Tuesday, July 22, 2014

That Time of Year

It's that time of year when my chest hurts, I don't sleep much at night, and I feel the ulcer that has never been diagnosed stirring in my belly.... I promise myself that I won't do it every year... but I do....

It all started last week with Ben going to camp and the fear of making the right decision for him... and now...it's all about the scar I think we made on his life, the list of things to do at work, and the fact that Mark is traveling this week... add to that... Jane is out of town too!  With all that said... I have had more company than ever at my house this week!  One day I will look back and think of how proud I should be... but right now.... I'm exhausted with lots more to do tonight!  Writing wasn't on my list, but if I get my thoughts down... maybe I can focus on what I need to do for work! 

So.... here are my thoughts....

1.  Ben says there was nothing fun about camp.  The food wasn't good, there were no fun activities, and he says he will never go back.... I find that hard to believe.... during the day he was fine and happy... and at night he was scared.  I thought he would quickly get over this... but he hasn't.... He told me he didn't want to go to his golf tournament today because he was afraid if something happened to him that I would leave him there and not come get him.  I told him that was a totally different situation.... Today, thank goodness for BC and JMac.... they picked him up at 6:45 AM and headed to Augusta... he shot his lowest round ever and birdied the last hole.  He was so proud of himself.  I told him to think about what he would have missed if had not gone! It was an early morning for him.... but even earlier for Sis and me!  We were up cooking breakfast for the administrators in our system.... We made a grits bar!  I think it was good.... by the time I got settled...I really wasn't sure what I had eaten... I'm thinking a 10:30 AM wedding would be good with a grits bar...and a yogurt bar! Back to Ben.... he has three girls texting him from camp...so I guess if he fell in love all over again over the summer... it was fine.... in just the last two days he has changed his "crush".... all I can say is "Bless those girls' hearts"

*I would mark all over a student's paper if they had gone from talking about Ben to a grits bar at a wedding.... but I don't have rubrics for this blog...or an SLO!  :) 

2.   I'm still trying to wrap my brain around KB going to high school... I thought I would be an emotional roller coaster about it... but I'm not.... Having taught middle school for so many years... I knew when my students were ready to go to the next level... I think she is mature enough to handle it... sometimes too mature.... It's funny to me how when I talk in code... she can figure it out... She should have blond hair... no common sense at all... but I still love her!  I'm thankful for her smarts... and her sweet heart... and her help this morning... I couldn't have done it without her.... Mama will not be out of town next year when we do this!  She is always there to do our breakfasts....but someone invited her to Disney World.... and she went!   

3.  Speaking of Mama.... since she is out of town... I have gained all the more respect for her and all she does... getting Daddy's medicine right every day is enough to drive me crazy.... but then worrying about his supper is another thing....But I wouldn't give a million dollars for having him sit at the table with us at night.... and he says everything I cook is delicious.  Tonight, I had pork tenderloin, green beans, corn, brown rice, fried okra, rolls, sliced tomatoes, and Betty Carol's homemade pickles.... We had a full table of men with KB and me.... Janice is out of town too...so I had to feed Jim and Cole Baby and a mystery guest!  After we had eaten all that... Jim and I walked at the farm while the children fished and then we all fed the animals.  Jim and I did a pretty good job of solving all the problems in the world too..... we think alike... definitely from the same mold... except I don't complain about things... I take action!  He will love me for saying that!

4.  Here's to the next few wild and crazy six weeks.... I'm already looking forward to Labor Day Weekend!    I'm hoping we flow right into the new year... my children adjust well.... and I remember to wear deodorant everyday!  My goal is to stay focused on my family this year!  Their time at home is quickly fading away... As Jim and I walked tonight... it hit me that Cole was starting college..... and I was shocked... how could that baby be ready to enter the real world??? And then I realized that KB is right on his coattails....I think the most bothersome thing about KB going to high school...is I think I am still 16... and I'm not... my legs and butt and hands show that of a 43 year old... but I still love riding around the circle with the windows down, the music loud, and car dancing while my children sit in awe and watch me..... occasionally I get a few words right in the song and sometimes they join me! 

5.  Okay--- this is the most ADHD post I have ever seen in my life.... I'm still not focused, but I have to get busy with my work stuff... on another note... I wish that Feltman Brothers or Rosalina would make a smocked dress in KB's size to start the first day of school.... and of course a big bow!  

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