Monday, February 10, 2014

Life Goes On....

Today we celebrated Ben's birthday... Mark left very early for Atlanta... and I worked...I picked Ben and KB up from school and we headed to Augusta to get milk and bread MY HAIRCUT!  I think everyone in Lincolnton was in Augusta tonight... I was there to get the mop cut on my head... Years ago when I tried to tell Tara what to do with my hair... she told me I should stick to teaching...and she would do the hair... Tonight when I sat down... she chopped my hair off... with a razor... She must have been mad at someone because it is shorter than it has been in a very long time... It's supposed to look like someone famous right now, but I don't get into the Hunger Games... so I don't know her name...even after asking three times!  But, thanks Tara.... got stopped several times in the grocery store! 

Ben got his present from us Saturday... he decided he needed a pizza sub from Subway and yogurt from the store next to Publix for his birthday supper... I love his simplicity!  Seeing Ben and KB walk next door for their supper made me realize just how grown up they are.... Mama and I apologized many times for ruining his birthday spending it at the beauty shop and grocery store... He doesn't care... he isn't selfish like that... he said it wasn't his best birthday... but he was happy!  Maybe the snow, and some four-wheeler riding, and a day out of school this week will make his thoughts change a little. Ben... you are so much like me in that respect... I don't have to have presents to open and things to make me happy... just a few kisses and hugs will do! 

Katie Britt ~ she is in the "thinking" stage... I see her eyes staring in space... her wondering... and then she asks questions... I'm honest with her... I've always been honest with her... I tell her she can't sing... she really can't... I tell her to hold her head up... to smile... to bite her tongue... It's going to take time, but I know she is strong... and she will get better.  Again... I can't thank those of you who have taken a special interest in her by sending a message, a card, or calling enough... I keep telling her how lucky she is that she is so supported.  Being greeted at school this morning by caring adults made her feel so good... Each time she forwards a text from a teacher or shows me a note.... I cry tears of joy...  It makes me see that my prayers have been answered... She needed that so much.  I know she will continue to be special to others and they will give hugs, lend an ear, and give advice when I'm not with her. 

Sweet, kind words tonight spoken to me in a grocery store aisle continue to awe me... when I told KB... she lit up... appreciates each message so much.  She smiles when I tell her what people say... I think it comforts her...

Dr. Harrell spoke last night about Proverbs 16:1- To man belong the plans of the heart, but from the Lord comes the reply of the tongue. 

Many times in life we plan what we "would have, could have, should have" said... but this verse tells us that our wisdom in what to say comes from the Lord.... so many times I have wanted to be negative...and it is so hard not to be... it would be so easy to be negative... but through verses and pinterests quotes sent to me... I am making it through this... I will protect my child from the hurt as much as I can, but tonight I can honestly say... I'm glad this happened... I'm glad I hold her hand a little longer now... I listen more carefully... I hug her a little longer... and I sure have prayed for her a lot more!  We are lucky girls that we have our faith. 

Finally, as I looked up the verse in the Bible... I had to chuckle... at the bottom of the page where Proverbs 16:1 is.... I have doodled.... "Lord, make my thinker think right".... ain't that the truth!   Go away Devil... I don't need you all up in my business!  Tonight, I will sleep... I will smile... I will go to bed with much love in my heart and thankfulness for those who have been worried about us... We are good!  We are blessed beyond what we could ever deserve!  But most of all... we found the silver lining and we aren't going to let this cloud ruin a little girl's life forever! 

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