Sunday, December 9, 2018


I snapped this picture this morning when I woke up to snow falling and a lot of ice on the deck!  We are snowed/iced in for at least a couple of days, and I have completed a 1000 piece puzzle, cooked vegetable soup and cornbread, and ironed.  I don't do well doing nothing.... but I can honestly say it's been so nice not having to rush all weekend.  I was going to take a nap, but we rode around the area to check the roads instead... KB has been nice enough to snap a quick cat nap I had in the truck... she thinks she is funny, but I'll get her back! 

This week I'd like to focus on the wisemen.  First of all, I didn't learn until a few years ago several things about the wisemen I'd like to share with each of you!  The song, "We Three Kings of Orient Are"... is not true... no where in the Bible does it tell us there were three kings... and you know what else... they weren't really kings... they were astrologers who knew something special... they knew about the prophets and what had been foretold... they knew to look for the star... and they knew to act on the star... they BELIEVED... and they did something about it.  And... they really shouldn't be placed real close to your nativity scene because they didn't show up there!  I challenge you to read your Bible and see this in person!  I can't believe I've been mislead by all these carols! 

I'll be honest, when I went to sleep last night... I wasn't one hundred percent sure I'd wake up to the white stuff on the ground.  I had heard from the weathermen all week long that we would have something, but I know they have been wrong before... and I don't get my hopes up anymore. 

Let's travel down this road with the wisemen for just a moment... I can only imagine what the trip was like... following a star... knowing what they thought they would find almost two years later, but they weren't sure.  They didn't give up though... they kept looking for the child.  They brought gifts and were sure this was the miracle child. 

I heard about this storm all week long, but I doubted... I've been disappointed before in waiting for snow... and wake up to nothing!  I get my hopes up... leave a few extra dirty clothes in the laundry basket... and wake up to a messy house STILL having to go to work!  It's disappointing!  Life is so much better when you prepare for things.  I know sometimes we have times we can't prepare, but for the second coming of Christ... we know it's going to happen... and we need to prepare for it.  How did you prepare today?  What did you do to grow closer in your relationship with Christ?  Have you read the Christmas story this year?  Don't wait until Christmas Eve... read it tonight! 

As you think about the wisemen this week... and the weather... we never have to be disappointed when we wake up and invite Jesus to sit down with us.  He is here every morning... all we have to do is believe.  My faith is based in believing on something I can't see in person... true faith is believing even when it logically doesn't make sense.... Be like the wisemen this week... seek Jesus every day!  And what gifts can you give?  Your time to someone, prayer for someone who is hurting, a kind word to someone who is sick... Believe you can make a difference! 

We are about two weeks away from Christmas.  I hope your heart has "room in the inn" for Jesus each day!  Merry Christmas already!

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