Sunday, February 9, 2014

Follow up to Yesterday~

Yesterday, I cried because I hurt for my child... Today, I cried because of the abundance of blessings that I have been given...the love shown to KB and me are simply overwhelming.... I had no idea so many people loved my child so much and had precious stories of how big her heart is! 

As of right now, my blog to KB yesterday has had 487 hits... a simple letter to a child who is hurting from a mother who wants her to survive disappointment by knowing that all things happen for a reason. 

Romans 8:28   And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Today is my birthday... I didn't unwrap one present the entire day... but I have been given so much... I have read so many text messages and facebook messages lifting KB and me up in prayer...that no gift would have been able to touch my heart the way they have... I have always worried about expressing my faith for the public because I am such a sinner... I'm guilty every day by my thoughts, my actions, and my words.  I would be the first to look at someone's blog and say, "Who does she think she is writing about God helping her... she does wrong every day!"... But today... I want to share my faith.

This morning was hard... it was hard to get up and know that I must go to church and smile... I'm so glad I didn't run from this situation... the old Britt would have been sick today... But God knew I needed to be in His house... to focus... and get back on track...As Dr. Harrell began his sermon... I knew it was just for me... I feel sure no one else got anything out of it... because I got so much!  A story I have heard and read about many times was the topic.  Luke 17: 11-19.  The story of the ten men with leprosy... after being healed...only one came back praising God... he was considered a foreigner... My favorite of this passage is verse 19

Then he said to him, "Rise and go; your faith has made you well." Luke 17:19

That is so true... while it would have been much easier to let my tongue, my actions, and my thoughts control this situation, I find peace in knowing that my faith is making me well... and it is... there is a joy and closeness to God that I know is His plan... and His doing.  It is through trials that we can show our truth faith or the devil's colors.... I hope and pray that KB will see that we get through this with our faith. 

My devotion today was perfect for me...

My heart says of you, "Seek his face!"  Your face, Lord, I will seek.  Psalm 27:8

I have needed this so many times today.... messages of support and advice and stories of their own...each bringing sweet tears flowing... they reminded me that God would handle this... and He will... KB has been flooded with messages as well... she has shared some with me...people who took time to care about her... her feelings... her emotions... to see her smile today has brought me much happiness... she is doing great because I know that God has her in His hands... she trusts Him... and she knows that she will be fine.  I ask God to guard her heart... and He will. 

I ended the day with this message from tonight's service...

In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.   Proverbs 16:9

Thank you God for providing me with family, friends, and a faith to get through situations that I become upset about... My faithfulness to your word the past few months has allowed me to grow...I have grown... I know the importance of being in Your house, listening to Your words, and trying to live a life of example for my children have made me deal with this in a way that is pleasing to You.  The tears will eventually dry up, the story will be old news, people will forget... but my hope is KB will always remember to deal with situations in a Godly way, to gain rest at night because of doing the right thing, and to trust that every cloud has a silver lining! 

Thank you again for the birthday messages... the kind words... and most of all... the prayers... as KB left the house yesterday morning... I reminded her of the prayer Mama taught me when I was in the 5th grade...

Dear Lord,
Help me to remember that nothing can happen to me that you and I together can't handle... Amen....

What a beautiful prayer that she may always remember to say in good times... and bad. 

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