Thursday, August 8, 2013

First Day of School 2014 and the rest of the story.....

          One of the biggest arguments Mark and I have ever had was about Katie Britt's first day of Pre-K.  I had told him all summer that he would need to be available to take her because I couldn't... I'm a teacher... I had to be at my school.... I reminded him over and over and over (maybe not that much... but it seemed like it).  A few weeks before school started Mark was giving me his schedule for the upcoming weeks and I noticed that he wasn't going to be in town on the first day of school.  Men aren't sentimental... I am over sentimental... He really considered me just dropping her off at school and leaving her without going in... He was crazy! 
     I cried, I worried, and I prayed.  The week before school started he told me he had asked his daddy to come and take her to school.  At first I thought... good grief... grandddaddies don't do that... it should be a mama or a daddy.  How will I have any pictures of the occasion?  I could have spit I was so mad that Mark didn't change his schedule! 
     Bobby Carol came to Simpsonville to spend the night and he actually followed me and I pointed out the window where to park and which door to go in... I snapped a picture of them going up the sidewalk... That afternoon he was still at my house when I got home.  KB asked him if he would stay for one more night and take her again.  Of course... he did!  They even stopped and got a BLUE bug juice before school... she went to school with a blue mouth!  I got over the fact that neither Mark or I took her, but I truly didn't understand why those events played out until that March... Bobby was so sick... I look back now at the pictuers and wouldn't give a million dollars for that special time between KB and Papa.  For the next few years the tradition was to take KB to school in Papa's truck to carry on his memory! 
     Mark has been able to take the children every other year until last year... Butchie took Ben to school for us and made another special memory!  This year was my turn...
     We were up and ready early, I made breakfast quiche, and we had plenty of time to drop off KB before heading to the elementary school.  (I wish I had walked her in too!).  As we waited outside for the doors to unlock, I couldn't help but think that Bobby would be so proud of Ben... He would love his spunk, his sassiness, and his smarts!  When we walked through the doors of the school a lump hit my throat.  I could see all the mamas and daddies holding their babies hands, telling them they loved them, and kissing and hugging them.  I could hardly talk this morning because of that lump.  I waited at the door of Ben's teacher so she could walk her little girl to her first day... I couldn't talk about to her because I would cry!  After dropping Ben off, I became a school employee and worked for about 45 minutes taking care of a few issues at the school.  As I walked out to the empty parking lot, I heard someone knocking on the window of  a car and the tears started.  We discussed how special the moment was for me to get that opportunity to walk Ben in to school.  For some... this isn't special... doesn't mean anything... but for me... I will never forget the feeling of satisfaction in being able to share that moment with him.   After talking with her, I went to my car and cried.  I cried because I had missed all those times with KB, I cried because I gave up special moments with my own children for other children, and I cried because I don't deserve to have those two precious babies who adjusted quite well without a mama at their every step!  
     Today is one of those days that I will always remember... I will always cherish... I will always love.  They both had a great day... I can see the smiles on their faces and glow in their eyes... I don't even have to ask.  Thank you God for this memory, this time with my children, and most of all for giving me the opportunity to realize a few things before they grow up and don't need me anymore! 

     I also have to say how such a small world this is... When KB was just a three or four years old and we were living in Greenville, Amberly brought her college roommate from Furman to our house to eat supper... I noticed she was pretty good with children and asked her if she was interested in babysitting.  She was WONDERFUL... she even took a job at one of best friend's schools when she graduated... little did we know the diapers she changed about eight years ago would be of a little boy sitting in her class right now!  I couldn't be happier that she has the opportunity to teach Ben! 

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