Sunday, November 11, 2018

Can you believe she is pregnant?

How many times has this come out of our mouths?  The young, unmarried girl in high school or college, the woman with five or six children already, or the mother who is "too old" to add another baby to her family...  we have all been there and passed judgment on the girl, her family, the entire situation.  While no mother prays for her daughter to be in the situation that Mary was in at the age of 12, 14, or 16... it happened then... and it happens now.  I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason.  I don't believe that any girl loves her baby any less whether she is married or not.  A baby... is a baby... and who doesn't love one?  I believe that Mary felt the same way about Jesus.

Some things haven't changed over time, and I believe that no matter the humility, the embarrassment, the shame, the rumors... the everything... that when Jesus was born he was loved by his mother.  As I look at the role of Mary in the Nativity Scene, I can't help but think of how she must have felt.  How did she feel when the angel came and told her she would carry a baby?  Was she elated when she felt him move for the first time?  Did she have everything she needed to make sure he would be well taken care of?  I'm sure she felt the same things I felt when I was pregnant.   What mother hasn't felt those things... even with the unplanned element there?

I think the biggest lesson we can learn from Mary is what Romans 8:28 tells us...
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to this purpose.

Mary wasn't in the ideal situation... she wasn't married... her soon to be husband knew the baby wasn't his... and who would really believe Mary when she told about the angel?  What started out as pain, worry, and even disbelief turned into the most beautiful story in the world.  In fact, His entire life is a story of pain and gain... Mary suffered through what people judged her about... I wonder if they talked about her parents not being good because "they" allowed this to happen?  I wonder if her friends thought "Gosh, I'm glad that is her and not me"?  I wonder if Mary thought "Why in the world did this have to happen to me"?

I think our human nature is to think only in the moment... and not think to the future.  God makes no mistakes.  I know that God put Mary in this situation to teach you and me a lesson... to have a model lesson to look to in situations for our own lives.  How many of us have found ourselves in situations where we may be just like Mary?  Embarrassed, shamed, humiliated... but as we grow older and stronger in our relationship with Christ, we realize that these are the situations that make us a better person.

Don't you think Mary should be someone we all look to when we are hurting, or worried, or afraid?  Look at what Mary went through as a young, unmarried, pregnant girl... but don't stop there... her story turned into something great.  She let God have control and make the best of the situation.  If only I could do that... let Him have control over the situations instead of me.  Let Him use me like He used Mary.

Where are you in your life right now?  Are you struggling with something?  Are you embarrassed?  Are you humiliated by a situation?  Let it go... you can't go back and change what has happened already.  BUT... you can learn from the situation and be like Mary... rely on the Holy Spirit to guide you... lead you... and make the best of the situation you are in... and if by chance you can take the focus off of yourself for just a minute... you may see the beauty in a bad situation is just God's hand at work in your life.

I can't wait to get to Heaven and ask Mary if she would do it all again... I have no doubt that she will say yes... I feel sure she would go through the bad again to get the GOOD!  As you stare at your Nativity Scene this season... look at Mary... and think of the beautiful blessing that came from what started out looking like a bad situation... I'm betting at least one person who reads this can testify to the fact that Romans 8:28 has been proven true in their own lives just like it was in Mary's.

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