Thursday, December 1, 2011

December 1, 2011 ~ Thursday Thirteen

Thursday Thirteen~
1. I was so excited to get the call that Oyster Stew is being served at Mama's tonight. I wonder what my children will eat? They can eat the cheese and crackers~

2. I can't wait for this weekend. Even though those Tigers have gotten on my nerves and caused me not to watch them the past two weeks....I am looking forward to going to Charlotte this weekend to watch them live in person!

3. Sometimes I feel the need to apologize to my students from previous years. The things that the state of Georgia and the United States think they need to know is somewhat outrageous! I didn't realize this until I had children. Sorry students!

4. Our elves took Mark's truck for a ride this morning. We looked and looked for them. When Katie Britt got into the car.... Susan, Ho Ho, and two of my taller elves were driving the truck. I think they should have left it cranked so the frost wouldn't have been on there when we got in... no such luck.

5. I see that snow is forecast for next Saturday. Wow... that would make two years in a row we have had snow before Christmas. I will be leaving for New York that morning... I would HATE to be stuck in New York and not be able to get home due to the weather!

6. I offered KB a wooden pencil~ "I don't want is nerdish". WHATEVER! This generation just doesn't know the value of a wooden pencil. That was my saving grace... whenever I zoned out and needed a break from my work...I would break my point and go to the pencil sharpener! Wonder what they do for entertainment in class?

7. I just pulled off the November page to the calendar. I love a fresh, clean month to be able to fill in~ someone...has written her birthday all over the 21st and ruined my neatness.... might have to hurt her!

8. Ben and I have blown our driveway off at least three times in the last two weeks... I sure wish that a good windstorm would come up tonight so I would know I was done with that chore! Good grief I didn't know we had so many leaves!

9. Mark was kind enough to leave me his truck to drive these last two days. R E D N E C K~ I can't love driving the truck~ it is handy, but I still don't think an F250 is appropriate for a 40 year old woman to be running errands, picking up kids, and driving to work in~

10. I have simplified my Christmas decorations this year, but I need to put something on my kitchen table. Some people may come over and say, "Oh, she must eat there and that is why she doesn't have anything on it!".... truth...we don't eat there except once or twice a week... It is bare, blah, and boring! Need to get on that tonight!

11. Today I am jealous of the people who work four tens. I would love to have a weekday to shop instead of going on the weekend. Too many people and children!

12. Weight Watchers is calling my name come January 1st! I want to be so skinny this summer that everyone tells me I look like I have an eating disorder. Now... I know that no one would ever be able to accuse me of that because I love to eat, but I sure would love to make them think I do!

13. Final random thought, I had to do this early tonight instead of after supper because the "cleaning lady" is coming tomorrow. I am guilty of fluffing before she shows up! Mark and the children think I am crazy because I straighten up before she comes, but I want her to clean...not decide where my shoes go!

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