Thursday, November 29, 2018

Does anyone have any money I can borrow?

As I sit in a warm house with a full belly, Christmas lights glowing, hot water ready for me when I take my bath, food for a snack before bed, and a television calling my name to catch up on today's news... sometimes I realize I don't thank God enough for tiny blessings.  There is a cute video out now that shows basic things wrapped up as gifts... like lights, food, his car... and he is so excited.  How many times are we sitting in a stupor because we don't have what we want...or when we want it.  During those times, I think it's important to thank God for what we do have.  Look at life as the glass half full... not empty. 

I don't really need any money to borrow...but how many times have I heard people ask for money?  During the Christmas season we see the bell ringers, the angel trees, and the many "drives" for us to help people out... I love to help people when it's a secret... and they don't know.  I think those times are the best.  It's what Christmas is really about... I have been burned in those situations and sometimes my heart wishes I hadn't given to the person later on, but I know that the money was given in good faith and God will take care of those who don't do with the funds what they are supposed to do.  It's not my place to decide whether it was spent with good money!  God takes care of that. 

So...with that said.... as you look around at your little family, friends, church members, schools, etc... ask yourself if there is someone you could take care of... How?  Call the water company and pay someone water's bill... call the power company and put some money towards the bill... sneak a grocery card into their mailbox... give a gift certificate to a restaurant.... but don't tell anyone you did it... do it out of the goodness of your heart and do it for someone who needs it.... When I worked at the bank years ago, I saw family members come in and pay for their widowed parent's power... I thought it was so sweet.  I was sworn to secrecy... and me is what Christmas is all about...

Be an angel for someone....

Hebrews 13:2 tells us
2 Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it

If you don't have a family member or friend to do something for... buy someone's supper when you are at a restaurant... buy someone's coffee behind you.... buy a toy for a child standing in line at a store.... do something good... YOU BE THE ANGEL.... I'm not sure how many people read my blog each day, but if you would be willing to just do this one act of kindness within the next week... think of how good you will feel... but also think of what love will be spread to others by doing the random act of kindness.  I encourage you to make it a goal to help someone out because each of us are truly blessed. 

Just to check to make sure you read to the end of the blog... please "Like" the post on Facebook and let's see just how many promises of random acts we can get for the next week!  Share your ideas in the comments of ways to help others out.... let's make others curious about what we are discussing and maybe they will join in also!  Be an angel... I promise you have angels all around you taking care of you... you show the love of Christ by returning the favor. 

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Christmas Angels Bring the Christmas Cheer

 It just so happened that these pictures popped up on my timeline for today... and I have to say that they are the perfect fit for my thought on the angels... and Christmas.  Angels can be spirits or they can be be real... That's Velda, or VeVe now because of Hudson, on the couch... she is an angel to me in so many ways.  She let me make Amberly my real live baby doll.... I would have moved in with her and Marion if they had let me.  She let me spend my weekends with her... and she taught me to spend the night away from Mama and Daddy and not be afraid.  That's also Leah and Bobbie in the picture who are like sisters to me... we don't talk on the phone or email every day or even text every day, but in a crunch.... they have my back and I have theirs.... life has us all in different places right now, but there is a bond there that can't be broken.... and that other blonde is Guille.... I'm sure he is cheating at whatever the game might have been, but he is pretty special to me too....
 This next picture is at Gail and Bob's house on Christmas morning.... I love seeing old pictures... and look... someone got pillows for Christmas!  That's my granddaddy, Harvey... or Har as we called him... sitting on the 70s couch!  He is dressed in a tie... I never saw him in anything else.  He was a mailman, the mayor, chairman of the school board, and ran an old country store.   He died when I was in 3rd grade, but my favorite memory of him was when he took me to church on Christmas morning.  I remember having on a red dress, standing beside him while he drove, and him dropping me off in Sunday School.  I also remember standing on the pew beside him.  That's Boo-Ma, or Rachel (I'm named after her) sitting in the green robe on the couch... in matching bedroom shoes!  She loved a duster or a bathrobe... She would come home at lunch and take off her clothes and put on a duster to eat and then put her clothes back on... I guess I get my love of comfortable clothes from her... some like to say I get my nosiness, non-filter comments, and questioning skills from her too.... I'm sure I was named after just the right person!  That's me in the pink pajamas and boots... obviously we didn't get Christmas pajamas when we were coming along! 
 This is us again.... that's Bob in middle of the floor... I"m sure he is "fixing" something... He could fix anything at one time... it might be rigged up, but he could fix it.  Once when I was in college he came to my rescue with Daddy and brought my friends and me a car because we had a flat tire on the way to the beach.  He slipped me some money as we were leaving and said to have a good time!  That's Boo-Ma on the couch... with a cigarette... IN THE HOUSE... how did we stand that?  And that's Mama in the corner looking at Bobbie! 
 We were back at Boo-Ma's house in this picture to open presents.... Can you believe how simple the tree was decorated?  Why can't we be like that?  I don't know who that is in the red pants... can't make out the shape.... but notice that Mama has on the same robe and the same shoes as Boo-Ma! 
 That's Jim working on a racetrack... me looking at the typewriter... and Leah looking on.... I'm sure mine or Jim's gift was broken because we never had a Christmas where someone's things weren't broken!  I love that Mama has on a robe still.... she wouldn't be caught dead in a robe now... she dresses every day!  She also has been working on her hair because it looks like she has curled it, but she hasn't brushed it out!
This is Granny at Boo-Ma's... isn't it great when in-laws get along?  I love that Granny could come to Boo-Ma's house on Christmas morning.  I never realized how lucky I was as a child growing up that both sets of grandparents got along.... I think that is why I have naturally expected my parents and Mark's to be together with us.  I think as a mother we should encourage this and make both sets of parents feel welcome at Christmas... it makes things a lot less stressful!  

And this.... THIS IS US.... Mark being goofy... Sis not paying attention... Ben and I posing for the camera because we don't like to have bad pictures... as I have looked over these pictures I have realized and I KNOW THERE ARE ANGELS watching over me.  I don't thank God enough for the life that I have had... I'm a lucky girl and I don't ever want to take it for granted.  I could focus on the things that are frustrating, irritating, don't go my way, not right.... but I choose happiness.  I choose to look for the good.  I'm so glad I have living angels who show me the right way to live and act... take a moment and go down memory lane.... Do you have angels?  Do you have people who are pillars in your life?  Have you told them how special they are to you?  Take a minute and let them know.  Invite your in-laws over... invite the other set of grandparents over... invite that cousin you haven't seen in awhile over... tell your children about their great-grandparents... and pray for those who are struggling this holiday season... you never know when you may be someone's angel and you didn't even know it!  God bless those angels in your life!

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Angels Bring Good News!

 Many, many years ago in a land far, far away... just kidding... this was probably 40 years ago... my generation of the Drinkard family carried on the family tradition of putting on the Christmas play at Ina's.   Each year was different because each year we had different people come to be a part of the play.  No matter the characters or the props... we always read the Christmas story out loud.  Those nights are actually where I learned the verses from Luke 2.  I had them memorized after a few years! 

This particular year, I played Joseph (I am sure that is so Leah wouldn't fuss about playing a boy part), Leah was Mary, and Bobbie was the angel.  That's a fake baby propped up on a cardboard box for Jesus and the manger.  In later years, the mamas got fancy and had programs and good props... we didn't!  Some things never changed though... We read the same scripture year after year... and some years we had lots of shepherds... or a real baby Jesus, or many angels.... BUT there was always an angel...
Just like the Christmas story, we should remember that angels bring us good news and they are always around us.  Angels can bring peace sometimes when we are afraid, angels can bring joy sometimes when we least expect it, and angels can bring protection when we think we might be in danger.  I believe in angels... I believe they are with me daily... they help me stay focused on the road when I'm driving... they help me hold my tongue when I'm trying to get medicine and a new insurance hasn't been activated... they help me know what to say in difficult situations... they help me throughout my day. 

God tells us and the angel Gabriel tells us not to be afraid... and isn't that what anxiety and fear are all about?  Find the relationship with God and angels will cover you in love and peace.  The invitation for the Holy Spirit to be a part of your life invites those angels to surround you.  It's a peace like no other.  Fear and anxiety can be dismissed if you have Jesus in your heart. 

Tonight, as I struggle with a sinus infection, Ben is going on round 2 of an antibiotic, and the cold weather blues have hit... I pray my angels intercede and help in all situations.  As we approach this advent season... don't miss the angels' stories... they bring good news... they tell us not to be afraid... and they help us in situations that seem impossible.  I hope your memories of childhood include homemade outfits and characters reading the Christmas story... I hope you are flooded with sweet thoughts about a wonderful time in your life... I hope you know that true joy comes when you know and understand the true meaning of Christmas. 

*My Facebook page is completely private now... but for those of you who are wanting to share with friends... you should be able to copy and paste the link from your browser to share the link to each blog.  Thank you to my followers... you are holding me accountable and making me write even though I don't always feel like it!  My focus on the study has helped me focus on the true meaning of Christmas and not get caught up at night trying to find the perfect gift for people.  Your kind words and encouragement are appreciated! 

Monday, November 26, 2018

The Face of an Angel

Isn't he precious?  I'm sure that Jesus never acted the way Ben acted as a little boy... and as he acts right now.... but I do know that angels have been placed all around me to guide my tongue and mouth when I have deal with that cuteness.  Ben taught me so many things as a mother... he taught me that hard-headed, strong-willed, "high-spirited" children will keep you on your toes... he taught me that afternoon naps are not important to him... he taught me that mud on the floors and dirt in your fingernails only meant a good time was had by all... he taught me that just because you are smart you don't have apply yourself if you can trick your teachers into loving on you... he taught me that boys look really cute in smocked outfits and john johns, but clorox is now my best friend...

There is nothing I love more than to hear him say, "Briiiiiitttttt".... even though I know something is coming out of that mouth that sounds a lot like my daddy.  He loves to be a devil... but to me... he is an angel.  I think that angels are all around... some in spirit and some in person.  One of my spiritual mentors once said that angels intercede and take care of things before it gets to her... I believe that... I believe that angels and the Holy Spirit give me a peace when I want to have anxiety, give me patience when I want to be in control, give me sanity in a crazy world. 

The angel in the Nativity scene brought good news... Have you ever thought that it wasn't good news at first?  Do you really think the shepherds, Mary, the others involved jumped for joy?   They probably doubted a lot... just like we do, but we know that the end of the story is amazing.  So while your angel may look like my Ben in this picture... remember that the moment of the news brought to you may end up being one of the best things that has ever happened to you.  Situations change... circumstances change... as you go through the day, pray for angels to intercede... pray for the Holy Spirit to fill you with peace, hope, love, and joy.  The angel brought forth the news that we have all of these things... it's our choice to look for them in our daily lives.  Thank you Lord for my angels... the ones I encounter every day and the ones who are all around me in spirit. 

Have you looked for an angel in your life?  I promise you have one... don't look far... he/she is probably right in front of you... love that angel... thank God for that angel... and thank God for sending us a messenger with the good news.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

What's the best gossip you have heard lately?

Gossip... you have probably been on both ends of it.  You've been sitting with friends and hear something about what someone else's child did and can't wait to get your phone out to tell someone else... and then add your two cents in there... and tell it some more.  The other end of gossip is the mother who gets the call her child has done something embarrassing or shameful and you fall to your knees and can't believe that you are dealing with this.  What will people think of me as a parent?  Sure, you stand big and say, "Everyone has to deal with this!", but inside... it hurts. 

Either way... gossip... even if it is the truth... hurts.  It hurts those involved, it hurts those who hear it, and it hurts those who tell it.  How?  Of course no one wants to deal with the situation that is at hand... as parents we might want it to go away and pretend it never happened... as children... we might want to go back and redo what we did to be wrong... as friends... we might wish we had never told our secret... Gossip hurts me when I hear it now because I've been on both ends... I am very hesitant to judge now... I know versions of stories change... I know that details are added... and I know that the pain doesn't go away over night.  I know that no one is perfect... and I have also learned the hard way that if they aren't talking to you... they are talking about you.  Instead of being paranoid about the talk... look into the Bible and find your answers... how to deal with your problem... how to deal with your children... how to deal with your friends... how to deal with your parents.  The news people bring to you... whether good or gossip... do something with it. 

This week I'd like to focus on angels... and the news they brought us... that feeling you get when you hear the juicy gossip... we should have that feeling about the angels' news as well.  The angel Gabriel is mentioned four times in the Bible.  He interprets a dream for Daniel and tells him about a vision.  A second time mentioned, he gives Daniel insight and direction.  The third time is when he appears to Zechariah in the temple and tells him the good news of the coming of John the Baptist.  He was also the one who told him he would be silent until the delivery because he doubted.  The fourth time Gabriel is mentioned is when he appears to Mary.  He tells her "The Lord is with you"... "Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God.  You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus.  He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High .  The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David and he will reign over Jacob's descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.  The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you.  So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God.  Even Elizabeth your relative is going to have a child in her old age, and she who was said to be unable to conceive is in her sixth month.  For no word from God will ever fail. " Luke 1:26-38.  

Isn't that the best news of all?  Isn't that something you should be proud to share?  Isn't that something you should text your friends about?  Isn't this better than judging someone else's decisions as a parent, as a friend, and as an onlooker to events occurring around you?  Imagine going through one day and only hearing about great things... only hearing about good news... only hearing about the wonderful stories which true and don't have "any extra details" to them.  As you go through this week... bite your tongue... let the stories you tell and the people you talk about be good things... none of that "I know I shouldn't say this, but..."  none of that "Some might think this is gossip but if it's true I'll say it just once"... none of that "Everyone else is talking about it... I need to add my point of view too".   Just be quiet this week... if you need to escape from your normal gossip circle... do it!  Don't be ashamed... can you imagine what good things could come from angels like Gabriel if you were focused on Him instead of "them and what they did"! 

Mary's gossip of being pregnant before she was married turned into a wonderful, almighty situation... I can't help but think that some of the women involved in the "gossiping" back then wish they had kept their mouths shut.  Do you need to follow the old adage of "If you can't say something nice and uplifting then be quiet!"?  You have a choice... choose to sit quietly and listen for the good news of Him and how He is changing people's lives instead of the gossip!  Don't be a fence-sitter in this situation... be bold and be brave! 

Friday, November 23, 2018

Joseph's Lullaby

Katie Britt and I headed back from LC today to come decorate and get ready for the ballgame tomorrow.  For the first time ever... she drove me.  As we were riding, I heard this song and thought it would be perfect to add as our last day looking at Joseph... 
I'm not real sure what it feels like to be a daddy and hold a baby for the first time... as a mama, it's a little different because it is real to us way earlier than the husband.  We feel the baby kick and move... we know it's real and something is going on in our bodies.  I don't think it becomes REAL, REAL until that first night when the daddy holds the baby in his arms... looking in his eyes and marveling at the miracle he is holding.  
If you have the opportunity, go and listen to the link below.  It's the story behind the song performed by Mercy Me.  As you sit and watch your Christmas lights twinkling... think about the perspective of the father... Joseph... holding a miracle baby that he knew would be special.  
As I look at the picture of Mark holding Ben in the pictures above... I know he prays for the same thing... for Ben to rest his little head now... the world is a big place with big worries... but for now we will take care of you... I know he prays for Ben's heart to be guarded... there is nothing like a broken heart... and yes, it can worry us sometimes when our heart is broken... I know he prays for Ben to chase his dreams too.... but for now... do the best you can wherever you are... and worry about those dreams later... and I know he prays for him to be a child right now... just be a young, fun boy who loves life and the Lord... sleep tight at night Benny Boo... you are precious in our eyes... and even though I'm your mama... I feel the same way that your daddy feels!  
Joseph is so important... even though he isn't mentioned much in the Bible... he had a huge responsibility.... I have no doubt that he prayed for his children every day.... if you don't do anything else... pray for your children every day... bathe them in prayer... cover them in prayer... find peace in knowing that God hears your prayers and warms your heart.  

Go to sleep my Son
This manger for your bed
You have a long road before You
Rest Your little head
Can You feel the weight of Your glory?
Do You understand the price?
Or does the Father guard Your heart for now
So You can sleep tonight?
Go to sleep my Son
Go and chase Your dreams
This world can wait for one more moment
Go and sleep in peace
I believe the glory of Heaven
Is lying in my arms tonight
But Lord, I ask that He for just this moment
Simply be my child
Go to sleep my Son
Baby, close Your eyes
Soon enough You'll save the day
But for now, dear Child of mine
Oh my Jesus, Sleep tight

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Butchie wasn't perfect!

It's Thanksgiving Day and I'm trying to write early because we are going to stuff ourselves and then decorate Mama's house.  It will take us two hours just to get the pumpkins put up with her fall decorations!  Friends, I get my love of decorating for the holidays honestly!  Mama set the table this morning and put Daddy's place card on top of the turkey looking over the boys' table!  Mama is worried it isn't turned towards the television, but we are finally controlling the tv!  He would be disappointed that our plans are to watch Christmas Hallmark movies while decorating this afternoon.... and we are going to stand right in front of the tv doing it!  

Today, I am still focusing on Joseph... and his role as Mary's husband.  While we don't really know much about their relationship, we can confirm that he stayed with Mary even after he planned to leave her quietly... all because of an angel.  

The Bible tells us.... 

Ephesians 5:25: “For husbands, this means love your wives, just as Christ loved the church. He gave up his life for her." 

The generation before me treated husbands totally different than we do.  Growing up I didn't realize just how much Daddy "let" Mama do for him.  He let her fix his plate, take it from the table, and clean the kitchen by herself.  He let her pick his socks up from the den floor, pick his underwear up from the bathroom, and iron his clothes every morning after she picked out what he would wear.  He let her bring in the groceries by herself, he let her move furniture by herself, and he let her clean the house by herself.  He was awesome!  HA.... maybe Daddy didn't get that part just right... He wasn't perfect.  As I grew older, I would fuss at him for not taking his plate to the sink... I also saw he learned how to get his clothes out of the floor of the bathroom... and I did see him get up once to get a box of dishes from upstairs to bring downstairs.... he fell down the steps and hurt himself and vowed never to go upstairs again... and he didn't... ever.  They were my dishes!  

I say all this about Daddy because I married a complete opposite in that regard.  Many times I thought I married someone like Daddy because he enjoyed being at the golf course, enjoyed being around lots of people and making them laugh, and he loved a good meal... but I won out on the other end of the spectrum.  

I laugh and tell Mark that life is so much easier for me now... he looks at me like I'm crazy, but he has completely changed in that he helps more than anything now!  He doesn't remember the struggles of when the children were little... fighting in the morning about outfits to wear, making sure Ben had "hot juice" and a tag everywhere we went, making sure Sis's bow was the right color... I honestly think he just jumped in the car and drove us while I did all the other stuff.  He didn't clean, he didn't go to the grocery store, he didn't wash clothes, and he didn't see messes.  I was used to living with a man like this because Daddy was the same way.  

I'm not real sure when things changed, but I am blessed and thankful to have someone now who does laundry, cleans, picks up messes and will attempt to even iron if he needs to!  I'd like to think that he changed when he saw this verse in the Bible... Husbands should love us like Christ loved the church.  He gave up his life for her.  Ladies, if you are lucky enough to have a husband who has given up his wants and needs for yours... that's the thing you should be most grateful for today.  

I know Butchie wasn't perfect, but I also know he was grateful to have Mama as a wife... she treated him like a king!  I'm lucky to have someone who caters to my every need... I'm thankful for him every day... not just Thanksgiving!  I'm sure that Mary appreciated Joseph and I'm sure he was the perfect example for a husband.  As you look at the Nativity Scene today... be thankful for the husband or man in your life!  

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Can you believe that....

Can you believe that evil, wicked stepmother,  stepfather?

Jesus had an earthly father... Joseph.  Joseph knew that he wasn't the biological father, yet he gives the perfect example for men even today... he loved Jesus and did for him like he was his own child.  I find it hard to believe that Jesus or anyone around Joseph said, "Can you believe that wicked stepfather?"

There have been many people I've met in my life who have had step-fathers who have been better to them than their own fathers.  Isn't that the best!  As I look at Joseph, I think of man who took in a child that wasn't his own and loved him like he was.  How does someone do that?  How do you love a child like he is yours when you have other children who are yours?  I think God makes our hearts grow bigger as more and more people come into our lives.

I've shared before that my biggest worry during my pregnancy was how I could love someone as much as I loved KB.  It only took seconds to look at him and realize that I loved him just as much.  I think that is what God does with stepparents.  He gives us that example at the Nativity Scene.  I believe with all my heart that God does this for us to see how we are to treat children who aren't biologically ours.... I also believe this runs into how we treat our families.

The wicked stepmother sometimes turns into the evil mother-in-law that we have to deal with... As we marry into a family, we have a choice... we can either accept the family and try for harmony... or we can reject the family and cause even more chaos.  In the grand scheme of things, I hope that I can be a role model to my own children on how to treat in-laws.  I hope they see how I treat my mama and my mother-in-law and they may just treat me the same way.  Let's be honest... no one agrees 100% with what anyone thinks... if you do, you really aren't thinking for yourself.  We should be respectful of others and their thoughts and remember it isn't our place to be in control... God is in control!  We can live in peace if we just breathe and know that things are going to be okay.  Arguments are between two people... if you refuse to argue... then no argument can occur.

As you spend the holidays preparing to spend them with extended family, step-children, step-parents, brothers, sisters, in-laws.... the list goes on.... just smile and know that during this short isn't about you... focus on treating someone a little nicer who may be irritating to you... focus on smiling when you don't really want to smile... focus on when you do get to eat instead of how late people are to the dinner...

I think that God gives us Joseph at the Nativity Scene for many reasons, but I believe that he uses Joseph to show us to love all members of our family... no matter the situation or circumstance.  Joseph accepted Jesus as his own... We have to accept family members as our own when we vow to marry... don't be the person who everyone hates to see coming... don't be the person that everyone tip toes around... don't be the person who is "too much".... be quiet this year... be reverent... be focused on others instead of yourself...

Joseph loved Jesus... Joseph loved Mary... Joseph loved God... he did the right thing and I'm sure if Jesus was asked who his father was he would proudly say Joseph and God.  If you are a step-parent... I can't think of  a better compliment that being called Mama or Daddy by the children... it isn't the child's fault the parents divorced.... be the connecting factor that brings the family together... don't be the reason the family separates.

Thank you Lord for sending Joseph... to show me how to love family who isn't blood kin... thanks for the reminder that on the night of Jesus's birth... you thought enough about each character in the story to still teach us lessons even in 2018.  Thank you for the role model of Joseph.  I believe that he was a peacemaker, and my prayer is more people would be like him.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

The Best Daddy in the World

Of course I'd say my daddy was the best... I choose to remember all the good things he did and said for me... I'm sure others might think differently, but to me... he was a good, good daddy...

Why was my daddy good one?  Well... I have three things that let me know that he loved me...

One of my very first memories is Daddy carrying me down the road... okay, he was running down the road.... one night while we were out trick or treating.  It started raining and I remember being in his arms and finally beating Jim and Guille in a race... I loved being up real high and going real fast.

When I think about this as one of the first memories of Daddy, I think about how our lives are such storms and messes before Jesus enters them... not that my life became perfect after I was saved, but I did have the comfort of knowing that during storms and messes now I am going to be okay.  Bad times are going to come to everyone.  Our response to the bad times is a choice.  We can choose good or evil... it's that simple.  I'm thankful that Daddy and God both picked me up when it started storming and I was safe in their arms.  I thankful now that He is still there when I need Him... at all hours of the day.

Daddy used to take me to school every day... I never realized how much he watched over me to protect me during that time... I distinctly remember idolizing a girl in the grade ahead of me and her style in clothes... everyone loved her... and one day she bragged about wearing her jeans tight to be noticed... she even said that particular morning the jeans were so tight that she had to get a clothes hanger to zip them.  Being a follower... I decided I would go home and dig in the back of the closet for those Chic jeans and zip them with a clothes hanger.  I should have known better... for one... I was miserable... At 100 pounds in the 8th grade, I probably needed a size three... and these were a girls' 10.  Not really sure of the size... but they felt like a 2T!  I examined my butt before I left the house and thought "there is no way I can wear them any tighter"... I'm sure I was slow to get in the car because I could hardly sit down in them.... Daddy drove me to school... kissed me goodbye... and I walked by the group of boys waiting at the outside door.  I am sure I had fries with my shake that day.... that night... Daddy was grilling and I went outside.... I had on shorts... and he said, "Don't wear those jeans you had on anymore to school"... I looked at him like he was crazy and he said, "Those boys stared you down when you went in the door... they didn't look at you before today.  I don't want them to think you are trashy and easy.".... I could have died right there... He usually just said what he thought, but I think he was trying to say I looked trashy and easy.... He made me think from that day on about the clothes I put on my body.  As a mama today, I try to teach KB to be modest.  I may have gone overboard because she won't even wear a v-neck shirt!  The lesson I learned was don't wear clothes to get noticed.  Sometimes we think being noticed is a good thing... but are we being noticed for the right things?  I love a new outfit... I love to shop... but I want to be noticed for things besides my clothes.  Daddy taught me that lesson.

When I think about this memory of Daddy, I think about how God tells us that what's on the inside is more important than the outside.  God examines our hearts.... it doesn't really matter what we have on... he sees straight through us.  I have a feeling Daddy may have seen straight through me that day and knew to correct my behavior.  That's what good daddies do... they correct their children's behaviors and don't make excuses for them.

One of the last days I spent with Daddy alone was Memorial Day... I hadn't slept much that night, and I decided I would get up early and drive to Augusta to see Daddy and be back by early afternoon.  When I went to the hospital I took him a Coke and Butterfinger.  It was his favorite.  I fed him his snack and sat down beside him.  He started dozing off and I said, "Daddy I guess I'm going to head back to Greenville"... he said, "Don't leave me Buh... you don't have anything else to do... just sit here and rest".... and I did.  It's hard to type that now.... because I wish I had never left.  I did sit with him awhile and enjoy just watching him rest.

When I think about Daddy asking me to sit with him for a little bit and rest... I know without a doubt that Jesus wants that too... He just wants us to sit and rest with him a little bit each day.  I always tell my women's Bible study group that Jesus is waiting on you every morning to meet him... wherever it may be.... take time to spend time with Him each day.   Don't stand him up and not show up.

As we look at Joseph and his "Son", I feel sure that Joseph taught Jesus lessons along the way... most historical accounts think that Joseph was about 90 when Jesus was born (don't hold me to that)... so he was most likely dead when Jesus died.  But Jesus knew who his real father was... For those of you who are fathers... make good memories with your children... teach them lessons... be honest with them... teach them right and wrong using the Bible as a guide... (not the world)... For those of you who have fathers still... spend time with them... make memories with them... and share them with your children... and for those of you who don't have fathers... think of the memories you have and what you learned from them... I'm sure you can relate some of your lessons to ways that God was part of the lesson too.

I loved my daddy more than anything in the world... but the BEST daddy in the world had to be Joseph.... he was given the responsibility to train Jesus in his childhood... I have no doubt that God led him the entire way... would God be happy with the way you are training your children and grandchildren?  Let Joseph be your role model and as you look at him in the Nativity scene... thank God for sending him to watch over Jesus... and thank God for allowing there to be that ONE perfect child... ours aren't can have great expectations, but show your faith in the way you respond to your children's behaviors.  Strive to get a jewel in the Best Daddy crown as you go through life.

Monday, November 19, 2018

She's in LABOR!!!

I don't really want to search google for a picture to add here of a woman in labor, but I think we have all seen the pictures of the woman screaming with the doctor ready to catch the baby and the husband at her head... in complete shock.... have you ever really thought about the night that Jesus was born... and Joseph... and what he thought... allow me to think out loud for a minute.... nothing based on Biblical facts.... just what I think. 

There were no doctors to tell that Mary was dilated or ready to push or if the baby was breech....I'd like to think that God blessed her with an easy delivery, but somehow I think that God let her go through what most women do during labor.  My pregnancies were terrible... I had c-sections with no pain... and my babies were precious.... some people have it the other way around... you know... easy pregnancies... natural delivery... and bad children!  I won out on that one!  As I think of Joseph... I know Jesus was the perfect child... so I have to think that the delivery was a hard one. 

Delivery is nothing a woman wants to go through alone, and I don't believe that Joseph left her alone... I believe that he was there for her her side every minute... he probably held her hand when she cried... he probably pulled her hair back from her face while she was pushing... he probably told her how proud he was of her as he looked into the face of the newborn baby.  Most new wives think that the day they get married is the day they love their husband the most, but for me... I'll never forget the day KB was born... it's a new kind of love... when you see a father hold the baby for the first time. 

As you think about the Nativity scene... and Joseph... think of his sacrifice for doing the right thing and staying with a bad situation.... think about how he was there for Mary... and think of how he probably was overjoyed with relief as he watched the birth of his child....

Think of how happy God is when we accept him as our father... how happy he is to hold us in his arms.... how happy he is when we look up to him and smile with tears in our eyes.... Joseph stuck with the bad situation just like God sticks with us even when it would be easier to kick us to the curb.  God sticks with us when we are sinful, when we are jealous, when we are mean, when we are boastful... yeah, I just used characteristics to describe myself... but I know He sticks with me... just like Joseph was there for every second of Mary's delivery... When I look at Joseph... I know that God can love me just like Joseph loved Jesus... he wasn't his biological father... but he loved him anyway... God isn't my biological father... but he loves me even more than Daddy did.  If He can love me... I can love everyone!  If He can forgive me... I can forgive others! 

Love your children... even when they do wrong, they make bad choices, they drive you crazy... love them through the bad times.  If God can love us... we can love them.  Thank you Lord for giving us Joseph as a role model to love those who aren't our biological kin... let me always look to Joseph in the Nativity scene, instead of skipping over him, and know that You put him there for me to see a man who loves even in situations that aren't the best. 


Sunday, November 18, 2018

You are NOT the Father!

I don't think any men read this blog... except for Mark who loves to correct my spelling and word murdering, but feel free to share this week... I may have a word or two for the men! 

How many countless, wasteful hours have I wasted watching Maury claim who is and isn't the father of the baby?  Thank goodness I have my own children now and can't find the time to sit down to watch these shows... even though they are complete entertainment... they also make me realize how lucky I am to not be in that situation.... or at least that is what I told myself when I used to watch them.

This week I'll focus on Joseph... our next important character in the Nativity Scene.  In Matthew 1:18-25, Joseph is introduced to the Christmas story when an angel appears to him and tells him not to follow through with his plan to quietly divorce his soon to be wife who is pregnant.... and he is NOT the father! 

Joseph listened to his gut, or as I call it the Holy Spirit" and did what was right... he didn't divorce Mary quietly... he stayed with her.  I can only imagine the gossip of the town when everyone "thought" Mary was cheating on him.  I'm sure there were those who went to their grave doubting what Mary was saying.  As a preacher once shared in his sermon... Joseph faced a bad dilemma, he received a bold declaration, and he made a brave decision. 

I want to talk about that brave decision.  How many times have men wimped out and worried about what their friends thought... or worried they would look weak... or worried that they wouldn't be included if they made the right decision... and who am I kidding?  Women are the say way.  Brave decisions take a lot of strength, courage, and for me, prayer. 

Mark made a decision many years ago to change his lifestyle.  He wanted to be different.  He wanted to quit living on the fence.  He changed.... and it took me a few years to get in the boat and travel with him, but I decided I might better use him as a life raft.  I think Joseph was like that for Mary.  He was a source of strength for her.... Of course God knew how the story would end up... but what if Joseph hadn't been brave and done the right thing... what if Joseph left her stranded.... what if Joseph hadn't been brave enough to enter into a world that would cause judgment from friends, questions from everyone, and even a time that he would know he wasn't the blood father of a baby being born.  Whatever you might be going through... the answer is in the Bible... You can find comfort in scripture that gives the ins and outs of life. 

Characters in the Bible are used to show us that God uses tough situations to make a difference in our lives.  We all have choices to make... during those tough times we can choose to do the right thing... which may not be the easiest... or we can choose to do what the world would want us to do.  When you look at Joseph in your Nativity Scene... think about a man who did the right thing... he didn't worry about the world and what they would think... he didn't leave Mary stranded with a baby... and he didn't take the easy road out.  Think about the ideal man who sacrificed for his soon to wife... and I picture him loving his wife just as Christ loved the church.  And yes, that's from the Bible. 

Friday, November 16, 2018

Who Did You Tell the Secret to First?

First of all, this is NOT one of my ultrasound pictures.  I'm just sitting down from cleaning the house and getting myself organized for the Clemson game/ Thanksgiving activities this weekend.  I have to work Monday and Tuesday, so I am trying to get ahead a little before the mad rush begins.  I would get up and dig out the ultrasound, but once I sit down... that's it! 

As I spend the last day focusing on Mary, I can't help but focus on her relationship with her confidant... her friend... her cousin... Elizabeth.  Never really studying the before and after of Luke 2 (The Christmas Story), I learned a few years ago the importance of Elizabeth to the story.  How could I miss this part for so many years? 

Zechariah and Elizabeth were childless.  Zechariah served in the temple to make sure there was continuous burning of incense while worshipers were outside praying.  When he was alone in the temple, an angel appeared and startled him.  The angel told of his son, John, to be born... he would never drink wine... he would be filled with the Holy Spirit before he was born... he would go before the Lord and turn the hearts of parents to their children and the disobedient to the wisdom of righteous... he would make ready a people prepared for the Lord.  

Now Zechariah doubted this angel... (I would have too!)... But Gabriel tells him he was sent to tell the good news, and now because Zechariah doubted Gabriel... Zechariah would be silenced until the birth of the baby.  (This frightens me just a little... what if I don't listen to what God says and he tells me to be quiet.... I LOVE to talk).  

When Zechariah came out of the temple, he couldn't speak and people realized something happened.  Elizabeth became pregnant and her "disgrace" was taken away.  (Isn't it a shame that we look at women who can't have babies disgraceful?)  

In the sixth month of Elizabeth's pregnancy, Gabriel visited Mary... she was troubled by his words to her. Gabriel also told her about Elizabeth being pregnant.  

Mary quickly got ready and went to Judea to tell Elizabeth of her visit from the angel... Elizabeth's baby leaped in her womb when she heard Mary's voice.  

I never got to have an exciting time to tell about my pregnancies... with Katie Britt, I started spotting early after I chased a student down the hallway when he knocked on my door...I guess I forgot I was pregnant.... I was sicker than sick and Donna, our school secretary, called Mama to tell her I was pregnant.  Shortly after, I had a chicken casserole at my door from Kathryn.  Don't you love that people bring food when you are sick?   I bet they did that in Mary's time too! 

With Ben, 8 weeks into the pregnancy I had a gallbladder attack.  I had been hurting all night long... I thought I was having a miscarriage... dumb me went to work anyway.  As soon as I got there, I pulled three desks together to lay across and Staci entered the room.  I was hurting and in pain and she immediately said, "You are pregnant!"... I told her I was, but she was going to have to drive me to the doctor.  I think Ben attached to her from that point to now! 

As we start this Christmas season, I hope you have a friend.  I've been lucky in life... I have different groups... I keep in touch with my high school friends through a group message.  We often pray for each other... always have smart comments about stupid things we did (and possibly still do)... and we have been pillars of strength during the death of our parents.  I'm lucky in that my high school friends are also my college friends.  We decided we needed to stay together after high school!  After I moved to Greenville, I have my friends here that I'm so lucky to be able to reach out to at any minute if I need them.  We don't see each other often, but we know the other is there if we need them.  They have also been a source of wisdom for me as I dealt with Daddy's death.  I know what true friendship is now... it took me years, but I know the relationship that Elizabeth and Mary had... true friendship is about being around people who build you up and are happy for you... and about loving your children like they love theirs... and being there in the good times and bad times... and most of all, encouraging you when you need it! 

This statement is SO TRUE:

Mary is such an important part of the Christmas story... she followed God's lead and is still remembered today for her loyalty to God's direction... she was a good mother, a follower of her Son where ever he went, a faithful wife, and a good friend.  Focus on what you can do to be better in each of these areas.  Is there someone who is hurting this Christmas season because they don't have a friend, can't have children, have lost a parent, have an incurable sickness, and the list goes on and on.  I hope that I can do something for someone else this Christmas season that allows them to see Jesus in my heart... what a wonderful way to spread His love... by doing something for someone else. 

Thursday, November 15, 2018

My Mary is named Jane....

My Mary... My Jane

There is no doubt how much Mary loved Jesus.  She was a part of his miracle birth, watched him grow into a fine young man, was there when he performed his first miracle (with his mother's encouragement of course), and was there at his death.  I can think of no other role model for mothers besides Mary. 

I'm not bragging... just telling a few facts... Mama had a heart for making her children be something.  Although Jim and I could never measure up to the perfection of that middle child of hers, she was determined that all three of us would graduate from college and be able to support ourselves.  Jim and I took a little extra time and enjoyed ourselves... and through her determination and pushing us... we graduated!  She also played an integral part in our spouses.  While there was no doubt that Jim's "neighbor" was more than a neighbor... Mama thought she was wonderful.  Guille's friend who kept flooding the bathroom was also a perfect fit for him... She could see the love he had for her immediately.  And Mark... she knew he was smart and would take care of me.... What people don't know is what went on behind the scenes... she didn't let us date everyone we wanted... she and Daddy put their foot down and said no!  They didn't care if it might make us want to date someone more if they said no..... She was known to forget to tell Jim and Guille about girls who would call them... girls shouldn't call boys.  She was also known to tell me quite often that I needed to quit chasing "such and such" because he didn't like me.  The fact is she didn't like him!  Thank goodness for Mama's intuition.  Mama has also been there for us when we needed strength and prayers to get through situations. 

When I picture the love that Mary had for Jesus... I picture the love that my mama has for me.  That little girl in the middle is really lucky.... she gets to be raised just like I was.... she isn't out at all hours of the night like I was, but she definitely has been told to leave certain boys alone, that she WILL graduate from college and be able to support herself, and that I will be here for her no matter what she does to disappoint or thrill me.  I'm her mama and that love will never go away.  I hope one day she will call me every morning on her way to work to check on me... she will invite me to stay at her house for the weekend... and she will think going to church is just as important as I do.

Some people are spending their first Christmas without their mama.... or maybe their fifth or sixth.... and some may not know their mama at all.... but for those of you who have a great, good, or could be better relationship.... this Christmas.... open your heart to spend a little extra time with the one who brought you into the world.  Think of the love that Mary had for Jesus.... your mama loves you too... no matter what you have done.  For those who don't have their mama... just remember the good times... and smile... pass on the traits she left you with... and think of her as you look at your nativity. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Dorothy, Dorothy... where are you?

When Katie Britt was about four I took her shopping at the mall with Mama.  We were in Belk and I looked at the stroller and she was gone... At first I just thought she was with Mama over at another rack of clothes, but as Mama came towards me... I could tell she wasn't there... My heart dropped and I screamed Katie Britt's name over and over... no answer.  I was yelling at Mama... she was yelling at me... we both took our eyes off of her and she was gone...

I couldn't understand why she wouldn't answer me and I couldn't understand how she had gotten away from me... As I stood there, I began to go into survival mode and the thought struck me that she might be imitating her favorite character.... She watched The Wizard of Oz every morning on the way to the daycare.... keep in mind she only watched the first fifteen/twenty minutes every day.... she would never start where she stopped... we had to start over.  She would tell me every day.... "Here she comes Mama... "Elvira Gutch".... Go Dorothy, Go..... AND THEN IT CLICKED.....

I turned back to her stroller and said, "Dorothy.... where are youuuuuu?".... and she peeped her head out of the clothes rack that was right beside me and the stroller and said, "I'm right here Mama!"... I could have killed her... but I didn't.... I picked her up and told her how much I loved her and to please always answer to KB... and we would play Dorothy at home.  She didn't know the fear that was in my heart that day.  I hope another mother can comment and let me know you have had your children do the same thing to you!  But... she was right there the entire time. Right beside... if only I had called out to the right person! 

Luke 2: 41-52 tells of when Jesus' parents went to Jerusalem every year for the Festival of the Passover.  When they were returning home, Jesus had stayed behind without them knowing it.  Traveling in a crowd, they didn't realize he was missing... they found him after three days in the temple courts sitting with teachers listening to them and asking them questions.  Everyone was amazed with his answers... and his mother asked why he stayed back without them knowing... and they were anxiously searching for him.  Jesus wanted to know why they were looking for him because "Didn't you know I had to be in my Father's house?"... they didn't understand it at the time. 

How many times do we not understand what our children are doing?  How many times as a parent do we question what our children are doing and think we know the best thing?  How many times are we so frustrated with our children that we miss an opportunity to allow them to grow.  How many times do we miss our children?

I will never excuse KB for not answering me when I called her, but I will look to that situation as a learning experience on my part and hers.  We never think "that" will happen to us.  But... it does.  Just like Mary and Joseph lost Jesus... I've lost KB before... and I lost Ben once in Philadelphia, but it was his fault... not mine!  HA!  We all get "lost" sometimes, but just like I grabbed KB that day and hugged her and didn't want to let her go... I'm sure Mary and Joseph did the same thing.  I can picture them wanting to beat Jesus with a stick for staying behind, but I also know they probably just hugged and kissed him!  The best lesson of this... God grabs us back whenever we call on Him.... and hugs us and gives us comfort. 

Today... is God calling you... looking for you... wondering where you are?  Have you been gone from him for a minute like KB... or for days like Jesus was missing from his parents... or have you been gone from His love for a long time.... Have you ever met him?  Have you heard from Jesus... are you missing from Him? 

Jesus wants you to meet with him every day... he wants to know where you are... he wants to know your "Life 360" location.... He is waiting each morning on you to meet with him... wherever that may be.  If you are wondering what you can do... just sit down and talk to him... He is there.  Answer him when he calls... and don't be like "Dorothy"! 

I'd love to invite my readers to be a part of a quick, 5 minute devotional that I can you to.... it's free... all you need is a phone to download apps!  As we prepare our hearts for the Christmas season... I hope you can spend at least 5 minutes with Jesus each morning.  Send me a message through Facebook and I'll add you to group. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Don't miss it... even if the end result is something bad!

Just a child herself, Mary knew that Jesus was special and she had an important job.  As an infant Mary followed customs and took Jesus to the temple to present him to the Lord.  She was there when he was dedicated to God... this was to be a happy time... when Jesus was dedicated.  I think back to my children's baptism and I was so proud... but as we continue reading in Luke 2:33-35, Simeon delivers some very disturbing news.  He tells Mary that a sword will pierce her own soul.  I can't imagine knowing this... hearing this... and not immediately questioning God.  We all love to predict, but none of us know for sure what will happen.  I often wonder if Mary didn't think Jesus should live in a bubble instead of going out into the world... but she let go... and let God take control of the situation.  She was there for his dedication... she got bad news there, but she didn't let that stop her from living a great life.  She was there at his first miracle, and she didn't miss the important things of his life. 

At the crucifixion of Jesus, Mary was there... John 19:25 says, "Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother..."  I can't imagine standing and watching the pain, the hurt, the tears of blood, the entire event unfold in front of me.  I have often wondered if Mary thought "There is no way God would do this to me... There is no way God would let my baby boy (at 33) die".... But God did... He did it for me and you... and as Mary watched... I wonder if she thought it really wouldn't happen because she knew just how special Jesus was.  When something tragic happens... we have two choices.  We can react with dignity, grace, and manners... or we can lose control and try to take over the situation to make an even bigger mess.  I don't know what it was like the day that Mary watched Jesus hang on a cross to die, but I know she was there until the end.  She stood by Jesus and I feel sure she prayed for him to not hurt.... I even think she may have prayed for him to take his last breath.  Sometimes life throws us curve balls and we have to do the unthinkable... I prayed for Daddy to take his last breath... I wanted him to be out of pain... to no longer be sick... to regain his full strength somewhere else.  Maybe I'm wrong for asking that of God, but I hope that my children see me as I see Mary... a person who watched it all unfold and rely on the only strength I knew to make it... the Holy Spirit.  Mary should be our role model in so many ways.

Mary was also there forty days after the resurrection with the apostles praying after the ascension for a replacement apostle.... Mary had to have courage and a strong faith.  Wouldn't life be so much easier if we all believed with Mary's faith?  In our defense... we feel like she would believe everything that God told her because of the miracle birth, but I think back to what God has done for me... and I sometimes still doubt him. 

As you look at Mary... look to her to be your role model... her strength, encouragement, and belief in her son allowed her to be there for things even when it was the most pleasant event.  Where would our Nativity Scene be without Mary?  She is so important and we should never forget her role as Jesus's mother and her role as a believer in what the Lord can do! 

Monday, November 12, 2018

Steps to Being the Perfect Mother

What is a good mother?  We all have our own definitions of what a good mother is.  I'll never forget sitting at a ballgame many years ago and an acquaintance was telling me about her son going to spend the weekend in a college town and she didn't really want him to go.  She was all stressed out about it and was hoping I had some knowledge... I told her I only had a preschooler and elementary child... I didn't know what to tell her except go with your gut... in our conversation she said, "The hardest part of parenting is the parents who are sitting next to you!"... I looked at her like she was crazy... she explained that when all the other moms let their kids do something and she didn't that she was afraid of looking mean and acting better than everyone else.  That statement stuck with me then... and even more now.  

It's not my place to decide what other parents should do... it's my place to decide what I can tolerate in my house with my children.  Just this weekend my family was discussing how "crazy" it was that Ben wasn't allowed to take his cell phone to Washington, DC on a school field trip.  What ifs were running through their brains and concerns for safety were clearly the top reasons they thought it was stupid.  For me, I was torn... I love the fact that my 14 year old has gone a field trip to another state from Saturday until Tuesday morning and hasn't had a phone... he hasn't complained... I'm sure he will grab it off the counter when he walks in the door, but for a short time he was able to function without it.  The school has been nice enough to send us calls with updates, created a Facebook page with lots of videos and pictures, and chaperones have allowed students to use their phones to call home.  I say all this to show that two different places can do things two different ways and it's going to be okay.  I would have to argue that Ben might see more in the nation's capital than a child with a phone though because I know they can be distracting.  We followed the rules and didn't hide a phone in his suitcase... and while my heart was worried... I know doing the right thing was best.  I followed the rules.  

Another example might be what I allow my children to do and not do... I know this sounds crazy, but I don't give KB a curfew.  I don't have to... for one, she is a sixty year old woman in an 18 year old body... and two... she is mature enough to make decisions about what time she needs to be here.  Ben may be a different story.... but I'm the mama and if the rules change for one child... it's okay.  Every child is different no matter what we do as parents.  I think good mothers don't put children in boxes and make the rules the same for all of them! It breaks my heart sometimes to see the differences that I have to modify for, but I know it's the right thing.  

Looking at the Nativity Scene... I see Mary... Jesus's mother... and I think to myself that she must have had a hard time watching her son from birth to death... and I think about what she would do if she were in my shoes.  Whenever I start "thinking"... I start looking for verses to help me.  

Ephesians 6:4    Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger by the way you treat them. Rather, bring them up with the discipline and instruction that comes from the Lord.

The Bible is very clear about discipline.  We have to discipline our children... just like God disciplines us.  I believe in discipline... but how are children to know what is wrong if we don't teach them?  How are children supposed to learn what is wrong and right if they don't see good examples of how to act and behave.  As parents, if we break the rules... we teach our children it's okay to break the rules.  As parents, if we treat others with disrespect... we teach our children it's okay to treat others poorly.  As parents, if we make excuses for our children... we teach our children excuses become the "reasons" behind many broken rules and that's okay.  Step One... Follow the rules and laws... be an example to your children and other children you see.  

Proverbs 22:6 Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.  

Pretend that you have gotten the news you have one week to live... how would you spend it?  Most people say that they would be in the church praying daily every time the doors opened that week.  I know for me I'd spend several hours a day writing letters to family and praying for others who would be left behind.  I'd make more time for the family dinners, the family time, and the family prayers.  While I can't make someone be saved, I'd try my best to plant the seeds with people who didn't profess their faith.  We should raise our children showing them the way to go each week!  

1 Timothy 5:8
Anyone who doesn't provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.  

I have a responsibility as a parent to make sure I provide for my children.  I think this verse includes food, shelter, clothing, but I also believe it means to provide guidance in choosing the road less traveled.  That road less traveled may mean you don't have a Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat full of fun pictures with friends, nights out all night making memories, and a long list of people to call when you are bored... it's my job as a parent to let my children know it's okay to be different!  I used to tell them that if they did something secretly and kept it from us... it probably wasn't the right thing to do... and now we have added that if you think it might be wrong... just ask... better safe than sorry!

Acts 5:29
Peter and the other apostles replied: "We must obey God rather than human beings"!  A good mother will teach her children that the answers to all their problems will be addressed in the Bible.  Just because every other child or parent is doing it... doesn't make it right.  I learned this the hard way.  I think back to some poor decisions and realize that had I given my children a little more attention the choices they made may have been different.  If I had been in the Word more instead of the world... things may have been a little different.  

Romans 14:12
So then, each of us will give an account of ourselves to God.

One day I will have to tell God why I did or didn't do something.  I can't imagine all the explaining I'll have to do, but I pray that the last years of my life will be better than the first 40.  As a mama, I have to account for both my children... did I tell them the right thing to do?  Or did I tell them just don't get caught doing the wrong thing?  Did I tell them that following the world is the best thing to do?  Or did I tell them to be like aliens and be different than others?  Did I prepare them for giving an account of what they choose to do?  They may keep it a secret from me, but God will always know.  

Finally... Mary... Jesus's mother... am I following her lead as the perfect mother?  

Luke 2: 21-40 speaks of Jesus being taken to the church as an 8 day old baby and meeting Simeon.

Simeon said great things about Jesus... he knew who he was.  I find comfort in knowing that taking my children to church could lead them to being so much more in life.  I can't be the perfect mother without some help... I get my help from my family, church family, the Bible, and the Holy Spirit... 

Be like Mary... take your children to church... set an example for them to follow... and remember that you will give an account for your life and decisions you have made.  It's never to late to change the way you think... I hope and pray that Mary will be our role model for the "perfect mother" instead of the mother sitting next to us.  It might break your heart... but do the right thing!