Sunday, November 30, 2014

And November is Over... in just a few hours

I think this has been the best Thanksgiving break I can remember in years!  Not having Monday and Tuesday off, we were forced to stay in Lincolnton and not travel or make plans.  I liked it that way... even though I had been looking for a few months to try to find tickets to NYC for the Macy's parade... thank goodness they were never in my budget!  It was a little frightening with the verdict released and riots. 
Wednesday we started decorating for Christmas and undecorating from fall...I've been accused of overdecorating for every holiday... I like it that way!  It's not as bad as it could be....  I cooked lunch and then we decided to head to the movies for the afternoon.  We met Michelle and her children and then ate at Cracker Barrel... I forget how much she makes me laugh!  We watched the movie about the big white blow up thing that saves everyone... I don't think it falls into the category of a Nemo or a Gone with the Wind, but it was okay... 
Thursday morning we got up and did a little more decorating and then headed to Jane's to feast... Of course I ate too much... I said I wasn't going to do it... and I did it!  After we ate, we watched a little football and relaxed.  Mark and I had a little business in North Carolina Friday morning, so we decided to head up early and spend the night.  We made it about 9:30 and decided to see what all the hype was about with Black Friday shopping... We still don't have an answer... I am not sure there is anything that would make me stand in those lines and wait for hours to check out...and on top of that ... miss my sleep... 
We headed back to Lincolnton Friday afternoon and enjoyed leftovers!  I decorated a little more Friday night... and decided that I would finish later... Saturday was a big day... we got up and fluffed everything and BC and JMAC came over to watch the Clemson game and eat.  BC did the main part of pork tenderloin and "greasy rice", and I added a few sides (I actually sent Mark to get the leftovers from Mama)... I became really nervous during the game and the energy worked in my favor... I got all the laundry done... I got all the ironing done... I washed the windows where the bird who wakes us up every morning has been pecking on the back door.... As Clemson fans we know not to get too excited until we see 4th quarter 0:00.  It was fun to win, but then we flipped to the Ga/Ga Tech game and realized our game was pretty boring compared to that... all we could think of was how glad we were that we didn't have to wait all day for the game to be played... it was nice to have a relaxing afternoon when the game ended... Mark and JMac behaved themselves and didn't hit anything or throw anything during the game... We ended up going to visit Daddy for one of the late games... and then Mayonnaise, Velda, Mama, and I rode around and looked at lights while the children played basketball. 
This morning we headed to church and then spent the afternoon piddling with decorations... I think I need a talent... like making bows... or making live wreaths... or covering old pillows... I need all that done, but I know I don't want to attempt that!  Tonight we had a guest pianist / singer at church and he was great.  I love someone who can play the piano like that.... I think I need that talent too... After church we went to Mama's to eat TacoRing.... it was so good after eating Thanksgiving food all weekend...

I am sure that one day I'm going to look back and regret not taking pictures over the week.... but it was a stress free week... I did lots of shopping on line... and made lots of decisions about things I need to get... I'm excited about a mini-vacay for me next week... I'm excited about December events... I'm excited that we have three weeks of school before we are out for Christmas... It's amazing what a little break will do for the soul... Those things that were weighing on me last Monday and Tuesday... aren't really important right now... It's breaks like these that let me know that priorities are important... Faith and then family... and that's what I've tried to focus on this week of thanksgiving... I'm so thankful for all members of my family... they drive me crazy... the get on my nerves... they can be "demanding", but they are mine and I'm so glad I get to spend each day with them... Tonight as we settle back into a routine... I'm so glad we have had these laid-back days of doing what we want .... when we want... but I'm also grateful for a job. 

I had all intentions of taking pictures of our decorations, the new elf "Clem" who arrived even though we know about the Christmas spirit, and a few pictures of the new creature who has decided that staying in my house is more fun than being outside... but I have nothing... I guess if someone wants to see it... they will have to head on over~ 

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Thanksgiving at Mimi's

I'm not too sure why I didn't feel the need to pull out my camera and take lots of photos for our Thanksgiving gathering yesterday... It could have had to do with the fact I didn't get in the bed until 4:15 AM!  We arrived at BC's and JMac's on the beautiful sunny day that screamed "Pull the Camaro out, let the top down, and go ride"... somewhere we got lost in the part that it was extremely cold.  Jack, Katie Britt and Ben enjoyed riding and "hausin" the motor!  Betty Carol said she hoped Jack had sense to not throw Ben out of the car!  KB wanted to drive on the real road.... the things / decisions we make on little sleep will come back to haunt us. 
Jack and KB wanted to go show Pat the car so we all piled up - no seat belts on- and rode down WhiteTown Road to see Pat... she wasn't there, but Donna's Mustang was... The children got in...but no keys!  I'm sure it's just a  matter of time before it will be pulled out to make laps at Thanksgiving and Christmas too! 
BC cooked pork tenderloin, corn, mac and cheese, green beans, rolls, sweet potato pie, and a pound cake from the "pure women" was for dessert... Needless to say I had to nap after all those carbs... I perched right in the middle of the floor with "a piece of cover" and a pillow... I'm not sure that I saw any of the second or third quarter of the Clemson game...
After my nap we talked a little Common Core, assessment, behavior, and how to deal with people... It was fun!  Ben made sure we all had our names for Christmas... I didn't get the name I wanted because I have a free dog to give away... I think it was set-up...
The best part of the day for me was my message that I only had to bring the ice!  I'm so thankful for that! 
We have a busy day today... a busy week... and a busy December right around the corner.  I'm glad for peaceful days with those who love us and have our best interests at heart. I'm often reminded how lucky I am to have in-laws who I can be in the room with and not fight.... it's even better when they don't bother you or take inappropriate pictures of you while you are napping! 

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

I Start a Diet EVERY Monday....

     It's that time of year that everyone starts talking about Thanksgiving and Christmas gatherings... and parties, events, and socials that must involve eating.  I personally think the best thing in life is sitting down to a great meal with family and friends... or option 2 is having a plate full of dips that I can make myself almost sick over...
     My children don't help my matters any... they eat any and everything they want... and it isn't fair... I want to eat all that too... this afternoon Ben and James have eaten 8 HUGE peanut butter cookies that I made them.  It was so hard not pinching just a bite off them... It's so hard to walk by the candy bowl in my kitchen and not take some... I have a treasure chest in my office with all the different types of chocolate kisses that are made... everyone likes to make laps through there to pick up a bite or two.  As I sit here now... my mouth is watering because I know that Mama is making potato soup for supper.  Many times I think why do I worry about my weight... but then I'm miserable when I get to a certain point. 

So... why would I include these thoughts on my blog to my children... KB... I feel sure one day you will do the same thing... you will start that diet every Monday... and possibly make it to Friday before you cheat... but every ounce you lost during the week will be gained back over the weekend.  I tell you this to let you know that it is okay... and we really can't do anything about it... It's how God made us... I do often wonder what skinny people worry about every day... I mean... when I worry... I want to eat... I worry a lot... Skinny people obviously don't have worry in their lives because they can eat what they want... I remember my high school health teacher telling me that we either eat to live...or live to eat... I'm in that second category... I would love to know what the people who eat to live think about all the time... I think about cheese, and bread, and chocolate, and Oreos, and pizza, and chocolate some more...

I know this blog has no meat to it... it isn't interesting or informative... but I'm trying my best to entertain myself while the potato soup is cooking... yeah... I'm thinking about that too.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Things I've Done this Weekend.... and the THING I Didn't Do....

1.  All rooms downstairs are dusted, cleaned, swept, and have lines on the carpet.
2.  All clothes are washed, folded, ironed.
3.  The refrigerator is stocked for the next week.
4.  My village is up.
5.  The driveway and porches are leaf free... until the wind blows again.
6.  I have been to Sunday School and church this morning.
7.  We went to see Mamma Mia last night.
8.  Ben has found out about Santa and that led to a big discussion about the Spirit of Christmas. 
9.  KB has had pictures taken for a pageant.
10.  My children have been introduced to the gypsies. 
11.  There have been several basketball and football games in my yard.
12.  KB has been to get her dress hemmed. 
13.  I've planned a Christmas party (in my head).
14.  I have answered millions of questions about our football bus ride for Friday night.
15.  I managed to cook lunch yesterday... before I went to the store today...and we had plenty. 
16.  I saw Mark off as he headed to San Francisco today. 

I could go on and on... but the one thing I didn't do... I DIDN'T GET A NAP... I'm thinking positively that since I have all these things already done... this week will be smooth sailing... I have lots of appointments to make and no time at home... I know I shouldn't anticipate an easy week because God's sense of humor always trumps my organization.  But... as the Boy Scouts say.... "Be Prepared"... I'm prepared for the busy week... and looking forward to the holiday season that is quickly approaching. 

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Those were the days....

 I probably should just let the letter and pictures speak... but I have to add my two cents in... I often wonder how in the world I made it in Greenville without my family to help me every day.... but then seeing these pictures... I know God sent several little angels to help us out.... I love looking at how much KB has grown... and now I also know that she gained her class, her personality, her common sense, her love for Clemson, her charm, etc.... from these core people who are were huge part of life when we lived away from Lincolnton....
 My favorite story of Jefferson is when I was in the hospital with complications waiting on KB to be born.... Jefferson was at the hospital visiting me and decided to walk with us to have another ultrasound done.... as I was being rolled to the other side of the hospital, Mark got a call and had to answer some questions for work and waved Jefferson on in with me.... Little did either of us know that the ultrasound technician thought we were married and pulling my gown up all the way wouldn't be a problem... I quickly had to tell her that this was not my husband.... I am sure she wondered why I had two men with me by the end of the ultrasound.... Needless to say.... Jeffo is a close friend.... to both Mark and me! 
 This picture is when Kennedy and Karsen entered into the mix of things...
 All our single or newly married friends let us bring KB over for game night... dinner.... gatherings... I think they really enjoyed her looking back...
 Jeffo and Tater often kept KB when we had emergencies.... like the day Ben was coming.... and often they would just come and get her to play....
 I wonder if she bopped him upside the face with her sippy cup.... I love how much love is in these pictures...
 I still can't tell the twins apart... so I know I shouldn't even try with this.... she is going to be a good mama one day! 
 Hightowwweerrrrrr.... KB loved Hightower...when he wasn't off with other women.... KB still remembers the donkey who made noises that he gave her... she carried that thing around all the time... to this day... when we pass a donkey on the side of the road... KB yells out "Hightowwweeeerrr"....
 This was at Tatum and Jeffo's shower.... I would love to see her one more time with the crocheted blanket and pi pi she carried all the time... KB was often called Maggie Simpson.... but she outgrew it... One day... I hope her children and Ben's will love a blanket and a pipi as much as they did.... those creature comforts sure are nice for a mama and daddy when the baby wakes up in the night! 
And last... but most definitely not least... Stan and Miko... I think Miko was a little scared of you at first, but Kathryn knew exactly how to take care of you.... She took care of me too... she smuggled apple pies from McDonalds into the hospital several times... she provided a listening ear for my complaining.... and she was always ready and willing to babysit you when we needed her.... I would have never made it with her!

These pictures arrived in the mail this week and no matter how fast email, facebook, instagram, and all the other social media is... it sure is nice for someone to take the time to write a letter and send pictures... Makes me love them even more....

We need to get together again soon.... and I guess we should all bring our children so we have some pictures with ya'll at this age too!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

When Little Boys Cry....

Ben's had a hard few months... for several reasons... He is growing up fast and realizing that life sometimes throws curves that no matter how hard you practice... you miss the ball and strike out.  I'm not real sure if there is anything that breaks my heart more than to see him cry.  I've held his head in my arms many times lately and let him cry. 
I guess I should worry if he is weak... but I know he isn't... in my heart, I know that those tears he is crying are making him stronger and making me prouder.  I'm a crier.... I cry when I'm happy, I cry when I'm sad, and I cry when I'm angry.  I cry when I say things I shouldn't, and I cry when I think of things I should have said.  He gets it from his mama....
I think reality that his favorite little buddy isn't coming back to chase him on the four-wheeler, or ride with him in the golf-cart, or shoot basketball with him, or share an afternoon snack of pepperonis is hitting him.  The tears keep flowing when he gets with me.  I'm proud that he knows how to hold himself together... and I'm proud that he isn't afraid to let his emotions show behind closed doors. 
When little boys cry... it makes their mamas cry too... it makes their mamas want to take away pain... and sometimes I lose my place and think I might even go buy him a new friend tomorrow... AND THEN I SNAP BACK TO REALITY.   

Ben's comments tonight about "It's sure hard to lose a good dog, My heart hurts real bad, and I'm gonna miss playing with him everyday" let me know that dealing with death isn't too easy at any age... sometimes it hits immediately like it did with KB... and sometimes it takes a few days... whatever the time frame for dealing with death... I wish there was a magic wand to take away the pain... May my children find faith in their prayers for healing hearts~  

Ben- I wish I could take your hurt away... I'm glad you aren't afraid to cry... I hope that time will heal this wound and the tears will dry up soon... I want to see your smiling face at night again....  I love you, Boo!  

Love, Mama

Monday, November 10, 2014

Dear Sis and Boo,

Today hasn't been the best of days for our family.  I'm sorry that at 14 and 10 you are both learning that doing the right thing is always right... but it isn't always easy.  I'm proud of your strength, your courage, and your understanding. 

Being mad, upset, and disappointed with your parents is part of life, but remember that we are here to protect you, provide for you, and make your life as easy as possible when we can.  I know your hearts are hurting and the tears are flowing, but one day you will look back and understand that life isn't always easy. 

Years from now when you remember this day know that Daddy and I love you both so much.  We hurt when you hurt. I have found comfort today praying and dreaming about what things are like now...

I picture straight teeth, a normal tongue, and two boxers riding in the back of the truck with Papa. 



Saturday, November 8, 2014

It's Betty Carrot's turn!

I'm fortunate.... in many ways... but one of my blessings in life that I take for granted often and don't thank enough... my mother-in-law.... Tomorrow morning she wakes up and will turn I can't tell anyone.... I'm sure that her birth certificate is wrong... she says it is... 

Her story.....
 1.  I met Betty Carrot for the first time at an LCA ballgame... she had a red bandana tied around her head... she was yelling loudly....and spoke quickly to get right back to the ballgame... 

2.  Mark and I dated for five years... I learned so much about her in that time... I was intrigued by her stories... and loved hearing her talk about her life!  

3.  The thing about her that impresses me most is that she is a perfect example for struggling children who have no parents.  Her story of growing up at John de la Howe with her sisters and brother is one that I have heard many times... It was sad the first time I heard it, but I'm so thankful for her attitude of not giving in to what most people think about children without parents... she was a "good girl", a "hard-worker", and from stories I hear... she was loved by many.... she has worked hard to be successful and believes that everyone has potential....

4.  It's funny how the world is so small... I'm sure when she was checking out of John de la Howe on the weekends to stay with my grandparents she never dreamed that one day their granddaughter would be her daughter-in-law.... It's funny that she went to high school with my daddy.... and years later we met... our family moved away from Lincolnton before I was born so she never knew I existed...

5.  As I sit and think about the many conversations we have had... I hope I don't forget a single one of them... They will be out of order, but they are her.... and the order they come in will model our conversations...we jump from one thing to the next all the time and we know exactly where we are... 

6.  I think my all-time favorite conversation with her was heading across the Georgia/Carolina bridge on the way to Lincolnton right before Bobby died... we cried together... we decided we would make Bobby live on for the grandchildren and children even though he wouldn't be with us much longer.... 

7.  When  I had my hysterectomy, she stayed with me at the hospital... she watched me like a hawk... and she knew that I was getting sicker and sicker... I'll never forget her telling the doctor when he came in that the pain medicine he was giving me was making me sick... he looked at her like she was crazy, but she told him that she had timed it... and every time they would give me the medicine that I was sick 30 minutes later... she told him to quit giving it to me... to give me something to sleep for a little bit and I would be better by the afternoon... she was so right.... that night as I was finally coming back to reality after two days of being knocked out on meds... she told me I needed to eat something... I told her I couldn't think of a thing I wanted...she grabbed her purse... walked out and came back with a pack of Toast Cheese Crackers and a Diet Coke... It was wonderful!  I was perfectly fine after that... 

8.  Speaking of meds... she is my walking pharmacist... I don't want to get either of us in trouble, but if I am throwing up... she hooks me up with a little something to stop the nausea... She has also been known to help other family members of mine out too... the funniest is when we thought we had suppositories for nausea and they were for something else... and Mama was passing them out... thank goodness we have family who can read!  

9.  We have done some crazy things... she taught me how to "play shop"... many a Saturday have we spent all over Georgia and South Carolina... I remember running into her in a store and she had a buggy full... I asked her was she getting all that... and she replied, "No, I just put everything I want in a buggy... and then I'll decide later what I'm buying"... the thing I haven't learned from her yet... I don't ever put anything back....

10. She also taught me how to try on clothes without ever going in a dressing room... I know how to tell if pants are going to fit... and if dresses are long enough... It's amazing the little tricks she knows....

11.  When I was put in the hospital for the third time while I was prego with KB... she showed up at the hospital and told me that she felt like she needed to be there... she was right... KB was on the way and we needed all the help we could get... 

12.  When Mark first graduated from college, he had a job at Milliken... he was working third shift and called me one morning to tell me that the man who was training him had shot another man in the parking lot... I could hear the fear in Mark's voice... I told him to quit immediately and don't worry about it... he would find another job.... He didn't listen to me... I called her... and we rode to Clemson... to follow him to work and make sure he got in the plant safely... she finally talked him into quitting... while some told him he would regret that and never make it... he has done just fine... 

13.  For my wedding showers... she never gave me what she was supposed to give me... my kitchen shower... she gave me a pocketbook I had been eyeing forever with three dollars in it...she told me I could go to Hardees and buy a kids meal.... for my lingerie shower... she gave me a big long t-shirt with a black spider on it....she said I had trapped Mark and that would be the perfect shirt to represent that...

14.  I have played so many games of Difficult Rummy with her that I can't even count that high....  

15.  She has taught me to cook Salmon Patties and Potato Soup.... 

16.  She loves to steal shoes.... my shoes... I can think of two times that she would say let me try those on... and then tell me she needed them.... 

17.  She taught me how to bargain shop... she never pays full price for anything.... 

18.  When I would call her to come to Greenville because I was bored while Mark was traveling... she would come and shop for the afternoon to keep me company...

19.  She has a lazy eye.... we try to help her out when we take pictures... but sometimes it doesn't work in her favor!  She makes us laugh trying to hide it in the pictures!  


20.  She introduced both my children to sweet tea... at a much younger age than they should have known about it!  
21.  She taught me to stay in my jamas all day and get lots of work done...

22.One week at the beach with her and Bobby let me know exactly where Mark gets his "picking on everyone" from... she doesn't like sleep... she wants everyone up and talking... with no television on...
23.  She taught me that no matter how hard-headed this little boy is... he has hope to be okay because his daddy turned out fine...

24.  She has taught me that spending time with my children is precious.... digging in the sand, reading a book, or riding in the car....

She loves the little sheep in the picture... and the Little Bo Peep... I was so glad she was there that night... Ben's outfit sure was cute... but to hold him in that hot outfit... wow... thank goodness for grandmas!  
26.  Hugs and Kisses.... Mark, KB, and BC... they don't ever leave anywhere without hugging and kissing... she has passed that on to KB....

27.  She has taught me that even though I married into the "McKinney Luck" of nothing going right the first time... always stand by your man....

28.  She never carries a purse very long... I think I'm secretly hers in that regard... 

29.  I don't have in-laws to love yet, but when my children get married... she has shown me how to love their "choices" just like mine! 

30.  I think she passed her lazy eye on to JMac in this picture!  This was the night she got engaged!  

31.  She comes to games.... and runs the taxi to get them both to where they need to be when Mark and I can't do it....
32.  This was taken today... at her party.... Ben had a fabulous time riding the four wheeler... driving a truck... and spending time with his Mimi....
 32.  She even lets dogs in the garage... Mark said they had every animal in the world growing up... living in the house... I think she let them do whatever they wanted that wasn't going to kill them! 
 33.  Summit is her dog... can you tell that she doesn't feed him enough.... even though Summit has torn up things... and made messes... she still loves him... we should all learn from that! 
 34.  Two of her grandchildren who are so much like her... they have many traits that I know come straight from her... one of them is their diligence to do something... they are both that way... they are determined and will fight for what they want...
 35.  Her favorite... she loves Mark more than any of us... he can do whatever he wants... she did something right though.... he is a good daddy... a good husband... and he loves us! 
 36.  Our favorite things to do at her house... sit and chat... can you tell that Hannah and BC sit just alike? 
 37.  And .... Ben had a few card tricks... she played along with him... He is ten... but we still have treat him like the baby... we think he is her favorite too...
 38.  She "made" Lisa be the guinea pig for all Ben's experiments...
 39.  We try hard to get good pictures of her... but she won't be quiet!  I told her to be sassy... I'm sure she was telling me just how sassy she could be! 
 40.  Her best little boy... she always wants his name for Christmas... and she always gets him more than he deserves...
41.  She can sing... and loves music in the car... I think I've learned more songs that have "stuck" with me... Have you seen Martin Luther... and Anne Murray.... she gets stuck on a song and it doesn't stop! 
42. She looks so warm in this picture.... and that reminds me that she always has a little piece of cover... in the car... on the couch... on the arm of a chair... always keep a little piece of cover...
43. I see her in each of these four "grands".... they all are unique in their own way.... but she has made  her mark on them... whether it be internal or external... she is a huge part of who they are... she raised their mama and daddy... and made them who they are...
44. I have to put this picture of one of KB's bday parties... BC was supposed to be watching Ben... and he decided to take a chunk out of Hannah Montana's face on the cake... KB and Ju were ready to kill him!  But... if Ben was happy... everyone was happy...she taught me that! 
45. And it was her idea to let all the little boys who came to Ben's 4th bday to blow out the candles... let's let them all be happy! 
46. And she can fix anything that anyone places in front of her.... 
47. And this is over half my pictures of the hundreds I have of this family... BC's eyes shut, Mark with a fake smile... and my children posed perfectly! 
48. She loves a good joke... this watch... a joke... that she still laughs about... and now the watch story has passed on to Ben.... 
49. Christmas morning traditions... the girls in the family checking out everything....
50.  These next few things.... a list of things that I know she will always be remembered for...

51.  A white soft blanket that was made while Bobby was sick that Ben still sleeps with every night...

52.  A black and white soft blanket that KB uses on her bed to sleep with at night...

53.  A boiling pot that was given to me that has cooked more grits than I can even imagine...

54.  A gravy ladle that I use for my potato soup

55.  A tomato knife that is used for lots more than tomatoes...

56.  She taught me to play ladies' golf... the kind where we look over missed shots and call them practice swings... to only carry a 3 wood, a putter, and a 7 iron...

57.  I have lots of her books from where she helped teach Pre-K / K-5 at LCA... her dedication to whatever she is focused on is apparent in those books... I'm so glad to have her handwriting in them to look back at....

58.  I love to listen to stories of Mamaw and Papaw and how they talked... and how much they loved her and took her in as their own.... she took care of them, their parents, and lots of other "stragglers" who happened to stop by....

59.  I'm grateful she let me stop by her house and stay awhile... and be a part of her life...

60.  She has always supported me... in good and bad... she is the person I call when I'm worried about things that "don't really matter" or things that "I can't control"... and for some reason... I think she takes all my worry away... I'm betting she prays for the situation and it all goes away... and the best part...she never asks me again about what I tell her... she knows I will tell her how it all works out in my own time... I respect that about her...

61.   Betty Carol, Betty Carrot, BC, Mimi.... her many names... I'm lucky to call her mother-in-law... and for welcoming me into her family... I can't imagine being able to love KB and Ben's spouses as much as them... but she has shown me that I can...

62.  Having known her almost 25 years... she couldn't help but rub off on me... so that is why.... I buy things and hide them from myself... I put things in odd places trying to hide them from the children and find them months later...

63.  I love to use her terms like "fluffing the hosue" and "taking a showver"....

64. I'm thankful for her relationship with JMac... Words can't express how lucky I feel for us to have him in our lives... and she is a huge part to that... she is sassy, she is bossy, and I love following in her footsteps and letting Mark do for me like JMac does for her! 

65.  Katie Britt and Ben don't realize the love she has for them right now, but one day they are going to look back and realize how lucky they are...

66. And her smile... there is nothing like it... her laugh... her giggles... and her snickering.... it's music to my ears....

67. What a "grand" picture this is for memories... KB and Ben's grands... who will watch them in pageants, play ball, and walk aisles for special events.... the love they  have for them is unconditional and may they never forget that...

68.  BC also taught me not to use "hisself"... and how to properly use who and that.... We have had quite a few grammar lessons in our car rides...

69.  I'm hoping the memories made today and those to come are just as special to her as they are to my children and to me....

70.  Happy Birthday BC.... I never said how old you were.... Love you! 

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Halloween 2014 and A Few Extra Laughs....

 As we stood in the aisle at Target a few weeks ago, I debated on purchasing this costume for Ben... he promised me everything in the world if I would buy it for him... who knew it would be so much fun!  We are still getting scares out of it tonight.  This afternoon when we were "fluffing" the house, I told Ben to go put it in his attic closet and he whispered and asked if he could put it in KB's bathtub.... I thought for only a second... and said, "Of course!".... We have been back to Mama and Daddy's to eat and just got home.  KB had to put some soap she got in the shower and I heard the scream... she beat Ben with the soap bottle all the way down the steps to me... He got her good... I have a feeling this little gorilla is going to show up in the future... before next Halloween...
 My two at Halloween... Katie Britt was so original in her outfit... she dressed as herself... I know everyone was out today trying to find an outfit to copy hers....
 And Jack too... he dressed as Jack!  They got to be the official candy giver outers... It was tooooo cold for me.... Besides... I'd much rather sit inside with good food and football... I did step outside a couple of times when I heard blood curdling screams coming from the driveway... Ben managed to prop himself up until people got right on KB and Jack and then he would move... it scared them to death!  
 While I was outside, Stephie Britt came by... such pretty little girls....
And Tinker Bell stopped by too... She wasn't so sure of Ben... she asked Benton, "Are you done?".... She didn't think she needed to stay much longer! 

Mark has headed out again today... I head out this week too.... Looking at my calendar... I might get a break right after Thanksgiving... I managed to put my Thanksgiving decorations out today... It shouldn't take too long to get them put back up....
A few pilgrims help me remember that I haven't worked nearly hard enough to have the blessings I have... and I should be so thankful for the times I live in.... I don't think I would have been a good "gatherer" of food off the land... or a person who lived without electricity... and I know I could never be a hunter to provide for food... so today, I'm thankful for little things... and most importantly, that I am warm, safe, and have plenty of extra fat to live off of if I lose power!  Let the holiday month of eating begin!