite picture of ya'll at Christmas... Santa isn't paying one bit of attention to you... kinda reminds me of myself... He is reading... and enjoying himself...while these perfect children are happy, focused, and enjoying life.... How lucky I am!  I love Ben's curls... I wish they were still on his head, but I can't let him grow his hair out... I think he might look like a girl!  KB... may you be as innocent and sweet as those little crossed feet in this picture! 

Ben had gotten a haircut...   And no matter how big you get for your britches... Susan will come to see you every year for as long as I am alive! 
And this was the year you were too big for a dress... You begged not to match for your picture to be made... Ben was
getting close to being too big for smocked I agreed... Looking back... I should have made you wear them   You both had a great Christmas this year! Check out the next picture.... :) 
I thought you needed one more year of cuteness.... I had forgotten to get your dress monogrammed... But day you can have these outfits for your little one... I have them the attic...waiting on you!  And I can't believe that Ben got a motorcycle for Christmas this year... too little... just a baby... but he hopped right on and proved me wrong... he could ride it! 

  I loved these shirts... I loved that you had HO HO and Susan again... and I loved your smiles... This was an easy year... Ya'll both walked right up... and told Santa everything you needed!  It was great!
Somebody is growing up.... and someone has big teeth...and someone got the giggles sitting in Santa's lap... Ben was a nervous wreck this year... He was shaking in line... He made it, but he was too funny!  I love that ya'll look thrilled to be sitting makes a mama's heart feel good!
Somebody who has been growing up....has now almost gotten too big for her britches... she is saving face for all parties involved... I appreciate that too!  Ben's excitement is too much to contain...he is happier than ever!  He was too excited to tell Santa he needed a four-wheeler... Again...I disagreed with Santa...but Santa brings what you want..."most of the time"....
And this was the year I had anticipated for 13 years.... we were in Nashville... for Thanksgiving... Ben sees Santa in the mall...he decides he needs to sit in his lap... I told Sis that she needed to come on and we could get their picture made... I will never forget the words..."Mama, I am NOT sitting in Santa's lap!"... I kindly replied with my best gritting of the teeth that I learned from my mama... I have it down pat by the way...  "You WILL sit in Santa's lap, and you WILL smile, or you will not have ANYTHING Christmas morning!"... This Christmas has been different to say the least...
Having a too big for her britches girl in the house is a little bit sad... but in  my heart...  I know in just a few years that she will be thrilled when Susan shows up right after Thanksgiving... and I know he won't be lasting much longer... He is already asking questions... (FYI...he has the common sense... I love Sis... but sometimes I am not sure she didn't get in the Clorox at birth!)... I can only dream of those nights when they are giggling, home from college, and waiting on the elves to show up...or one day...having little grandchildren running around playing with my babies' elves... I dream big...
I love you two... don't you forget it either... and always believe... believe in the spirit...the spirit of giving... the magic of Christmas... and spirit of Jesus Christ... HE is the reason for the season... I know that is said over and over...but you are two blessed children... always bless others...and you will have more than anyone else in world... you will have a Joy, Peace, and Happiness... those things you can't buy... take from someone who has been in your shoes... those are the best gifts at Christmas... JOY, PEACE, and HAPPINESS!    I luckily have them all!  May they always surround you too!