Monday, August 27, 2018

A New Way of Life--- The Way

Someone just happened to go through Clemson and pick up KB Friday on his way home from work.  He had been out of town all week and thought he needed someone to ride the last leg with him!  We were so excited when she got home!  

She didn't sleep in her own bed until she was probably twelve or thirteen... Mark traveled all the time, I was scared to go from room to room at night, and I loved being able to put my hand on her back and know she was breathing.  Yes, I broke that rule of sleeping babies should be on their backs... she liked her tummy better.  I ruined her... she didn't like to spend the night away from home... she didn't like having friends spend the night... so it's no surprise she perched right up on my bed when she got home... with MY BLANKET... 

We are continuing the traditions I grew up with and we didn't even try to... Mama and Daddy's bed was always full of people... it was nothing for Mama to get up in the middle of the night when we would get in from being out and she'd cook us something to eat... Jim's friends more than anyone's, but my friends have been in there a time or two!  I remember one specific night when "someone", not me, got a ticket and everyone with him for being somewhere they shouldn't.... and Mama and Daddy were the first we broke the news to... I hope if my children get in trouble they will feel that comfortable!  

We had a great weekend of ballgames, errands, and church.  Yesterday was a little tough when she left... she was teary-eyed... so of course I was too. only last two or three seconds... Last night I went to my room to get ready for bed, and there she was... and I missed her, but I saw a little blessing in disguise... 

When I got ready to plug my phone in... there were her earrings... she didn't put them up...imagine that!  

And no one in our house wears a little shoe like this... yes, right by my bed... she didn't put these up either... 

And on my bed... her blanket... she left that too!  If I hadn't had a lesson on "chocolate" during Sunday School, I probably would have cried, but instead I smiled and thanked God that for two weeks... I wouldn't have to pick up shoes, blankets, towels, earrings, socks, her Yeti, etc.... She's growing up... It's her turn to learn to do these things!  I've picked them up and now her roommate can try to help her not leave things everywhere!  

Since last spring, we have been walking the golf course and gathering golf balls... one day I'll do something with the 1000 I have in my garage.... but tonight... I realized that I'm going to enjoy this time with him... he's an only child right now... all he wants to do is play FN, beg for a dog, and hit a golf club.  I could possibly be bribing him with extra time on FN for walking with me, but I still think he enjoys are walks... we play music really loud and see who can sound the worst while singing.... our new song to butcher is "The Way"... 

She's had her turn as an only child... and she has turned out just fine... it's his turn now... I miss her, I love her, but I wouldn't want her anywhere else!  The song, "The Way"... helps me through my "melting" moments!  

Now... If I could just figure out how to get his grades sent to my phone instead of hers... I would be doing great!  

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