Wednesday, February 29, 2012

God made the sun, the moon, and the stars...

My children will learn Genesis 1:16 this week in Sunday school. We will talk about the it keeps us warm, provides a source for growth of plants, and gives us light in the daytime. The moon helps us to see at night, changes shapes throughout the month, and sometimes looks like it has holes! The stars aren't really shaped like stars, are made of fire, and twinkle! All of these ideas are simple...yet when someone thinks about them for a long is simply AMAZING.
I can't even wrap my tiny, little brain cells around that idea, but I know that God created those things and we shouldn't ever question or doubt that He doesn't have the power to do it!
Being an English teacher...I read way more symbolism into things than I should~ but I do believe that we are to be lights...just like the sun, the moon, and the stars.
God, I want to be like the sun... I would love to provide warmth for someone's heart in a time of need, I would love to be a source for the growth of my children (my seeds), and give hope, courage, and love to someone in the light of day whether they expect me to or not.
Because I am not perfect, I need to be like the moon too! I have many holes that things escape... many imperfections that need to be "fixed", and many hills and valleys of everyday life! I do hope I can change each month...shine brighter after a bad moment... provide light for someone lost in the darkness... and remind people that in the dark...there is always a little light to shine through~
Compared to the sun and the moon... I think I am better suited to be a star. I wish I was a country music star, or a Dallas Cowboy cheerleader star, or even a talk-show host star...but... I am settling for a personality made of fire...that spouts off too quickly... gets fired up about just the little things... and heats up a conversation by over analyzing things! I could definitely use some "shaping" up... the only part about me that might resemble a star would be the sharp words that come out of my mouth~
I'm working on being a good source of light... I may never make it the sun or moon status...but I do hope I can be a little source of light like that star is... I do fall sometimes... but in the end...I want to shine and on good days "twinkle" and let others know just how great it is to hang out in God's big world.

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