Saturday, February 14, 2015

Where are we right now?

When I look back in a few years at where I was in February of 2015, I hope I remember how wonderful Valentine's Day has been...

It really has nothing to do with Valentine's Day though... it has to do with how nice the past few weeks have been... other than Mama deciding when I turned 44 she was doing away with my childhood room so the grandchildren will have their own den... life has been good!  I'm not playing either... my feelings are hurt... that room is where I grew up... It isn't pink anymore, it doesn't have my day bed in it, and it no longer has carpet.  What is she thinking?  I don't care that the grandchildren don't want to go upstairs to play the Wii, the computer, and watch tv... I care that the room where I sat on the floor and talked for hours on the phone to boys, counted down the days for my driver's license test with a calendar on the wall, wrote letter after letter to Scott Baio, and even had a hidden pennant of New Edition hanging in my closet ... it's all gone... for her grandchildren... as Ben says, "What the world???"  I guess it's part of growing up... but I walked in there last night and wanted to cry... I guess I was flooded with memories... and also the fact that both my children slept in that room as babies... I didn't mind sharing my room as the nursery at her house, but taking out the bed and making a den... Umph... the jury is still out on if I will sneak over there and put a cot up... I always heard that when you get married and go back home it isn't the same... WHAT A LIE... it was wonderful... I loved going home and spending the night... I guess my other option is to just sleep in the bed with Mama and Daddy since I was in sixth or seventh grade before I decided to  move across the hall to my room...

Basketball season is winding down... KB finished up this week...and immediately started tennis... I always think about teenagers and how keeping them busy will keep them out of trouble...but I sure would have enjoyed one day at home with her... Ben has a few games left and has really enjoyed playing ball this season... I'm not a nervous wreck that he is going to be tackled during a basketball game... and I'm even happier that sportsmanship is just as important as skills. 

Ben and I have had a wonderful week celebrating our birthdays... I was gone last weekend to see Vince with Mama, and Ben and I have taken advantage of our birthdays every day this week... tonight we celebrated Valentine's and his birthday again... I didn't bake a cake, but I did have a chocolate cake just for him... He is one worn out little boy today... He and James have played basketball all day long... at one point in the day they were on two different teams... and they ended the day playing around the world in our yard... KB is on a date... not really, but she has gone to the movies... I begged her to stay with me on Valentine's Day and not go off with a stinky boy, but she just ignored me and went upstairs to doll up!  She came down looking grown... I'm not sure how I will ever convince her to stay at home with me on a Saturday night! 

Mama and Daddy came over for Prime Rib and Salmon... it was a delicious supper... I guess some people get all wrapped up in the celebration of Valentine's Day, but not us... Mark and I can't think of the last time we celebrated Valentine's Day with a gift, a card, or supper out to eat... that is sad, but I think me washing his clothes, ironing them, putting them up, and recently letting him swap and sleep on my side of the bed is enough love for one year... I couldn't be happier to be anywhere else in the world tonight than sitting in the comfort of my house, typing away, and drinking coffee...

Tomorrow we head to Clemson... we are literally going to FREEZE TO DEATH... but I have an excited little boy who is scheduled to throw out the opening pitch for the Clemson Tigers... I hope the camera doesn't freeze!  It has been an awesome week.... I can't wait to celebrate tomorrow... and Mark is right... I might not do an all out party for Ben, but we celebrate birthmonths... not birthdays! 

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