Thursday, December 8, 2011

Thursday Thirteen- December 8, 2011 ~ Random

1. We had a great trip to Charlotte this weekend. I loved having the opportunity to go off with friends and make special memories.... the kind where you laugh until you cry~ top it all off... I loved that Clemson won! Can they win the Orange Bowl?

2. I wish that I could stop my children from growing. I have enjoyed many stages in their lives. I loved when they were babies and I could hold them for hours. I loved when they learned to talk and tell me what was wrong with them. I loved to watch them sleep with their butts in the air and feet tucked under them. I loved to watch them learn new things... like brushing their teeth, putting on their clothes, tying their shoes...all that! BUT... I love this stage. They are perfect right now. I can reason with them, I can convince them of right and wrong, and I can bribe them like no other~ I know it is coming... really soon...before long they will be totally against me! Wouldn't it be nice to freeze time?

3. My drink of choice right now is Apple Cider for the Keurig... it isn't getting old to me like some of the other flavored coffee drinks! Keep it coming...don't make it a clearance item!

4. New York we come! I am very excited about seeing all the grand hoopla of the big city at Christmas time! I hope my children will behave and my mama survives once again with them for the weekend.

5. When I get rich... I am going to have someone come put lines on my carpet everyday, load my dishwasher, and put my clothes away that I washed/dried! Can you tell what I need to be doing?

6. As the days tick off in December, I am considering not doing Christmas cards... I mean with Facebook and email now, why can't I just put a current picture of my children on the internet and everyone can see it! ? !

7. Karma, I told you so, what goes around~ comes around, You reap what you sow... all that... whether you believe it or not... sit back for a little bit and realize that irony is just that...irony!

8. My daddy is working at the Georgia Dome this weekend with the state play-offs. This time last year he didn't get to go because he was so sick. Thank you God for answering prayers... I love having my daddy here...who will I pick on when he leaves???

9. I am trying to listen to music (Sara her music...the fast and slow songs)... but I am nosey...and the scanner keeps going off...must be a full moon!

10. My heart is full today~ I love when students tell me tests are easy and that they were OVER PREPARED FOR IT! I have to wait a few days before I find it if they told the truth or not!

11. Although I will be in NYC this weekend, I am semi-jealous that mama is going to see Vince Gill! She loved him when I was in high school and college... she made us go anywhere within a 300 mile radious to see him perform... I honestly have seen more times that some of my family members~ He is a great performer, musician, and song writer! FYI , his song with Sara Evans "No Place that Far"... great song!

12. I have to hurry because we are about watch "Wheel of Fortune" as a family... I have to win!!! Can't wait...makes me think of Mark's daddy...we used to call him in the middle of it give him the answer if we knew it... the apples just grow and fall right off the tree!

13. No oyster stew tonight...grilled cheeses and tomato soup... not as good as Mama's, but she deserved the night off!

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