Monday, February 9, 2015

Happy Birthday Baby Boy!

Dear Ben~
You turn 11 tomorrow... our ages are both divisible by 11 this year... You amaze me on a daily basis at how much common sense you have... how you reason through a situation and figure out most adults without them realizing what you are doing is a talent that few have!  

I love so many things about you... this year, to name my favorite, is your attitude in the mornings... There is never a fight or argument... you do a day's work before you go to school.  I'm almost scared to say how easy our mornings are now... I don't miss the diaper changes, the bottle feedings, the feeding you breakfast, or even fixing your breakfast... You are so independent... you get up, you get a shower, you pick out your own clothes (and those awful socks that never match), you fix your breakfast, brush your teeth... and you are ready to go to school!  I'm jealous of the fact that you don't let things bother you in the mornings... I should strive to be more like you!

Another thing that has happened this year is your work ethic.  I love that you see what needs doing... and you do it!  You love to clean, you love to organize, and you love to put things where they belong so we don't have a mess... except maybe your shoes!  I think that you might  be a little OCD, but that's okay.... it never hurt anyone!

You still don't like to spend the night away from home, you would choose to go do something fun with us instead of going with a friend, and you still care what Daddy and I think about things.  I hope you always do!  You have had to do some "growing up" recently, and I'm proud of how you handle yourself.  Don't ever let anyone take away your spunk, your ability to think out of the box, and your sassy mouth... it gets you trouble sometimes, but I love that you defend yourself when you are right!

I can't believe that you are almost finished with 4th grade.  You were just in my lap with your pi pi and tag... no matter how big you get... I will always have room for you in my lap.  Thank you for caring, thank you for doing your best, and thank you for not being afraid to ask any question... no matter how silly or serious... you love to ask!  That's how we learn... and you are always learning... because you are always talking.  You got that from your daddy too!

It's been a great year of being 10.  It's time to move on to the next year of life... I've learned that time doesn't slow down, but I need to enjoy every single moment I can with you!  Being at home in the afternoons, sitting on the couch watching television, or begging you to take your basket upstairs... I enjoy being with you.  You are precious to me... don't ever let anyone tell you that you aren't!  No matter what.... Mama loves you!

I hope this birthday will be an extra special memory!  We may freeze to death at the game, but I can't wait to watch you throw the opening pitch out at the Clemson baseball game!  Let's hope you get baseball started off right for them!  

I hope this next year is full of great memories!  I hope you have more good days than bad!   I hope you get everything you want... except maybe another gun, a Rhino, and a jet ski!  Have a great birthday sweet boy... I love you! 

Hugs and kisses,


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