Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thursday Thirteen Thoughts

1. I love having a day to come home and do nothing but put on my pajamas, cook supper, and relax all evening! (I needed it after my day today!)

2. I love making a list of each room in my house and what my plans are on how to decorate it for Christmas. (I never do all I say I am going to do, but I love to write it down in case my world becomes perfect!)

3. Why would someone choose to drag race in an F150. (The scanner is my background noise right now!)

4. I love unplanned dinner plans~ We had salad, steaks, baked potatoes, asparagus, and bread tonight for supper... We saw we had extra and Mama and Daddy headed over... another reason I am so glad I moved back home!

5. I have a lot of talented people in my family that are "artsy fartsy"... I am not... SAD!

6. I think it is neat that when I write all my problems down... I can always go back and find at least twice as many good things to be thankful for!

7. I love an after drink. Tonight I splurged and had Vanilla Flavored coffee... hope it doesn't keep me up all night!

8. Most people don't think like I do... learning to deal with those people is getting harder and harder the older I get. I need filter AND A MUZZLE.

9. I wish I had studied in high school so I could have been a better college student. The only advantage to me not being a good student in high school is I know all the tricks for being a slacker! I pick up on those students immediately and it makes them so mad.

10. I wish my house had a library....or shelves I should say. I believe I could fill up an entire room with the books in my attic. I never feel organized because they should be out for my children to enjoy...but I have no where to put them!

11. I am trying an experiment this winter... instead of putting my ferns in the trash can... I am going to try to keep them alive...INSIDE my house. Mess here it comes!

12. I could use new light fixtures in my house... but I don't really want to bother with that!

13. My final thought for tonight... I love this time change... We are ready for bed at 7:33~

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