Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thursday Thirteen~ November 17th, 2011

1. One year ago today Granny died.

2. As I was working in the yard this afternoon, freezing my tail off, I was thinking about my high school days when I would come in from cheerleading practice on Thursday afternoons and Boo-Ma would be at our house to cook oyster stew~ She never cooked...but she would come to our house to cook Oyster Stew! My phone was ringing when I came inside... it was Mama! For the first time in years, I sat down with Mama, Daddy, Jim, and Guille to eat supper. It was just like the old days! Makes me giggle to think about it! Oyster Stew has never been as good as it was tonight!

3. I miss my friends from my old school. I love that I have facebook and can keep up with them. They make me laugh, we have code words, and knowing they are here for me always makes me feel good about life!

4. Sometimes it is so hard to sit back and watch friends hurt. Some people need money, some people need a job, some people need a hug, some people need a smile, some people need an ear... whatever the reason... it makes it worth it to also be able to hear the laughter come back into their voices! To each a season... good times/bad times... hopefully it is up hill now!

5. We have a ballgame tomorrow night. For some reason I am not nervous yet... I need to be! I want to win! I can't imagine the Friday after Thanksgiving not getting ready for a football game!

6. I know that there is nothing to this, BUT... sometimes I think people come back as animals. We have always said that our old dog was Mark's daddy... and I do believe that Boo-Ma is my cat. She follows me wherever I go... doesn't like loud children... and loves to know what someone is eating!

7. We are going camping this weekend! I can't wait to wake up with the view of the lake, the smell of bacon on the grill, and the warmth of a fire throughout the day.

8. We have a solid booked calendar until the second weekend in January. I hope I can survive! I am so excited about visiting places again and seeing new places I have never been!

9. My job is stressful~ I wish that I could just teach. When I win the lottery, I am going to start my own school, teach what I want to teach, make students who don't pay attention cut grass with scissors (inside joke), and give them free lunch! When they get to the age of graduation, I will put them up against anyone else and I bet they will be successful! Just teasing... I never play the lottery!

10. I think it is pretty amazing how just about every day I can relate the scripture I read to something going on in my life. Today, Titus 3:1-2! My toes hurt.

11. I'm thinking the girl who cleans my house is going to be very upset tomorrow when she walks in and sees six ferns... shedding... all. over. the. floor!

12. I do such a good job of cutting out coupons and organizing them... but when I get to the store...the coupons are either at home, or I find a better deal.

13. Last but not least... I have to go read a book with Ben...I have been avoiding it all night. The book is about snakes. I. HATE. SNAKES. I hope I don't dream about them tonight!

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