Friday, November 16, 2018

Who Did You Tell the Secret to First?

First of all, this is NOT one of my ultrasound pictures.  I'm just sitting down from cleaning the house and getting myself organized for the Clemson game/ Thanksgiving activities this weekend.  I have to work Monday and Tuesday, so I am trying to get ahead a little before the mad rush begins.  I would get up and dig out the ultrasound, but once I sit down... that's it! 

As I spend the last day focusing on Mary, I can't help but focus on her relationship with her confidant... her friend... her cousin... Elizabeth.  Never really studying the before and after of Luke 2 (The Christmas Story), I learned a few years ago the importance of Elizabeth to the story.  How could I miss this part for so many years? 

Zechariah and Elizabeth were childless.  Zechariah served in the temple to make sure there was continuous burning of incense while worshipers were outside praying.  When he was alone in the temple, an angel appeared and startled him.  The angel told of his son, John, to be born... he would never drink wine... he would be filled with the Holy Spirit before he was born... he would go before the Lord and turn the hearts of parents to their children and the disobedient to the wisdom of righteous... he would make ready a people prepared for the Lord.  

Now Zechariah doubted this angel... (I would have too!)... But Gabriel tells him he was sent to tell the good news, and now because Zechariah doubted Gabriel... Zechariah would be silenced until the birth of the baby.  (This frightens me just a little... what if I don't listen to what God says and he tells me to be quiet.... I LOVE to talk).  

When Zechariah came out of the temple, he couldn't speak and people realized something happened.  Elizabeth became pregnant and her "disgrace" was taken away.  (Isn't it a shame that we look at women who can't have babies disgraceful?)  

In the sixth month of Elizabeth's pregnancy, Gabriel visited Mary... she was troubled by his words to her. Gabriel also told her about Elizabeth being pregnant.  

Mary quickly got ready and went to Judea to tell Elizabeth of her visit from the angel... Elizabeth's baby leaped in her womb when she heard Mary's voice.  

I never got to have an exciting time to tell about my pregnancies... with Katie Britt, I started spotting early after I chased a student down the hallway when he knocked on my door...I guess I forgot I was pregnant.... I was sicker than sick and Donna, our school secretary, called Mama to tell her I was pregnant.  Shortly after, I had a chicken casserole at my door from Kathryn.  Don't you love that people bring food when you are sick?   I bet they did that in Mary's time too! 

With Ben, 8 weeks into the pregnancy I had a gallbladder attack.  I had been hurting all night long... I thought I was having a miscarriage... dumb me went to work anyway.  As soon as I got there, I pulled three desks together to lay across and Staci entered the room.  I was hurting and in pain and she immediately said, "You are pregnant!"... I told her I was, but she was going to have to drive me to the doctor.  I think Ben attached to her from that point to now! 

As we start this Christmas season, I hope you have a friend.  I've been lucky in life... I have different groups... I keep in touch with my high school friends through a group message.  We often pray for each other... always have smart comments about stupid things we did (and possibly still do)... and we have been pillars of strength during the death of our parents.  I'm lucky in that my high school friends are also my college friends.  We decided we needed to stay together after high school!  After I moved to Greenville, I have my friends here that I'm so lucky to be able to reach out to at any minute if I need them.  We don't see each other often, but we know the other is there if we need them.  They have also been a source of wisdom for me as I dealt with Daddy's death.  I know what true friendship is now... it took me years, but I know the relationship that Elizabeth and Mary had... true friendship is about being around people who build you up and are happy for you... and about loving your children like they love theirs... and being there in the good times and bad times... and most of all, encouraging you when you need it! 

This statement is SO TRUE:

Mary is such an important part of the Christmas story... she followed God's lead and is still remembered today for her loyalty to God's direction... she was a good mother, a follower of her Son where ever he went, a faithful wife, and a good friend.  Focus on what you can do to be better in each of these areas.  Is there someone who is hurting this Christmas season because they don't have a friend, can't have children, have lost a parent, have an incurable sickness, and the list goes on and on.  I hope that I can do something for someone else this Christmas season that allows them to see Jesus in my heart... what a wonderful way to spread His love... by doing something for someone else. 

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