Monday, April 28, 2014

I'm Done, It's Over, Finally Finished

    Dear Katie Britt and Ben,
          Two years ago I accepted a job that required me to go back to school.  I feel like I have missed two years of your lives.... I have missed ballgames, events, practices, suppertime, and even bedtimes.  I hope that you won't look back on these two years and think of the times I wasn't there... but you will look back and see that I committed to something and I followed through with it.  I can't thank you enough for being good students that don't require a lot of time at home dealing with homework.  I can't thank you enough for letting Jane and Mimi stand in for me when I can't be there.  I can't thank you enough for knowing that if you didn't have anything for lunch in the refrigerator you liked... you would make do with something until I could get to the grocery store. 
          I have learned many things in my experience, but most importantly, I learned that spending time with each of you makes me love you more.  I love our suppertime game of "what did you do" and how it's grown from one word/one sentence to needing a time limit because of the details.  I love our nights of giggling watching "Andy Grif" and "Survivor".  I love our goodbye kisses in the morning that sometimes were the first and last time I would see you all day. Thanks to both of you for being understanding and sacrificing for me to go back to school.  I hope you look back one day and know how much I love you! 
         I'm so proud of both of you.  You have both blessed me this year with your hearts and actions.  We learned that sometimes making mistakes helps us grow... makes us better... makes us human!   KB - you amaze me everyday and I hope you will continue to strive in reaching your goals.  Ben- I can't think of anything that makes me happier than to see you be rough and tough on a court or field and then come to hold my hand and tell me you love me.  Sweet words to my ears make my heart melt. 
         I know both of you are excited that I can finally do something besides "finish a paper" or "read" when you ask to go somewhere.... Look out world cause here we come!  I promised each of you that this would be it and I wouldn't go back to school and leave you anymore.... I have been finished for a few days now... and I don't miss it, but I am now considering heading to Clemson in a few years to get my doctorate.... KB... can I room with you?  I know you need me to be there with you!  :)  I'll just wait until you go to start on that!  

          Get ready for wheels on your butts and keep your bags packed.... we are going to be in the road and away from this computer to celebrate NO MORE SCHOOL FOR ME!!!! 



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