Sunday, October 5, 2014

And some days.... aren't good days... PS- Happy Birthday JMAC

 This morning in Sunday School it was mentioned that God tests us and the devil tempts us....What a great start to lessons learned today... and the earlier we learn those lessons... the better we are.  While my heart hurts as I watch days in my children's lives that seem to be awful, hurtful, and damaging, I am always thankful at the end of the test that has brought those feelings... it builds character in them... let's them know that life ain't always easy... and most importantly, that tomorrow will come and other things will take the place of the thing that is most important right then... It amazes me that the things that can be of so much importance to me today will vanish and other things will replace those worries within a week... I still have to be reminded of this often... and with my two children... the things that I think I should be prepared to console them on... they just turn the page of that book and move on... I'm lucky!
Today we headed to Ben's tournament with high hopes of him scoring a little less than he did a few weeks ago... At the end of the day... it didn't happen that way... but hopefully, he will look back and remember this day as a "character building day"... one of my good friends used that saying a few months back and I LOVE it... Today was Ben's day to build character... he never lost his temper... never threw a club... and never said an ugly word.... For me... I wanted to hold him in my arms and take away the shots that were not like him... I wanted to take all his pain away even though he showed none... I wanted to erase the ugliness from his memory... but then I was reminded that it was a test... a test to see how he handled bad situations... I was proud... My hope is that when he is faced with a serious situation... he will keep his cool just like he did today! 
 Our driver for the day.... he heads to San Fran tomorrow.... back to the real world for the McKinneys for a few days.... as much as I have loved his singing and talking in the mornings... my pink underwear that used to be white.... and little messes all over the house.... I'm glad we are getting back to normal!  It's been a nice break.... but I'll admit that I'm a little jealous of the Lifetime movies he has watched that I have missed! 
 A little stretching on the driving range before he started... of course I think the reason he didn't play well was because of his outfit... I was afraid he was going to be I made him put the white t-shirt on under his golf shirt... he said he didn't like the way it felt... I'll take the blame for the poor shots...
 We are obsessed with this little guy... he was featured on the news last week... he is FOUR YEARS OLD... has the nicest manners of any adult I have ever met... and I would bring him home with me if I could get him away from his family!  He is adorable... and meeting him today was worth our trip!  One of the things that I love most about this golf group is that the parents can caddy for the child... in turn... we all have fun!  I also love the manners Ben is learning from those who are half his age. 
 This is my baby... no one can love him as much as I do... there is no way that anyone can know how hard I could squeeze him!  Sometimes I want to squeeze him because he makes me mad, but recently, I have had a hard time not squeezing him to death because I love him so much!
 I think we should have planned a trip to the beach this weekend... he stayed in the traps... and got out of them... I need to take a few lessons from him...
 Just as cool as a cucumber coming up the fairway....
 Mark's turn on the bag....
And then my turn.... I like to carry for him and talk to him about things that don't deal with golf... like what we are going to eat for snacks... and where we want to go next weekend... and what Clemson games we need to go to.... I'm sure the caddies on the PGA tour talk about more important things like yardage, what club to use, and how hard to swing... I just enjoy talking to him.... I'm hoping he knows that even though I can't help him with the decisions on the course... I still love him!

And speaking of love... our pastor is doing a six week series on Sunday nights about The Lord's Prayer.... We looked at the first lines tonight...He gave us an image we should picture in our heads... of a grandfather on the floor surrounded by his grandchildren all around him... sitting by him... crawling on him... and that is how we should feel... that love and joy should be the comfort we have as we pray... just like those little children with their grandfather... we should be able to talk to Him... I could never picture Butch on the floor with the grandchildren because we couldn't get him up off the floor, but I do remember Bobby letting Ben crawl all over him!  And speaking of father figures.... 

1.  JMac came into our lives about five years ago... he came to see us on Mothers' Day and to attend Ben's pre-k graduation from Over the Rainbow... he ate lunch, grabbed the paper, and took a nap... I knew he was my kind of man....

2.  He loves my cooking... Christmas morning he comes to eat and is always complimentary of my breakfast... even if the grits might be lumpy and the casserole cold

3.  He loves Clemson... We probably would have a hard time loving him as much as we do if he had liked another team...

4.  He takes care of BC.... he sees about her every need and want... and we couldn't have handpicked someone better for her...

5.  He always answers the phone... BC has  a habit of letting the phone ring.... but he always answers... I know who to call when I need to get them!

6.  He says the sweetest prayers... blessings... he is thankful for family and hugs us and loves us...and calls me "sugah"! 

7.  MOST IMPORTANTLY... he loves my children like they are his very own... Sometimes I wonder how he can miss things that he is supposed to be at to come and watch my children play ball... many times they ask if JMac is coming...Ben loves Mimi, but JMac is who he shows out for... he fills in for us when we have to be in two places at once... he drives them where they need to be... and he loves them.... I'm so thankful for him and his presence in our lives...

Happy Birthday JMAC!  I hope your day was wonderful! 

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