Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Angels Bring Good News!

 Many, many years ago in a land far, far away... just kidding... this was probably 40 years ago... my generation of the Drinkard family carried on the family tradition of putting on the Christmas play at Ina's.   Each year was different because each year we had different people come to be a part of the play.  No matter the characters or the props... we always read the Christmas story out loud.  Those nights are actually where I learned the verses from Luke 2.  I had them memorized after a few years! 

This particular year, I played Joseph (I am sure that is so Leah wouldn't fuss about playing a boy part), Leah was Mary, and Bobbie was the angel.  That's a fake baby propped up on a cardboard box for Jesus and the manger.  In later years, the mamas got fancy and had programs and good props... we didn't!  Some things never changed though... We read the same scripture year after year... and some years we had lots of shepherds... or a real baby Jesus, or many angels.... BUT there was always an angel...
Just like the Christmas story, we should remember that angels bring us good news and they are always around us.  Angels can bring peace sometimes when we are afraid, angels can bring joy sometimes when we least expect it, and angels can bring protection when we think we might be in danger.  I believe in angels... I believe they are with me daily... they help me stay focused on the road when I'm driving... they help me hold my tongue when I'm trying to get medicine and a new insurance hasn't been activated... they help me know what to say in difficult situations... they help me throughout my day. 

God tells us and the angel Gabriel tells us not to be afraid... and isn't that what anxiety and fear are all about?  Find the relationship with God and angels will cover you in love and peace.  The invitation for the Holy Spirit to be a part of your life invites those angels to surround you.  It's a peace like no other.  Fear and anxiety can be dismissed if you have Jesus in your heart. 

Tonight, as I struggle with a sinus infection, Ben is going on round 2 of an antibiotic, and the cold weather blues have hit... I pray my angels intercede and help in all situations.  As we approach this advent season... don't miss the angels' stories... they bring good news... they tell us not to be afraid... and they help us in situations that seem impossible.  I hope your memories of childhood include homemade outfits and characters reading the Christmas story... I hope you are flooded with sweet thoughts about a wonderful time in your life... I hope you know that true joy comes when you know and understand the true meaning of Christmas. 

*My Facebook page is completely private now... but for those of you who are wanting to share with friends... you should be able to copy and paste the link from your browser to share the link to each blog.  Thank you to my followers... you are holding me accountable and making me write even though I don't always feel like it!  My focus on the study has helped me focus on the true meaning of Christmas and not get caught up at night trying to find the perfect gift for people.  Your kind words and encouragement are appreciated! 

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