Monday, April 24, 2017

I love to say, "I told you so"!

Dear Sis,

I pinch myself sometimes when I think about last year and how "miserable" you thought you might be moving to South Carolina.  I talked until I was blue in the face... and then... around May you started changing your mind... and it's been a good day since then.  I'm so glad for everything that got us to this place... for the good decisions, bad decisions, crazy decisions, and most of all... the decisions that led us back where we started.  I think we can agree that every tear has been worth it.  I would say, "I told you it would be a great experience"... but I'll let you decide that!

I laugh daily and roll my eyes at parents who post about all the accomplishments of their children, but I can't help but brag when things are just happening all around you.  Last week we found out you were chosen as Woodruff High School's Student of the Month.  You will be recognized at next month's Spartanburg Rotary Club Meeting with other students in the county.    I'm so proud of you... honored your classmates nominated you and thrilled your teachers voted for you.  I'm glad they see a little of that special heart of yours that loves everyone no matter what they may look or act like.  I hope you will continue to keep that trait!

This morning I got a text from Mike... a small article from the Spartanburg Herald with your name... I couldn't imagine what in the world it was, but I pulled it up online to see that you were selected as the Upstate's First Team All Academic Highest GPA in girls' basketball.  We have gotten a laugh out of this because you may have the highest average of all girls playing basketball in the Upstate, but you are also very likely to hold the title of Most Likely Not to Ever Play in a Game... and you are okay with that!  WE both are!  I'm so glad Mike saw your name... we wouldn't have known if he hadn't!  I guess I should subscribe to the paper!

Don't forget what you can do when you put your mind to it!  I'm so PROUD of you.... just don't tell Daddy I'm posting this or he will accuse me of being one of those bragging mamas!

Love, Mama

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