Sunday, June 10, 2018

It's Been a Year...

It's been a year since I've seen my daddy, but I believe have learned over the last year that death is handled through perspective... and timing... As I sit here this morning watching  my children fish at 6:30 AM... and not complain because they are up too early... and I see a deer eating her breakfast... sting rays jumping in the water.... I can't imagine a prettier scene to wake up to on the year anniversary of his death.  I'm glad Sis's senior trip worked out to being this week... it couldn't have been timed better.  

 Yesterday we left home and headed to our favorite spot on earth!  We had lots of ideas of places to go, but this was where we kept coming back to... sometimes simplicity is just what we need....

Ben was so excited to be where he could fish, watch dolphins, and play on the beach all at the same time!  

We picked us up a few stragglers on I-26 yesterday afternoon... 

 I love a good storm.... and so did the "weather babe"!  Daddy loved to tell us what was going on with the weather and make us aware of any "threatening" storms!
 I think the boys would rather fish than eat....
 Mama cooked our first night spaghetti supper and they were still out fishing instead of inside eating...
 Baby Thom wasn't planning on coming with us, but as I was coming down the road... I felt bad picking up Jamesy and not him!  I'm so glad he came with us.... he is so much like Daddy... he had us watching Live PD, the Braves, and filling us in all the latest with teams!  He also loves to eat and have Mama wait on him hand and foot!  That's the part that really reminds me of Daddy.

 We enjoyed salad, spaghetti, honey bun cake, and all kinds of snacks yesterday!
 And Baby Thom enjoyed milk and chocolate chip cookies!  About 10 of them!

I'm amazed that this deer just hangs out to eat right here in the back yard.  We have been in and out this morning and she doesn't move... she just continues to eat! 

 Last night after supper, we went fishing AGAIN!  Sis loves it too!

 Meanwhile, I have the air cranked down to help Mama remember how cold Daddy liked to keep it and she was wrapped up in a blanket!
 Thomas still snacking!
 When I got up this morning, I was opening the blinds and saw these three about to go fishing... I wish they would be that chipper when they got up for school!  In the background the deer is still eating!

Last night we thought we had a BIG fish.... you can see in the video what it really was! And it wasn't this little bitty shark of Sis's!

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