Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Life Update...

I sure do hope in about 6 months I look back at this page and say, "Why in the world would you have worried about that???"... We will see! I know God does things in His time, according to His will, and based on His plan...I just hope I see the light at this dark tunnel that I am trying to tread out of!

Mark leaves in the morning for Houston...I follow tomorrow night. I have never loved that Mark's job involved traveling until he started letting me come along. I am not sure what all is in store for us this weekend, but I have a feeling that I am going to be closer to meeting a past President of the US than I ever have... I can't wait to say I met such and such and he knew "him". I'm not going to steal anything from this person's house like Barbara Walters does, but I can promise I am going to use my phone in the bathroom to take pictures!

Another babies. I really do hate leaving them. I know they are going to be in excellent hands though! Mama and Daddy left us when we were little all the time to go to ballgames and everything else...we all turned out with common let's hope my two will do the same.

Tomorrow I have a meeting from 8-12... no work on Friday... so this has been a short week. It is the season for IEPs in Sped... that means long days, long nights, and long reports. I am hoping to be finished by Spring Break...with a few miracles of some extra time in the day!

I will try to update and write a Thursday Thirteen!

By the way- Valentine's Day went unmentioned in my house...if that is a word... I am hoping for a nice dinner in Houston~ you know...Chic-Fil-A or Sonic... I love to tell my students about the time that Mark called and told me to get ready to go to "dinner". I did... we pulled up at Sonic. If he wants to splurge we will go to Chic-Fil-A... I know you will be dying to see which place we go!

Love, B

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