Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Tend to the Flock... But Care for the Individual

Tend to the flock but care for the individual.... I stole this phrase from a passage on the internet.  As a mama... I sometimes need to start my day with this statement..... kind of like those crazy elves who write on the mirrors and picture frames in the houses of children who gets visit from them.  I need to see daily on my bathroom mirror that tending to the flock is good... but care for the individual.  I'm the individual.

I could go lots of places with this phrase, but tonight... I want to go with caring for the individual.  We are sheep.... and we need to be shepherds to others.  How can I be a better sheep and a shepherd... what can I do to better myself? 

I have some ladies who asked me about my Bible Study plan, what I read, what I do, where I start and end...  I'd like to share that with you.... my plan won't be perfect for you...there will be parts that you can do... there will be parts you can't do.... but I think that in order to follow the shepherd... you have to know what the Bible says about Him... and to be a shepherd.... you have to know what the Bible says on doing His will.

Each morning I wake up, hopefully when no one else is up, and come downstairs to my bar/island in the kitchen.  I fix a cup of coffee... grab my Bible and devotional books and pull up a seat at the bar.  I have two seats at my bar, and I am certain that Jesus is sitting right beside me.  I don't want to miss an opportunity to meet with him.  I want to see Him daily. 

I start with my prayer journal/note taking.  I write the date and open my Bible application on my phone.  I have recently started a new one that I love to read.  You can do this individually or you can do it with a group.  If you want to be a part of this... send me a message and I'll be happy to share.  These Bible devotionals have verses, a short story, and a place for response right inside the phone.  I use this time to write down verses or thoughts in my journal that I want to remember. 

When I have finished my Bible plans, I start working on my daily reading of the Bible... right now I am working my way through the Bible with a guide I have where I read an average of three chapters a day.  I take notes on the chapters and try to outline and understand what I'm reading.  I'm on my second year of reading the Bible through, and I learn more and more each time I do it.  If you are wanting to start a plan, I suggest reading the Bible through in chronological order.  It never occurred to me that the Bible wasn't written in that order.... duh.... I guess everyone but me knew!  If you want that option... just print the plan from the internet after you google "read the Bible through in chronological order".  Finally, I work on some type of Bible study.  It might be what we are doing at church... it might be a book I've found and want to read... or it might be just sitting in silence and thinking. 

Time doesn't matter... it's what you can devote to Him.  Several years ago I started getting up earlier because I was too tired to read my Bible at night and didn't.  It has made all the difference in the world to me.   It makes my day better... it gives me a good foundation for the day.... and it gives me time to wake up and think about things with a fresh mind.  I love to learn, so I could spend hours each day reading and studying.... but I average from 30 to 45 minutes a day.  I started much smaller than that.... and have worked my way up to this time... If I am in a valley.... I get up a little earlier in order to pray more and focus more. 

Now what does that have to do with sheep and shepherds?  Everything....  We need to take care of ourselves... we need to make sure we are stable before we start "tending" to someone else!  As you go through these next few weeks before Christmas... tend to yourself first... take time to spend it with Jesus... make a little room for him..... listen for His words to you.... spend time taking care of yourself because if you don't.... you won't be a good shepherd for others.  In order to do well at our place in life... whether it be sheep or shepherd.... we must take care of ourselves!  The best way to do that is through spending time with God. 

I hope you will have refreshed mind and clear heart to start each day... besides... if you don't take care of yourself... you will wear out and be useless as a sheep and a shepherd!

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