Thursday, May 8, 2014

Mother's Day.... a little early....

     Tomorrow I am spending the day in Savannah with Ben's third grade class and I have so many things on my calendar for the weekend.... I may not have time to even take a shower... So tonight... I need to write about mothers....

     We are just getting home from an awards ceremony in Augusta at Georgia Regents University Augusta... I don't think they have changed the name again.... I was recognized as the Outstanding Graduate for the 2013-2014 school year in Educational Leadership... The past two years I completed the program to get an add on Masters and an Educational Specialist degree in Ed. Leadership.... While I have some new letters that I can add at the end of my name, I'm not really sure I was the one who deserved the award.  When I found out in February that I was nominated and then later chosen, I was somewhat embarrassed and only told my closest peeps because I have complained so much about having to go back to school.  The state of Georgia really has teachers in a bind about furthering their education because unless you have the position... you can't enter the program... and neither can you be paid for it if someone did let you in.  The state gave me five years to complete the program... I only took two.  And that... is where mothers come in... specifically my own....
     Tonight... Mama should have gotten an award.  Let's see.... the past two years have been filled with her taking KB to tumbling, dance, and the orthodonist.... Ben has had ball practices and games.... I have had to be out of town and numerous other things that she has had to do to help us survive.  Her short order kitchen, her washing machine, her taxi services, and her smiling face no matter what time I pick up my children is always available.  She is simply amazing... she runs all week... and then she fixes lunch for no less than fourteen of us on Sundays.  We all enjoy going to her house two to three times a week for ice cream.  Just last night Ben asked one of his friends if he wanted to go to Jane's and get ice cream.... his friend said, "I don't know where that is!".  Ben quickly responded that she had an ice cream refrigerator.... I really think the child thought we were going to a store! 
     My entire life I have heard Mama say that she wasn't leaving us anything when she died... she was going to use the money to educate us while she was alive.  I think she forget to give me any money for the Masters and six year, but I learned a lot more when I had to pay for it myself.  Often when I ask her what her biggest regret is... she says she wished she had finished college... with all the help she has given Jim and me... she deserves a diploma.  I can't thank her enough for making me finish... making me do things that I didn't enjoy .... and making me do things that I didn't like.... she taught me the value of doing the right thing even though it wasn't what I really wanted at the time . 
     I can hear her sometimes when I am talking to KB and Ben... I sound just like her... I know I will never be able to fill her shoes... I was truly a princess growing up... I still think I just got on the wrong track at some point and I have a crown somewhere waiting on me.... She fed me breakfast in bed until I got married, picked up the three outfits off the floor that I decided not to wear for the day, and packed my lunch.... boy did I miss her immediately when I moved to Greenville.  I have never once called and asked her to keep my children that she didn't say yes.... She does so much for me... she has my back 100 percent of the time... and the older I get... I realize just how right she is.... I get my non-filter statements from her and daddy, but I like to think that I got just enough of her southern charm to throw in a "Bless Your Heart" to cover up my true thoughts of you! 
     This Mother's Day is special to me because I am beyond thrilled to be finished with school... and I know I could have never done this without her support. My gift that I have for this year is time.... my heart hurts to think that KB will be going to high school next year.  She has made it through the middle school years coming out on top in even the worst situations.... I can't wait to see what is in store for her the next four years.... It saddens me to think that in four years I will be preparing for her graduation from high school... These last fourteen years have flown by and I don't want to miss a second of her life.  I want to be the support for her like Mama was for me.... except maybe the breakfast in bed part.   Ben hugged my neck tonight and told me he was proud of me.... I'd like to think that he knew to say that because I try to tell him as often as I can.... Thanks "Jane" for being here for us... we couldn't survive without you!  Happy Mother's Day! 

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