Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Don't miss it... even if the end result is something bad!

Just a child herself, Mary knew that Jesus was special and she had an important job.  As an infant Mary followed customs and took Jesus to the temple to present him to the Lord.  She was there when he was dedicated to God... this was to be a happy time... when Jesus was dedicated.  I think back to my children's baptism and I was so proud... but as we continue reading in Luke 2:33-35, Simeon delivers some very disturbing news.  He tells Mary that a sword will pierce her own soul.  I can't imagine knowing this... hearing this... and not immediately questioning God.  We all love to predict, but none of us know for sure what will happen.  I often wonder if Mary didn't think Jesus should live in a bubble instead of going out into the world... but she let go... and let God take control of the situation.  She was there for his dedication... she got bad news there, but she didn't let that stop her from living a great life.  She was there at his first miracle, and she didn't miss the important things of his life. 

At the crucifixion of Jesus, Mary was there... John 19:25 says, "Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother..."  I can't imagine standing and watching the pain, the hurt, the tears of blood, the entire event unfold in front of me.  I have often wondered if Mary thought "There is no way God would do this to me... There is no way God would let my baby boy (at 33) die".... But God did... He did it for me and you... and as Mary watched... I wonder if she thought it really wouldn't happen because she knew just how special Jesus was.  When something tragic happens... we have two choices.  We can react with dignity, grace, and manners... or we can lose control and try to take over the situation to make an even bigger mess.  I don't know what it was like the day that Mary watched Jesus hang on a cross to die, but I know she was there until the end.  She stood by Jesus and I feel sure she prayed for him to not hurt.... I even think she may have prayed for him to take his last breath.  Sometimes life throws us curve balls and we have to do the unthinkable... I prayed for Daddy to take his last breath... I wanted him to be out of pain... to no longer be sick... to regain his full strength somewhere else.  Maybe I'm wrong for asking that of God, but I hope that my children see me as I see Mary... a person who watched it all unfold and rely on the only strength I knew to make it... the Holy Spirit.  Mary should be our role model in so many ways.

Mary was also there forty days after the resurrection with the apostles praying after the ascension for a replacement apostle.... Mary had to have courage and a strong faith.  Wouldn't life be so much easier if we all believed with Mary's faith?  In our defense... we feel like she would believe everything that God told her because of the miracle birth, but I think back to what God has done for me... and I sometimes still doubt him. 

As you look at Mary... look to her to be your role model... her strength, encouragement, and belief in her son allowed her to be there for things even when it was the most pleasant event.  Where would our Nativity Scene be without Mary?  She is so important and we should never forget her role as Jesus's mother and her role as a believer in what the Lord can do! 

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