Friday, February 28, 2014

Mark's Birthday

I sat up until almost eleven last night writing a sappy post about how good Mark is to me and how much he provides for us... and how much he loves us... and how good a daddy he is... and how our lives wouldn't be complete without him... and when I got finished... I just wasn't happy... for some reason... I didn't think I needed to post it... it's erased now.

This morning at five.... he started talking... for those of you who are close enough to him to know that he talks continuously and NEVER SHUTS UP.... it was that type of talking.... I napped off and on from 5:00 until 7:00AM.... while he watched Napoleon Dynamite and laughed to himself and talked to Pedro....yes, my morning to sleep in and he is talking... when I got up... he started singing Happy Birthday to me... then when all three of us (who are not morning people) told him to be quiet... he started humming... reminding me of Snoopy singing.... awful....

So... I say all this to encourage each and EVERY ONE OF YOU to go to his facebook page and tell him Happy Birthday... and then text him... and then call and leave him a message.... and another little secret.... I know that since he got up at 5:00 AM he is going to try to take a little cat nap during his lunch hour.... I feel sure it will be the time that I need to dry my hair to go to work this afternoon... and run the vacuum through the den.... and make me a smoothie with the Ninja.... I also hope UPS delivers my textbook I ordered and he has to go to the door.... and a telemarketer calls to ask for money.  I hope every bell and whistle on his phone goes off ALL DAY LONG!

Yes, I do love that man who has so many good qualities... but I am also blessed to live with an aggravating, picking, joke playing, annoying, forty-one year old man!  Happy birthday... I love you today... but I don't like you! 

But you are a great daddy! 

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