Wednesday, November 30, 2011

It is true...the apple falls right off the tree and sprouts again...God bless my grandchildren!

The older I get... the more I understand the saying ~ "The apple don't fall far from the tree". Growing up, I was never told I could be the President of the United States, that I could fly to the moon, or that I would be the next Lorrie Morgan. My mama was honest.
She knew I could never be the President of the US because I have a way about me that let's people know instantly if I like them or not. I am not sure that is something to brag about, but I have never been accused of being two-faced. I usually tell it like it is and don't hold back!
She knew I would never go to the moon because I would be miserable that far from home. I am a home-body and I don't like being anywhere else. Ask my friends growing up...I didn't spend the night away from home. In college, I came home all but about five weekends... I like home. Now... I like for the action to be at my house...if it isn't... I usually don't want to go.
Finally- she never told me I could be a singer. She led me far from that. I can't sing... Mark says I make up my own words to songs that make no sense. My children beg me to stop singing in the car. I sit in church and listen to those around me because I feel sure the verse about making a joyful noise to the Lord doesn't apply to me~ I know I can't sing.
I commend her for being honest with me. Isn't honesty the best policy? Honesty isn't always being nice though. My feelings were hurt often. I can remember several times coming in from winning a pageant and thinking I was tough stuff... quickly to be knocked off my high horse with a comment that would begin with...."I know you won, BUT you know you could have answered that question better, or your walk was too fast, or you didn't make eye contact like you should have." She always let me know that I wasn't perfect. I am not so sure everyone was raised like me. They should have been though!
This leads me to... my children. Tonight riding home from dance, we were singing to the tops of our lungs when I realized that I was going to have to be real honest with both of them and tell them they CAN'T SING EITHER! I have been telling KB since she was four and sang in the church choir to just move her mouth. I thought she might grow into a singer since she liked it so much...N.O.T. I am not trying to limit their dreams or future plans, but if you can't can't sing. Ben verified tonight that he can't sing either... he hollers. Bless both their voices! This is the third generation of non-singers. Dormant gene!
I was recently accused of being mean and too hard on my children. I didn't know that being honest was being mean to your children. If your mama can't be honest with you...then who can? Having your feelings hurt every once in awhile makes you a little more thick-skinned and able to deal with real life issues~ Hopefully, my children won't be scarred for life with my honesty. I wasn't~ I think I have planted two seeds that can be whatever they want...except professional singers.

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