Thursday, January 19, 2012

January 19, 2012- Thursday Thirteen

1. I didn't work today because I had to go do what women have to do when they turn 40. I heard this story the first time years when I was 18 or 19.... and it was so funny! I laughed and laughed... well...let me tell is true! I am sure Boo-Ma will turn over in her grave since I am discussing this...and Mama will call me crass...but also consider that I had another grandmother who had to have both tatas removed! "The Story"... If you want to practice for a mammogram...simply go outside and place your tata on the cold cement floor of the garage... run over it with a tire... repeat with the other side. Oh the things to look forward to with age!

2. Now to more serious things... food... I cooked a delicious meat this week! Thanks to KCR... I took 6 boneless, skinless chicken breasts~ (wow this post is all about those), a package of dry ranch dressing, and a bottle of hot wing sauce (Hooters is my favorite)... cook in the crockpot all day.... When I got home...I took the chicken out and pulled it apart with a fork (looks a lot like BBQ)... I toasted a hamburger bun and put a piece of Swiss cheese on top... melted... Yummy, easy, and one pot clean up...can't beat that!

3. I didn't do so great this week at Weight Watchers... -.2 So that makes my grand total 6.8... talk about heartbreaking! Anyway... I ate out due to work ~ being out of town~ and obviously didn't count portions correctly... Hopefully, this week will be better!

4. I love Ben... I really do.... but for some reason tonight I am overwhelmed with love for him... he makes me laugh. This morning I was in charge of getting the children to school...Mark left early for Atlanta, and I didn't have to leave for my appointment until I had the duty of breakfast, dressing, and dropping off... let me just say...Praise Jesus that isn't my job every morning. My children are not angels in the morning! I can remember at least three yelling matches and running out the door with four minutes to get to school on time...(school takes five minutes to get to)...I yelled at him and told him he would be sleeping in his bed tonight and not camping out in the den because he was so ugly. He talked all big and said, "I will." Well... as I am typing this we are on about round four of the good nights, I love you, see you in the morning... I can't break my promise to him that if he is ugly he has to sleep upstairs... but I sure would love that little stinky crack down here with me!

5. Sis got to "walk to town" for the first time this afternoon! I warned her, threatened her, and warned her some more. I told her she had to prove herself, that she could be responsible, be where she was supposed to be, and not act silly... As far as I know she succeeded... I am so proud of her... What I didn't tell her was that I was walking the streets when I was in the 3rd grade and would run home right before Mama and Daddy would get in from work! I feel sorry for my children... I am not sure they are going to be able to outsmart me... if they do... it won't be that I didn't try!

6. One of my best girlfriends who has done my hair since high school ( not legally, but getting ready for ballgames) has a prayer request for her daddy... they think he has had a stroke. I love this man! He was one of the "older" daddies in our grade! We could always go by his gas station and he would be so nice... he would take care of us... let us do what we wanted... and entertain us with his stories of "Shot"! I pray Mr. Alex is okay... I love you Tara!

7. I just looked at the calendar...would never count down the days to the next holiday, but... we have a break in February, a break in March, and a break in April... I am not working a full month for the rest of the school year... hmph... hate it!

8. We are headed to Clemson this weekend... going to the basketball game against Georgia Tech... go Tigers!

9. Random thought... I miss Christmas music season... not necessarily the Christmas music, but I wish every season had a genre of music... Like right now I wish I was listening to music about winter, snow, hot chocolate, sweaters....all that... instead I am listening to Mark watch Phil Mickelson talk about Augusta BEFORE he won the Masters... rerun!

10. I saved almost 8.00 this week with coupons! I think that is great! I won't ever make it on Extreme Couponing, but that is 8.00 to add to my fun money!

11. When we were little, Boo-Ma would come get us to "paint the town"... I used to think we were really going to paint it... I wonder how she would feel now...we don't have to paint the town at all... we can read facebook and find out who is where, who ate what for supper, and who is in trouble... saves on gas, but still makes me wonder!

12. FYI~ there is a little stinky butt on my couch! I caved... he is precious, he will only be little once, and (Mark will be here in the morning to deal with him)!

13. I tried Cherry Diet 7-up this week... yummy! Try it!

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