Tuesday, November 20, 2018

The Best Daddy in the World

Of course I'd say my daddy was the best... I choose to remember all the good things he did and said for me... I'm sure others might think differently, but to me... he was a good, good daddy...

Why was my daddy good one?  Well... I have three things that let me know that he loved me...

One of my very first memories is Daddy carrying me down the road... okay, he was running down the road.... one night while we were out trick or treating.  It started raining and I remember being in his arms and finally beating Jim and Guille in a race... I loved being up real high and going real fast.

When I think about this as one of the first memories of Daddy, I think about how our lives are such storms and messes before Jesus enters them... not that my life became perfect after I was saved, but I did have the comfort of knowing that during storms and messes now I am going to be okay.  Bad times are going to come to everyone.  Our response to the bad times is a choice.  We can choose good or evil... it's that simple.  I'm thankful that Daddy and God both picked me up when it started storming and I was safe in their arms.  I thankful now that He is still there when I need Him... at all hours of the day.

Daddy used to take me to school every day... I never realized how much he watched over me to protect me during that time... I distinctly remember idolizing a girl in the grade ahead of me and her style in clothes... everyone loved her... and one day she bragged about wearing her jeans tight to be noticed... she even said that particular morning the jeans were so tight that she had to get a clothes hanger to zip them.  Being a follower... I decided I would go home and dig in the back of the closet for those Chic jeans and zip them with a clothes hanger.  I should have known better... for one... I was miserable... At 100 pounds in the 8th grade, I probably needed a size three... and these were a girls' 10.  Not really sure of the size... but they felt like a 2T!  I examined my butt before I left the house and thought "there is no way I can wear them any tighter"... I'm sure I was slow to get in the car because I could hardly sit down in them.... Daddy drove me to school... kissed me goodbye... and I walked by the group of boys waiting at the outside door.  I am sure I had fries with my shake that day.... that night... Daddy was grilling and I went outside.... I had on shorts... and he said, "Don't wear those jeans you had on anymore to school"... I looked at him like he was crazy and he said, "Those boys stared you down when you went in the door... they didn't look at you before today.  I don't want them to think you are trashy and easy.".... I could have died right there... He usually just said what he thought, but I think he was trying to say I looked trashy and easy.... He made me think from that day on about the clothes I put on my body.  As a mama today, I try to teach KB to be modest.  I may have gone overboard because she won't even wear a v-neck shirt!  The lesson I learned was don't wear clothes to get noticed.  Sometimes we think being noticed is a good thing... but are we being noticed for the right things?  I love a new outfit... I love to shop... but I want to be noticed for things besides my clothes.  Daddy taught me that lesson.

When I think about this memory of Daddy, I think about how God tells us that what's on the inside is more important than the outside.  God examines our hearts.... it doesn't really matter what we have on... he sees straight through us.  I have a feeling Daddy may have seen straight through me that day and knew to correct my behavior.  That's what good daddies do... they correct their children's behaviors and don't make excuses for them.

One of the last days I spent with Daddy alone was Memorial Day... I hadn't slept much that night, and I decided I would get up early and drive to Augusta to see Daddy and be back by early afternoon.  When I went to the hospital I took him a Coke and Butterfinger.  It was his favorite.  I fed him his snack and sat down beside him.  He started dozing off and I said, "Daddy I guess I'm going to head back to Greenville"... he said, "Don't leave me Buh... you don't have anything else to do... just sit here and rest".... and I did.  It's hard to type that now.... because I wish I had never left.  I did sit with him awhile and enjoy just watching him rest.

When I think about Daddy asking me to sit with him for a little bit and rest... I know without a doubt that Jesus wants that too... He just wants us to sit and rest with him a little bit each day.  I always tell my women's Bible study group that Jesus is waiting on you every morning to meet him... wherever it may be.... take time to spend time with Him each day.   Don't stand him up and not show up.

As we look at Joseph and his "Son", I feel sure that Joseph taught Jesus lessons along the way... most historical accounts think that Joseph was about 90 when Jesus was born (don't hold me to that)... so he was most likely dead when Jesus died.  But Jesus knew who his real father was... For those of you who are fathers... make good memories with your children... teach them lessons... be honest with them... teach them right and wrong using the Bible as a guide... (not the world)... For those of you who have fathers still... spend time with them... make memories with them... and share them with your children... and for those of you who don't have fathers... think of the memories you have and what you learned from them... I'm sure you can relate some of your lessons to ways that God was part of the lesson too.

I loved my daddy more than anything in the world... but the BEST daddy in the world had to be Joseph.... he was given the responsibility to train Jesus in his childhood... I have no doubt that God led him the entire way... would God be happy with the way you are training your children and grandchildren?  Let Joseph be your role model and as you look at him in the Nativity scene... thank God for sending him to watch over Jesus... and thank God for allowing there to be that ONE perfect child... ours aren't perfect...you can have great expectations, but show your faith in the way you respond to your children's behaviors.  Strive to get a jewel in the Best Daddy crown as you go through life.

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