Monday, January 30, 2012

"Hell Ain't Half Full"

The Mattisons have sayings that stick... Many moons ago, James Frank Mattison (Pop) married Suejette Cooper Mattison (Jet) and they had James Frank Mattison, Jr. (James) married Margaret Franklin Mattison (Granny) and they had James Frank Mattison III (Butch). Daddy married Jane Guillebeau Mattison and they had James Frank Mattison IV... and Harvey Guillebeau Mattison, and me (Rachel Britt Mattison). On a side note... I could give an entire post dedicated to the "horrificness" of Guille's and my names!

Anyway... I am proud to say that my great-granddaddy was the "town crier" of McCormick, SC... now of course being born when he had to have been 135... I have no idea what that actually means. I just know that he married people and said here ye, here ye... whatever that means! Pop was not known to be the nicest of men. My mama has said hundreds of times that Daddy is just like him. I don't consider Daddy mean, but I guess if you are on the receiving end of his honesty...then you might think he isn't so nice. He doesn't put up with nonsense... tells it like it is... and loves to spread a little news if he has it. I only have my daddy to compare Pop to because he died when I was four. I have pictures of him to remember what he looked like, but as far as mannerisms...I have to assume he is just like Daddy...

When I began dating Mark, I hung out with Betty Carol on the weekends and bonded with her...asking her millions of questions about growing up so close to my daddy's side of the family. I love that Mark's mama would come to my grandparents house every weekend in high school and knew all kinds of secrets about my daddy! BC also taught me a lot about Pop too! One of my favorite stories is when they were riding down the road and a car would pass them... Pop would say..."Go ahead, Hell ain't half full!"...

Today, as KB and I were headed to Augusta, a car passed us...flying! I don't know why, but I said, "Go ahead, Hell ain't half full!". Of course she thought I might end up in hell for saying that... but then I thought about it... and realized... Hell isn't half full!

I can think of at least ten things that I would love to send people to Hell for... like passing me when I am already driving 65mph, taking a few words from someone and twisting them to make matters seem worse than they already are, for lying to my face, for not treating their children like children, for being selfish, for being two-faced, for being a "spoon" (you know...stirring up stink), for not listening to advice from others, etc... you get my picture...great day huh?

And then I thought about myself... why do I always try to clean up someone else's doorstep before I work on my own does need a little sweeping... I need to be a little nicer to those that I don't care for, I need to take time to let some people in my life know how special they are, and I need to spend a little more time with God in order to make sure my broom is fresh.

Besides...hell ain't half full... and I sure don't want to be down there cleaning up doorsteps...

FYI... Be nice, don't stir stink, and DON'T PASS ME!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

January 26, 2012- Thursday Thirteen

Wow, Thursdays come around quickly!

1. 7.6 at WW... still not where I want to be... started walking this week though... I guess every little bit helps!

2. This week...I am jealous of Mark. It isn't fun receiving a text message telling me he is on the 44th floor looking at Times Square and my view is a yard that needs some pine straw and some fresh plants in pots!

3. This is the first week I have worked every day since before Thanksgiving... makes for a long week! The good thing? Tomorrow is jeans Friday... doesn't take much to make me happy!

4. This afternoon I walked around our neighborhood circle... in shorts and a t-shirt. I am sure people in their homes had to close the blinds from the glare of my legs, but seriously...January... shorts... I thought this was snow weather!

5. I am swamped at work... I used to have time to scan my phone during the day, listen to messages, answer emails... I have time for nothing... I think school has turned into Walmart... you more for less!

6. Last month I was on the kick of Keurig Apple Cider... after I found out it was 2 points on Weight Watchers... I decided to find something else formy drink of choice: I found English Breakfast Tea... a little splenda... fat free half-half... Yummy!

7. I personally have issues with men who cheat on their wives.... but Blake Shelton... I have to look over your faults... I love listening to your music. I'm thinking Jesus would say forgive, forget... enjoy the music. (if it isn't talking about cheating!)

8. Mark and I are having a small disagreement about where we went on our honeymoon... This month's Southern Living has a getaway page to a resort in the keys... I swear it is where we stayed on our honeymoon... The lagoon... the little huts... the beautiful scenery... I guess he will just have to take me back since he says that isn't the place! I am only 99% sure that it is true because we did have the honeymoon from hell! After spending a few days at Hilton Head (and I got food poisoning), we headed to the KEYS...on a plane. S.C.A.R.E.D to death! We get to the resort room, turn on the television... and see that there has been an airplane crash. I stayed glued to the television watching every detail. After two nights of our supposedly four night stay... I talked him into driving all the way home. Wow... took forever. It didn't help that it was hotter than hot....I wanted to drive up A1Avenue to enjoy the scenery at 35 mph...and Mark was madder than a wet hen since he had to get on an airplane when we got back to go to work. So... he may be right... but at least that is what I remember from 15 years ago.

9. I finally learned what some symbols mean... yes, I just assumed what they meant... but I finally got it.... :) is a sideways smiley face =) and this is too! of course that means that :( is a sad face and so is =( Now that I see it... I feel like such a blond... I 'm gonna have to make sure Tara isn't putting chemicals on my scalp! I always thought when people sent those symbols to me it was their phone not acting right because no face showed up! I'm stupid... I know!

10. I was thinking that since I have worked with middle schoolers and high schoolers I would be able to handle when my children get that age~ you know dealing with the drama... I am not looking forward to it... A t A L L .... However I did enjoy my company today on my front porch!

11. There are five days left in January. According to my schedule... I should have all my rooms reorganized and cleaned... I have not done O N E! So much for my OCD lists! I will shred it along with the other lists that I haven't done!

12. I found out this week that my two years at private school count toward no retirement for me in Georgia.... it was a school in South Carolina...Retirement age for me just went up two years!

13. I am so excited to be at #13. I am going to take a long, hot bath... listen to this pouring rain... and wrap up with two best sleeping pals a girl can get! Hopefully, she won't talk in her sleep all night like last night...and he won't drool all over me! But listening to their breathing makes my heart smile!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Ben to Katie Britt 2

Just so I can remember these things that my children say to each other...

Preface to the story:
One of my family's favorite things to say to each other when we meet is "How yerrr doin?" from I will be honest and say I don't think my children have ever watched this video, but family has watched we say it!

Tonight- KB and I picked up Ben from Mama's...

Katie Britt: "Ben, when we left Hardees there was a sugar girl there!"
Ben: "How fat was she and did she ask you how yerr doin?"

I almost wrecked the car pulling in the garage.

Moral of this story: Be careful what you say... it will come back to haunt ya!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

January 19, 2012- Thursday Thirteen

1. I didn't work today because I had to go do what women have to do when they turn 40. I heard this story the first time years when I was 18 or 19.... and it was so funny! I laughed and laughed... well...let me tell is true! I am sure Boo-Ma will turn over in her grave since I am discussing this...and Mama will call me crass...but also consider that I had another grandmother who had to have both tatas removed! "The Story"... If you want to practice for a mammogram...simply go outside and place your tata on the cold cement floor of the garage... run over it with a tire... repeat with the other side. Oh the things to look forward to with age!

2. Now to more serious things... food... I cooked a delicious meat this week! Thanks to KCR... I took 6 boneless, skinless chicken breasts~ (wow this post is all about those), a package of dry ranch dressing, and a bottle of hot wing sauce (Hooters is my favorite)... cook in the crockpot all day.... When I got home...I took the chicken out and pulled it apart with a fork (looks a lot like BBQ)... I toasted a hamburger bun and put a piece of Swiss cheese on top... melted... Yummy, easy, and one pot clean up...can't beat that!

3. I didn't do so great this week at Weight Watchers... -.2 So that makes my grand total 6.8... talk about heartbreaking! Anyway... I ate out due to work ~ being out of town~ and obviously didn't count portions correctly... Hopefully, this week will be better!

4. I love Ben... I really do.... but for some reason tonight I am overwhelmed with love for him... he makes me laugh. This morning I was in charge of getting the children to school...Mark left early for Atlanta, and I didn't have to leave for my appointment until I had the duty of breakfast, dressing, and dropping off... let me just say...Praise Jesus that isn't my job every morning. My children are not angels in the morning! I can remember at least three yelling matches and running out the door with four minutes to get to school on time...(school takes five minutes to get to)...I yelled at him and told him he would be sleeping in his bed tonight and not camping out in the den because he was so ugly. He talked all big and said, "I will." Well... as I am typing this we are on about round four of the good nights, I love you, see you in the morning... I can't break my promise to him that if he is ugly he has to sleep upstairs... but I sure would love that little stinky crack down here with me!

5. Sis got to "walk to town" for the first time this afternoon! I warned her, threatened her, and warned her some more. I told her she had to prove herself, that she could be responsible, be where she was supposed to be, and not act silly... As far as I know she succeeded... I am so proud of her... What I didn't tell her was that I was walking the streets when I was in the 3rd grade and would run home right before Mama and Daddy would get in from work! I feel sorry for my children... I am not sure they are going to be able to outsmart me... if they do... it won't be that I didn't try!

6. One of my best girlfriends who has done my hair since high school ( not legally, but getting ready for ballgames) has a prayer request for her daddy... they think he has had a stroke. I love this man! He was one of the "older" daddies in our grade! We could always go by his gas station and he would be so nice... he would take care of us... let us do what we wanted... and entertain us with his stories of "Shot"! I pray Mr. Alex is okay... I love you Tara!

7. I just looked at the calendar...would never count down the days to the next holiday, but... we have a break in February, a break in March, and a break in April... I am not working a full month for the rest of the school year... hmph... hate it!

8. We are headed to Clemson this weekend... going to the basketball game against Georgia Tech... go Tigers!

9. Random thought... I miss Christmas music season... not necessarily the Christmas music, but I wish every season had a genre of music... Like right now I wish I was listening to music about winter, snow, hot chocolate, sweaters....all that... instead I am listening to Mark watch Phil Mickelson talk about Augusta BEFORE he won the Masters... rerun!

10. I saved almost 8.00 this week with coupons! I think that is great! I won't ever make it on Extreme Couponing, but that is 8.00 to add to my fun money!

11. When we were little, Boo-Ma would come get us to "paint the town"... I used to think we were really going to paint it... I wonder how she would feel now...we don't have to paint the town at all... we can read facebook and find out who is where, who ate what for supper, and who is in trouble... saves on gas, but still makes me wonder!

12. FYI~ there is a little stinky butt on my couch! I caved... he is precious, he will only be little once, and (Mark will be here in the morning to deal with him)!

13. I tried Cherry Diet 7-up this week... yummy! Try it!

Monday, January 16, 2012

KB's Interview from 2009-2012

KB's answer in bold are tonight's answers... the original interview was done in 2009

1. What is something your mom always says to you? go empty your basket (go find the cat)
2. What makes your mom happy? when the kitties don't "hisk" at her (being with the cat)
3. What makes your mom sad? when she can't find a kitty (when she can't find the cat)
4. How does your mom make you laugh? tickle me (dancing and singing)
5. What was your mom like as a child? pretty (like me)
6. How old is your mom? 38 (40)
7. How tall is your mom? 5 foot 6 (5 foot 6)
8. What is your mom's favorite thing to do? go in the office and get on facebook (tell us to clean up)
9. What does your mom do when you're not around? get on facebook (I don't know)
10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for? getting on facebook (being a cat lady)
11. What is your mom really good at? getting on facebook (cooking)
12. What is your mom not very good at? sports (singing and dancing)
13. What does your mom do for her job? teach (teach special education kids)
14. What is your mom's favorite food? chicken (oyster stew)
15. What makes you proud of your mom? cause you are my mommy (when I get good grades)
16. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be? Hannah Montana Cartoon
(Peggy Hill)
17. What do you and your mom do together? go shopping (shop)
18. How are you and your mom the same? we like to shop and get on the computer (we are girls and we like to spend money)
19. How are you and your mom different? i don't have a facebook (She likes to clean and I don't)
20. How do you know your mom loves you? she takes care of me (she tells me)
21. Where is your mom's favorite place to go? the office and get on facebook! (New York)

Ben's Interview- From 2009 to 2012

Interview with Ben - original March 5, 2009 new answers are in bold... 1/16/2012
Robert Benjamin McKinney
1. What is something your mama always says to you? Be sweet I love you!
2. What makes your mom happy? Bein Sweet When I clean up my room!
3. What makes your mom sad? ugly When I am disrespectful ( boy)
4. How does your mom make you laugh? she tickle me (talking about the cat)
5. What was your mom like as a child? what does that mean? (I don't know)
6. How old is your mom? I don't know (40!)
7. How tall is your mom? 6 pounds (where is a tape measure? 38 feet and 2 in)
8. What is your mom's favorite thing to do? for me to be sweet and for you to clean up (playing with the cat)
9. What does your mom do when you're not around? wash and clean (clean up)
10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for? casue if somebody was mean to you (what?) (riding a 4-wheeler)
11. What is your mom really good at? typing (playing scrabble)
12. What is your mom not very good at? riding four-wheelers (nothing)...he loves me!
13. What does your mom do for her job? clean up (teach special ed)
14. What is your mom's favorite food? salad (tuna salad)
15. What makes you proud of your mom? what did you say? (cause you play with me and ride four wheelers)
16. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be? firefighter? (Peggy Hill)
17. What do you and your mom do together? clean up my room (blow off the driveway and work, rake leaves, cut grass)
18. How are you and your mom the same? cause we are happy (We both have blonde hair and we are both fat)....okay- that hurt!
19. How are you and your mom different? cause my face is different and your eyes are green and mine are blue and i got a tail and you got a monkey We don't have the same color eyes, you are a girl, and you are married
20. How do you know your mom loves you? cause im sweet (cause she says it)
21. Where is your mom's favorite place to go? the fair (what?) Okay I have raised a crazy child!

Monday~ January 16, 2012 Dinner

May I suggest a WONDERFUL dinner:

Browsing the grocery store today, I found this AND had a coupon! I tried it on pork chops and it was DELICIOUS! I had 8 pork chops in hopes of having extra for my lunch tomorrow... nada is what I have in my kitchen right now! I think there are three different flavors~ anything can be mixed with them... chicken, beef, pork, or fish! This was the most conservative~ I will be picking these up again. The best part about it is the bag has the cheese and herbs all ready to mix and there is no messy clean-up!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

January 12, 2012 ~ Thursday Thirteen

1. I have just arrived home from two different in Athens and one in Atlanta... I am declaring I am a country girl. So glad to drive into Lincoln County and be in my house! Even more excited that by 7:00 I plan to be in my bed, with my pillow, with my tv, and my blanket!

2. I did something last night for the first time ever.... I ate at a "chain" restaurant... and it was delicious! Just kidding... I ate bison. First of all, I remember discussing with Leah once how she didn't do "chain" restaurants. Once hearing her explanation...I understood. I also know that Mark's main goal when traveling is to try different things and don't go where you can normally go. Last night, we ate at Ted Turner's Montana Grill in downtown Atlanta. I was brave and ordered the bison. Honestly, I couldn't tell the difference in bison and beef.... but it was the BEST meal I have had in a long time!

3. I couldn't be more thrilled that tomorrow is Friday. The powers at be who created our school calendar did not make the smartest decision (in my opinion) that we started back to school on a Monday...yes, I know that is the beginning of a school week...but after three weeks off, these children needed to transition smoothly with two or three days! Thank goodness we have MLK day Monday!

4. I finished a Z-Pac yesterday.... my head still feels heavy. Sinuses... I don't like you!

5. Report cards came out today... I am proud of my children!

6. We don't have any plans this weekend.... that sounds great! (I do have a bb game, but I enjoy those and that won't take an entire day)

7. One of the conferences I went to yesterday made me appreciate where I teach and work every day. There really are some idiots in the world.... I am so glad I am perfect~

8. As I am typing this, my family is watching Toddlers and Tiaras. First of all, those mamas really want to be in the pageant. Secondly, I have been labeled this week as being similar to a six year old on the show... Honey boo boo child...I don't holla for a dolla! I am going to get the labeler back! Finally, why didn't I think of this show! I could be rich!

9. I still have some people's Christmas cards...S a d. Enough said about that!

10. Mark made me watch a movie this week that I can't get off my mind... Lovely, Still. Someone should have won an award for it. It is so real! As much as I hated the subject, it is so, so real!

11. My body is adjusting to being back at work this week. Monday night I stayed up until midnight watching the ballgame, Tuesday night I stayed up laughing at all of us cramming to get ready for our presentation, and last night it was a late night due to having to wait so long for dinner. I need sleep.

12. I lost 6.6 lbs last week on WW. It works...I still have a ways to go, but every little bit helps.

13. Tonight I have a feeling of homesickness in my stomach. Really stupid, but when I got home a friend was over to take my sewing machine off my hands. Her college-aged daughter was with her. We were discussing that she had to go back to school next week to start a new semester. Most people wouldn't understand this, but the daughter started crying. Only people who know what that feeling is would understand... I wanted to hug her...I wanted to cry with her... I wanted to help her get over it.... BUT there is nothing anyone can do to make it better. It is just a time in life that makes someone love home more than ever. I didn't tell her that she better be hoping she doesn't marry a man that will take her away for 11 years from her hometown! Just teasing...that was a great time for Mark and me. It was the best thing that could have ever happened to us. I do feel bad for her though~ Watch over her, God...and her mama too... cause I can't even imagine when KB leaves for school. Brings tears to my eyes to think about it~ sniff, sniff.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Ben to Katie Britt

As I am fussing at Ben about things he shouldn't do... like burp, roll his eyes at me, stick his neck out and turn his head, play like he can't hear me.... you get the picture... he tells KB as she starts in on him too... "Sis, you don't have a dog in this fight!"

I want to remember these things he says...(Seems like his daddy may have said that to him... just the other day!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Thursday Thirteen January 5, 2012

1. As the old saying says..."All good things must come to an end"... today is the last day of Christmas vacation. When I think back to the last 20 something days, I can't believe the fun and excitement we have had. Our family has been to Gatlinburg, celebrated a birthday, been to the emergency room, celebrated Christmas, ridden four-wheelers for hours, brought in the New Year with family and friends... and most importantly we have taken advantage of being together as a family~ whether it be staying in our pajamas all day and watching television or going to see Santa Claus, we have spent our vacation together. Thinking back to the Christmas vacations since I have been married, this has been the most RELAXING one yet. Thank you God for that!

2. I start my mornings (and end my days) by watching televison. I flip back and forth between Good Morning America and The Today Show. Several things I have noticed... on cooking segments... they never give enough time. My thoughts are to either make an easier recipe...or allow more time. Cookie Monster and Elmo are totally interupting George this morning... by the way...he is so short and I never realized that! I do like the cast of Good Morning America better now!

3. I haven't watched my soaps since the summer due to a heavy workload. I am totally hooked again this week. It is a good thing that we go back to school or I would almost be tempted to watch again everyday. I am thrilled that Bold and Beautiful have moved on and let some other young ones come on the show. Brooke and Ridge need to stay together and that is it!

4. Another show I watch ~ Kelly~ Rob Lowe is a hotty. Is he going to be to me like Mama says Robert Redford is to her? I am so glad he can't see me sitting in my gown in the bed with my hair looking like a porcupine~

5. It's that time of year to organize, start over, and renew. I have been doing that for five days... I am tired of the organizing!

6. I have said it before, but I really mean it... I would be a terrible stay at home mother. I become lazy, non-productive, and can only wait for the next meal. Tomorrow will be a shock to my body, but I am really excited to get back into a routine. Life will be so much easier. I won't have to clean my house everyday, I won't have three outfits per child to wash, I won't have to decide between two great shows, and I won't have to schedule a nap around my midmorning nap and midafternoon nap. I can honestly say I have caught up on my sleep this vacation!

7. I am so excited about the weekend weather... I usually get excited about snow, but I am excited the temperatures are so supposed to be above 60. I was cold in New York, I was cold in Charlotte, and I was cold in Gatlinburg. I don't want to be cold anymore. Thank the Lord we didn't have to go back to school this week and get out in this frightful weather.

8. I usually think that KB is so much like Mark it is scary. This week we were watching The Biggest Loser, and one of the contestants fell while running to the finish line. She almost fell off my bed laughing about it... she had to rewind it about five times to watch it... and that goofy fake laugh of hers was ever so present. It kills me! But as I sat here, I saw myself... my favorite thing to do is laugh when someone falls. I have many stories that I will save for later, but that may be a new gene for the scientist to look into...the one that passes down from mother to child about laughing at people.

9. I am a little heartbroken this morning. Clemson and the Red Devils have broken my heart this football season. I can't talk about it anymore...except I think that some people need to concentrate on pulling FOR their team instead of AGAINST another team... morons!

10. Back to tv shows.... I miss As the World Turns. I hadn't really cared too much about it going off the air...didn't really watch the last weeks of it, but I am sick of women panels yelling over each other on The Chew, The View, and The Talk...

11. As I read back over this post... HOLY COW... I have been watching too much television!

12. I have been sick this week, but I am planning on starting to do some form of exercise everyday. Walking the halls of the high school is a lot, but I choose not to walk too fast there because I usually have a cup of coffee in my hands. I have got to get to moving! I don't want to be the "fat girl" on the boat this year! Someone has to be that girl, but please don't let it be me!

13. Finally, I would love to be some people's financial advisors... It KILLS me how some people complain about being broke, not having any money, and whining about what they don't have... I would just like to say to them... Have you considered NOT eating out every meal (you post pictures at every restaurant you go to), Have you considered buying your children's clothes at cheaper stores (you brag about shopping namebrand), and have you considered working/getting a job (you are constantly going somewhere so you can't work), and have you considered that professing your religion over and over ~ yet you write bad checks, don't pay your bills, and charge everything is basically lying???....I say all this because I think life is simple... you don't buy something you can't afford, you don't try to keep up with Jones's, and you live within your means... I have a mile long list of things that I want... but I am ever so grateful I have everything I need. Let me please be satisfied with what my household can provide for me... and not be a wisher of things everyday that our family can't afford or don't need to buy! Pay your bills, learn to say no, and be satisfied!

Monday, January 2, 2012

What's for Dinner?

One of my "ideas" ~ not a resolution because I break those~ is to not eat out the month of January. That means a lot...
1. There has to be some food in the house.
2. There has to be a plan to cook that food.
3. There has to be perfect timing to get it all done!
My reason behind this "idea" is to watch what I am eating since my other "idea" I have is about losing weight this year! Tonight was a dinner that wasn't necessarily planned, but I think it was delicious, healthy, and everyone ate it!
KB browned hamburger meat and took the soft taco dinner box out of the pantry. I cut up lettuce, had shredded cheese, light sour cream, and some cucumbers to make a salad. She ate four tacos and Ben ate three. I should really calculate how much that cost~ I am sure I can save some money not eating out too! Anyway~ it was mighty tasty and I don't think that expensive. I love that KB can cook now. We are still working on the cleaning up the kitchen part!
My point in this post is to say that dinner from start to clean-up took about 50 minutes. That is what I need. With cheerleading and dance, I need some quick meal ideas that children will eat, that are healthy, and that don't involved too much preparation! Anybody want to share? You can leave a comment below.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Wow~ 2012...

I remember when I was little calculating numerous times how old I would be when the year 2000 rolled around~ 29. It seemed like it would take forever for that year to get to here. I dreamed of goals and accomplishments that I would have conquered by that point...some came true~ I was married, I had graduated from college, and I was happy~ some did not~ I never cheered for the Dallas Cowboys, I never got to go to Maine to the LL Bean outlet, and I never worked at the White House. I did, on that night of December 31, 1999, have a little 10 day old baby girl in my hands. We rang in the New Year with a midnight feeding and a quiet night at home. I thought that night that I couldn't be happier!
My children got four-wheelers for Christmas. Yes, they are spoiled... but what child isn't? Growing up in Lincolnton with farmland everywhere and a lake surrounding three sides of the county, I admit that I never used these assets as a child. When I moved away and ran into people who had heard of Lincolnton...they always said something about the land and the water. I regretted not having used them growing up. When we moved back to Lincolnton, I became involved with all these things. The four-wheelers have given me the opportunity to enjoy the lake and land even more!
I have just come in from a weekend of riding four-wheelers and hanging out at the farm. Other than the crick in my neck and a sore back, it was a wonderful weekend. I have laughed, been stuck in the mud, eaten until I am about to blow up, and hopefully made memories that will never be forgotten.
Memories... isn't that all we really have? As I was riding today, I thanked God for the opportunity that I had to ride and enjoy his beautiful earth. I had never experienced before. I am sure that Ben didn't worry about God on that trip today or yesterday, but I feel confident that we made a memory for him. My hope is that one day when I might be gone, or too old to ride... he will take his children on those trails and talk about the day that his mama and daddy and fourteen other four-wheelers went riding. I hope that God will allow him this memory and it will warm his heart!
As I am overwhelming myself with lists today...first of the things... clean slates... I have decided that I am going to make a New Year's Resolution that I may be able to keep. This year I hope to make memories with my family. I want them to look back at 2012 and have so many memories! I am going to focus more on spending time with them instead of worrying about cutting out coupons, clothes washing, and lines on the carpet. Old habits are hard to break... in my mind I am saying I am going to give up my couch naps on Sundays, but... just because I did it today...doesn't mean I am sticking to it!