Monday, July 7, 2014

Edisto Day Two 2014

 This is going to be short and sweet.... It's only 9:08 AM and those who are awake have eaten sausage, cheese eggs, and pancakes.... (and Huddy ate Goldfish).... and the tent is up.... and they are already on the beach... I don't want to get behind, so I am putting pictures up with short and sweet comments! 
Mark took this picture for Velda.... the birds made her letter! 
 This is one of the many pictures of the dolphin show this morning.... there were lots and lots of them and they were huge.... and so close! 
 Mark trying to fly the kite!
 Mayonnaise found one shark's tooth yesterday.... he said he thought he had gotten too old! 

 Those ugly people who wished bad weather one our vacation.... your dream came true.... we had awful weather yesterday, but us girls drove to the outlet mall and bought clothes.... that makes me just as happy as being on the beach... KB only had one panic attack yesterday with her purchases... (inside joke that she will get) When we got back from the outlets, Mark and Mayo had bought us a new grill...we weren't sure of the cleanliness of the one here....
 The two chefs for the night..... we had a delicious supper of BBQ shrimp for appetizers, a "green salad", grilled steaks, roasted veggies, grilled corn, and garlic bread for supper....
 After supper we enjoyed some time on the beach! 

 We ended the night with charades.... other than almost wetting our pants and Velda acting out words like school bus and The Masters.... it was a fun night! 
 Amberly got her word and Mark was drawing for his.... the girls won (of course) and now they are already plotting for revenge.... I should have videoed! 
 These next pictures are from Mark's phone... the storm rolling in yesterday morning was beautiful coming across the water. 

 I had looked and looked yesterday for the house we stayed in the year Bobby died... We brought Bogey and ended up in the emergency room with her because Mark fed her a hamburger.... Yesterday morning, Mark walked out on the porch and said.... "there it is".... that's where we stayed that year! 
 Mayo, Huddy, and I walked to the store yesterday morning for ice! 
 Ben flying the kite!
 Marion entertained the children teaching them how to tie knots.... KB figured out how to tie a bowline....
 Huddy got a boat for a prize yesterday, but bigger kids are enjoying it more than him! 

 Walking to the store
 Huddy liked when his mama and daddy got in the boat! 
 Still working on the kite!
 "Somebody" tied Ben up! 
 Hudson's new best friend... who is teaching him about life.... uh oh.....
 Our activity for the night was making "things" out of shells on the beach.... the flip flop won yesterday.... let's see who wins today!  "An alligator"
 Not sure what the creature is, but we will call it "a Lizard"
 "a turtle"
 Mark has Velda and Marion in on the conversation with Huddy!
 a "Clemson Tiger Paw"
 a "Sailboat"
 Mayonnaise's shark tooth
 Beautiful sunset last night....
 The Roberts Family....
 a "hippopotamus"
an "elephant"

And Day Two is in the books.... We are headed out for some sun and fun! 

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