Monday, January 27, 2014

Getting Ready for a Snow Day...or 2 ... or 1/2

It looks like we may get a little snow tomorrow... I can remember when I was little how wonderful it was to wake up and hear Mama say we didn't have to go to school... I think that was once! My senior year we got out of school early for snow, but I wasn't there because I was sick... I don't really remember a lot of snow days....
When Mark and I moved to Greenville, I was ecstatic about the number of snow days we got... I would wake up all night long running to the window to see if we had school... we usually didn't and it was marvelous.... UNTIL.... it iced and we lost power!
I loved watching Little House on the Prairie growing up... it was my favorite show...still is my favorite... along with Designing Women and Andy Griffith and Brady Bunch... and Family Affair.... anyway.... I always thought it would be fun to cook supper by a fire, roast marshmallows, and live like Laura did... it didn't take me but a few hours to realize that was not my cup of tea....
I think it was 2008.... I had gotten the call that we didn't have school and had settled on the couch with my cup of coffee, Ben sleeping in my arms, and KB playing in her playroom... and then I heard an awful crash and everything went black... the power was out! After an hour, I called Mark and he said it would come back on not to worry.... so I waited another hour.... no power... I called him again and told him we were getting cold and we needed to be somewhere with power. I walked outside and heard something running and thought it was the power I waited until after lunch before I called Mark again.... one of my neighbors had a generator plugged up...not the power the noise was there for that reason.... neighbors were telling me that I would be without power for at least two days... I packed my stuff and came to Lincolnton!
I say all this to remind KB and Ben that while most people are frantically getting milk and bread ready for the storm about to hit.... Let me tell you what the really important things are that need to be done...

1. Blow the driveway and porches off so your snow pictures will be smooth and pretty.... (I did that this afternoon)

2. Wash, dry, and iron everything in the house in case we lose power.... (working on my last load now)

3. Call Mayonnaise and make sure your generator will crank and is ready to give you power if it goes out!...(after that ice storm in 2008 we bought a generator that lets me heat my house, run the dishwasher, dryer, and dishwasher.... important!)

4. Have two good meals that you can cook and use for leftovers.... (we usually end up at Mama's, but I have that ready too)

5. Put lines on the carpet....(I plan on doing that tomorrow when we get home)

6. Take a hot bath tonight because you don't know if you will get a "hot" one for a few days! (let's hope the generator kicks in if we need it)

7. Find your gloves, coats, scarves, and hats.... (as soon as the snow starts falling you know we will want to be out in it)

8. Get the four-wheelers gassed up....(you know Mayo will be calling first thing)

9. Make sure your sof-blankies are clean.... nothing like wrapping up in them after you have been in the snow all day!

10. Finally, don't waste your time complaining about having to go to school tomorrow... that is the exciting part... you will make many memories from this snow storm.... hopefully, and to those people who are complaining that no call has been made yet... good grief... there isn't any snow yet... these are the same ones who complained a few weeks ago because we had a delay... the best advice is BE PREPARED... you may or may not be in school all day tomorrow (do your homework.... it has to be done at some point)... call me if you need me to come get you... don't miss out on this fun time worrying about if / when school is going to close! I promise it is a WONDERFUL feeling to wake up to that 5 AM call and hear we don't have school...or even to hear over the intercom at school that we are dismissing early....

I'm trying real hard to take my advice on #10.... I sure wish my class would be cancelled tomorrow night... so.... tonight I leave you with a nice little prayer...

Dear God,

We want it to snow... not ice... and we don't need a long break... just maybe half a day... Thanks for Your love for us... Keep us safe.... Amen.....

Our snow days....through the years....

 The gator KB got when Ben was born... we put 1,000 miles on it! 

 Ben was days old when this storm happened....

 And then he was able to play in it!

 Valentine's day storm our first year in LC....

 Butchie likes some snow....

Monday, January 20, 2014

Be the Change

Dear Sis and Boo~

Open your eyes up people, and take a good look around,
Catch the tears fillin' up all those cracks in the ground.
Turn off you televisions; leave your picture perfect neighborhoods
A lot of folks out there ain't doing so good,
Too many of us left out in the cold

No invitations given, no welcome mats unrolled,
But you can, be the change you wanna see.
Be the hope to those whose lives are far from easy.
Reach out and lend a hand, share everything you can,
And be the change, be the change.

Carry the world on your shoulders, for a little while,
Put on someone else shoes, and walk around.
So many cups a runneth over, while so many goin dry
The grass ain't always green on the other side.
There's still a lot of work to be done,
A lot of wrongs to right, a lot of battles to be won.

If you can be the change you wanna see,
Be the hope to those who lives are far from easy.
Reach out and lend a hand, share everything you can,
And be the change, be the change.

Reach out and lend a hand, share everything you can
And be the change, be the change.

Be the change.
Be the change.
Be the change.

At least once a week I find something on the internet that I think "Wow, I love this"... Mark, KB, and Ben are quick to tell me that I am so far behind~  They have either seen it, heard it, or shared it.... Well... I am sure that this will be no different, but yesterday I found this song while looking for new running music... It is by Corey Smith (never heard of him, but has some really good songs... ).  You have to listen to the song in order to appreciate it... Not sure how I stumbled on this unless it is a Godwink. 

A few Sundays ago, we were asked if we could be anyone... who would we want to be... We all answered with fantasies of rich people, queens, kings, presidents.... and then Mark said something that made me realize just how blessed I am.... He said for one day he wanted to be homeless... to see what it was like.  I could have thought all day long and never come up with that answer... I like to be warm when it is cold outside, cool when it is hot outside, use A LOT of electricity, and eat most things at a non-room temperature.  This proves just how much he thinks... he scares me sometimes... with his wisdom and knowledge... As I have been faced with many things these past few weeks... I think about his answer.  What a lucky girl I am to have a husband who thinks like this... I love seeing God working in his life... Sis and Boo... you don't know how lucky you are... we are three lucky people who probably don't realize just how blessed we are... Each day I wake up and have all intentions of being a better person.  In so many ways I  have changed... but I'm not sure I can catch up to Mark.  Yesterday in Sunday school we talked about how songs and cards and other things we see make us love our spouses even more.... When LeeBo asked the question if it happened to anyone else I couldn't answer... I turn into a sobbing cry baby when I talk about my life... not sure why... but I have a tender heart.  So... to answer that question... Yes, seeing things like lunches fixed, clothes in a washing machine, and my car cranked in the mornings... hearing things like "Trudy", certain songs, and "You aggavatin" make me love him all over again.  I truly believe this song is all about him... he wants to "Be the Change"... No, our world isn't perfect, but I think Mark would rather do for someone else than for himself... I have seen it for the last fourteen years... he goes to work in far away places and can't see his family every day... for some... that isn't anything, but to hear him call and talk about how he feels like he needs to be here breaks my heart.  He savors those moments with our children that I sometimes neglect to enjoy.  As you settled for bed tonight... this song came back to my mind and also made me want to tell you how much your daddy loves you... not because he gives you expensive toys, or elaborate trips, but because he prays for you... wants the best for you... and wants you to be thankful for what you have... May you always know his love for you...he wants you to realize just how blessed we are...  What an example for the three of us to follow...

I hope in the years to come you will always remember ~

Reach out and lend a hand, share everything you can
And be the change, be the change.

 Be the change.
Be the change.
Be the change.

Love your mama... who is working on changing too... I'm still not sure about the no electricity part!  :)

Monday, January 6, 2014

New Year, New You....

ADHD part 42.... I love to exaggerate and use that number .... I have at least 42 thoughts running through my head....
1.  Today ended freedom... back to school, but tomorrow we are on a two hour delay due to the cold weather!  It makes me homesick for Greenville... I used to love two hour delay days... we got credit for being at school but our day was shortened... I used to stay up late the night before waiting on the call... checking out the window every hour.... and listening for the news... wow how things have changed... now we get a text, a phone call, or a facebook message... I like it! 

2.  I was playing around with my blog while ago... I'm shocked that I have had 12,699 visitors to my blog... I'm a little concerned that I'm being stalked, or either someone is constantly reading the same things over and over again... I completely understand why people go private now with their blogs... I mean this my diary... for my children... I don't mind sharing how much I love them with everyone, but that may be too many people...

3.  I am sure that Mayonnaise would not approve of the contraption I have set up in my garage for the dogs tonight... I have a small space heater plugged in on top of a college dorm refrigerator with the cords from the extension cord inside it... the cords are drapped over the motorcycle and a shelf... I also have a tarp nailed to the door to block the wind... I feel sure that someone important will be visiting me tomorrow... I will have to get up at the regular time to get all that stuff out of the way! 

4.  I am so mad at myself after reading one of my friend's post on facebook... Her church is offering a warm place for anyone who doesn't have heat and they are cooking breakfast for those that stay... what a gracious church... Wish I had thought of doing that! 

5.  I bought several little things this weekend... my favorite was a clear pitcher with a piece running down the middle... when I held it up, Mama said that I would be able to freeze that middle piece and keep things cold... she was wrong... it is for fruit... I cut up lemons and oranges and stuck them down the middle... the fruit infuses into the water... so good... and I hate pulp... and seeds... so none of that comes in to play.... also- the fruit stays fresh for a week to ten days like that... so refreshing... can't wait to try some new fruits...

6.  Mark has flown to San Diego... Here I sit in my bed with two blankets on me and he is wearing short sleeved shirts... I would be jealous of him, but the text he sent me this afternoon changed my mind... "We are crossing into Arkansas... Looking for better air... 225 mph headtail winds"... oh my gosh... I would die right there...

7.  I could really care less who wins between Auburn and FSU.... I'm watching... but no excitement to me... I'm glad I'm not a majorette anymore... there is nothing flattering about those uniforms...

8.  I LOVE surprises and thoughtful gifts... this afternoon I saw a box at my front door when I drove up... I tried to remember what in the world I had ordered... I quickly ran in and opened the box... I didn't have a lot of time before I had to leave for tumbling... I saw that it was a beautiful wintry scene puzzle... In my mind, I said, "Mark needs his butt kicked... I have to take KB to Augusta on Mondays, I have class on Tuesdays, Wednesday is church night, and Fridays and Saturdays we have basketball... He knows I will be so caught up with the puzzle I won't do anything else!"... As we were driving home from Augusta I got a message and realized Mark didn't order the puzzle...  It was a thoughtful gift that was from the heart!  I LOVE IT!  And now... since it was a gift... I have to do it... I'm going to let Mark take KB tumbling next week, I'm going to procrastinate on my homework, and I'm going to stay up late working on that puzzle!  I love sweet notes, sweet presents, and sweet  friends! 

9.  I have a prized container of "different tea" on my counter.  This weekend I called BC and she said she was looking for the recipe for Russian tea... Jim and Guille always asked for different tea... so that is what I say... Mama made us some tonight and sent me a tupperware dish with it!  I can't wait to drink it in the morning!  It used to be my favorite...'s is no fat!  She used Splenda.... 

10.  I am hoping that we have a snow day the day after the Super Bowl too... It's only halftime and almost 10:30... too late....

11.  I start my last semester of school tomorrow... am I sad... NO... am I going to miss... HECK NO... have I learned anything the past two years... Well... WE WILL SEE.... Am I going to have a tremendous amount of time after April!!!!  YES!!!!

12.  I am working on our summer plans now... we have been fortunate enough to go somewhere every summer with Mark's work or the Huddle House convention.... This year the two events are both being held in Atlanta... I'm thinking I need to go somewhere educational.... like Hawaii... like that could be my graduation present... like Pearl Harbor is educational...and volcanoes... and I'm sure lots of other things... I'm going to get my case together before I present it to Mark! 

13.  I love January... the newness of everything... the cleanliness... the organization... I have to get a little more motivated... that darn puzzle is throwing my schedule off....

14.  I sure do hope someone will text me if some exciting news is happening on facebook and instagram... I have to give up something... I have replaced them and candy crush with other "better" habits.... let's hope I can stick with it! 

My other favorite number is 14... I stop at 14 tonight because I'm tired...

15. One more... I don't think women should be announcers for football... they haven't played a down in their lives... why would they want to announce the game???? Doesn't make sense to me....