Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Dorothy, Dorothy... where are you?

When Katie Britt was about four I took her shopping at the mall with Mama.  We were in Belk and I looked at the stroller and she was gone... At first I just thought she was with Mama over at another rack of clothes, but as Mama came towards me... I could tell she wasn't there... My heart dropped and I screamed Katie Britt's name over and over... no answer.  I was yelling at Mama... she was yelling at me... we both took our eyes off of her and she was gone...

I couldn't understand why she wouldn't answer me and I couldn't understand how she had gotten away from me... As I stood there, I began to go into survival mode and the thought struck me that she might be imitating her favorite character.... She watched The Wizard of Oz every morning on the way to the daycare.... keep in mind she only watched the first fifteen/twenty minutes every day.... she would never start where she stopped... we had to start over.  She would tell me every day.... "Here she comes Mama... "Elvira Gutch".... Go Dorothy, Go..... AND THEN IT CLICKED.....

I turned back to her stroller and said, "Dorothy.... where are youuuuuu?".... and she peeped her head out of the clothes rack that was right beside me and the stroller and said, "I'm right here Mama!"... I could have killed her... but I didn't.... I picked her up and told her how much I loved her and to please always answer to KB... and we would play Dorothy at home.  She didn't know the fear that was in my heart that day.  I hope another mother can comment and let me know you have had your children do the same thing to you!  But... she was right there the entire time. Right beside... if only I had called out to the right person! 

Luke 2: 41-52 tells of when Jesus' parents went to Jerusalem every year for the Festival of the Passover.  When they were returning home, Jesus had stayed behind without them knowing it.  Traveling in a crowd, they didn't realize he was missing... they found him after three days in the temple courts sitting with teachers listening to them and asking them questions.  Everyone was amazed with his answers... and his mother asked why he stayed back without them knowing... and they were anxiously searching for him.  Jesus wanted to know why they were looking for him because "Didn't you know I had to be in my Father's house?"... they didn't understand it at the time. 

How many times do we not understand what our children are doing?  How many times as a parent do we question what our children are doing and think we know the best thing?  How many times are we so frustrated with our children that we miss an opportunity to allow them to grow.  How many times do we miss our children?

I will never excuse KB for not answering me when I called her, but I will look to that situation as a learning experience on my part and hers.  We never think "that" will happen to us.  But... it does.  Just like Mary and Joseph lost Jesus... I've lost KB before... and I lost Ben once in Philadelphia, but it was his fault... not mine!  HA!  We all get "lost" sometimes, but just like I grabbed KB that day and hugged her and didn't want to let her go... I'm sure Mary and Joseph did the same thing.  I can picture them wanting to beat Jesus with a stick for staying behind, but I also know they probably just hugged and kissed him!  The best lesson of this... God grabs us back whenever we call on Him.... and hugs us and gives us comfort. 

Today... is God calling you... looking for you... wondering where you are?  Have you been gone from him for a minute like KB... or for days like Jesus was missing from his parents... or have you been gone from His love for a long time.... Have you ever met him?  Have you heard from Jesus... are you missing from Him? 

Jesus wants you to meet with him every day... he wants to know where you are... he wants to know your "Life 360" location.... He is waiting each morning on you to meet with him... wherever that may be.  If you are wondering what you can do... just sit down and talk to him... He is there.  Answer him when he calls... and don't be like "Dorothy"! 

I'd love to invite my readers to be a part of a quick, 5 minute devotional that I can you to.... it's free... all you need is a phone to download apps!  As we prepare our hearts for the Christmas season... I hope you can spend at least 5 minutes with Jesus each morning.  Send me a message through Facebook and I'll add you to group. 

1 comment:

Robin said...

Five minutes-a great way to begin!