Sunday, June 21, 2015

My Advice to My Children

Yes, it's Father's Day, but what better way to add a little advice for years to come from now!  I' m not sure who taught me this or if it is original, but...

KB - the best boyfriends are the ones you can look at and see that they will be good daddies one day... they have a heart for noise, they like to teach new things to little ones, and most importantly, they treat you with respect and love... after all...that's the best gift they can give.  You have a pretty good daddy... ok...he is great... and I can only tell you to try your best to find someone as close to him as possible... He is so much like Butch... he lets most things roll off his back, he is honest to the core, he wants the best for you, he will defend you when you are right, and YES, he will hurt your feelings when you are wrong... Your daddy got his ways from Papa.... who left you a sweet message on your first birthday (never marry a logger)... so I'm thinking you better heed to that advice and look for someone who has all the characteristics of the three men who molded you.  Papa would tell you the same thing!  I have to add in JMac too... for his patience with a pre-made family... for his love to us and how good he treats us...and more importantly, his love for Mimi! 

Ben- Proverbs 22:6- Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.  Your daddy is doing a pretty good job at this... except maybe when he yells at us for talking while he is on a business call... we know better, but we just get a little carried away goofing off and get caught!  Honestly, be like your daddy... your heart is so big... you have enough spunk about you to let hurt feelings pass, you have enough smarts about you that you figure things and people out quickly, and you have enough wit about you that adults fall in love with you from first sight... I'd love to take credit for all that, but I only birthed you... all those traits come from Daddy... I'd like to think that your athletic abilities come from me, but I'm thinking they are all McKinney/Wilkes too... be a good daddy one day and nurture those traits in your own children... Be like Daddy, Butch, Papa, and JMac and play every sport you can... strive to be the best in all you do... but most importantly, LOVE... love the women in your life... take care of them... show them respect... and let your heart shine! 

And to both of you... on each Father's Day... take a moment to remember those who can't be fathers, who don't have their father with them any longer, or who just hurt on this day because of situations out of their control.... you both are lucky enough to have great relationships with the term "father"... but there are those who don't... my heart hurts for them, and I want your heart to remember them as well... for you really don't know how lucky you are until you realize that everyone doesn't have a family like ours.  We are BLESSED, LUCKY people... and by the grace of God... I'm hoping you will always know that you both are loved so much... and Why? because of the fathers that have been in our lives... Butch, Papa, JMac... and on an almost daily basis... your Daddy... Mark McKinney... thanks for being the best!  You drive us crazy... but we love you... what we do without complaining about your silly antics, your crazy ideas, and your sleep habits.  Much love Mark... thanks for going above and beyond my expectations of looking for a mate... you fit the mold I wanted very well... I was right in choosing you to be the "Baby Daddy"... If I don't do anything else right... I did pick you!  

Happy Father's Day Mark, Butch, JMac, and Papa in Heaven....

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