Saturday, July 11, 2015

Dear Sis and Boo~

In years to come... I want you to come to this post when you need to forgive someone.... this morning my two devotions lined up together and I thought I would share them with you...

Yes, it's 2015 and I'm reading a devotion from 2014.... Jane had it and said it was good... why not recycle it?  Anyway... each morning this year I have picked up this devotional book and read the verse... the devotion...and then the activity or prayer... this morning I find it very fitting for life...your entire life...because no matter how old you get... your feelings will get hurt. 

It all started with this... says Friday... but remember it's 2014... I love this post... Boo I worry every day about you playing football... a game you love... I don't want you to ever get hit... can you just stand on the sidelines?  My favorite part is about the peace lily... yes, I'm just like this lady... I don't have a green thumb, but I do love a peace lily.... I actually have "Lily" sitting in my kitchen right now...Lily was given to me one day by someone who couldn't take care of her anymore.... I'm doing an okay job with her... right now she needs a little water... but she can wait a day or two because I know she will perk right back up.  Isn't that great... we get to be sad for a few days when someone hurts our feelings, but we need to get a little water (God is the best) to perk us back up after we are hurt.  Be forgiving like Lily.... when I water her... she forgives me and you would never know that I harmed her... If you hold on to grudges, anger, and emotion.... you are going to be like her and not really take the water in... As I have gotten older... I've learned to forgive... I hope you see my example... I hope you are processsing all this and taking note... I love when you look at me and say, "But Mama... they said".... yeah... people have said some things that aren't really nice... or been ugly.... or even hurt you... and yes, I'm nice... I hope you always see that!  I'm trying to teach you that you can be nice without being ugly...

I love to write the dates in my Bible when I come across them in devotions/sermons... Psalms tells us that we have taken an oath... we will follow His laws... and we have to love!  Trust me... it's much easier to love your enemy than build up a hatred for them... I've been there and done that... even today... I let things roll off my back... at least where I am concerned! I always get a little ruffled when it comes to you two, but then I try to step back and just let it go! 

Sis you brought me this book back from camp several years ago... I started reading it a few weeks ago, and today's lesson lined up with my devotional.  It's about overcoming the past... there will be times in life that you are going to wish you hadn't done things you did... they are learning experiences, but you will be ashamed, embarrassed, and you can make yourself sick with guilt... that feeling in the pit of your stomach when the memories come back will haunt you... but let them go too... learn from that mistake and don't make it again... you have long roads ahead of you... relationships to enter into...and get out of... but remember that if you get that little sick feeling in your's probably not the best thing to do.... and words from Lolly... that I like to use... "If you have to hide anything you are doing... it's probably not a good thing"... right now you both let me read your text messages on demand... I know that will change eventually... but I like to keep tabs on who you are talking with and what you are talking about... Boo.... I got my radar on you right now!  Whenever you type something in a text message, an email, or even say it... it can come back to haunt you... but you can overcome these things... you might not think a thing about making fun of someone with a friend... or talking about a difficult situation that a friend is going through, or even giggling that someone is finally having trouble in his/her life... but remember that it can...and most of the time will haunt you later on.... Overcome your past by trying not to do these things anymore... because one day the table will turn and you will be the one who is talked about... and it doesn't feel so good.... that friend who talks about someone with you... will probably talk about you one day.  So step back... watch what you say/do...
And finally, remember Exodus 20:6- but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.

Be nice... beware of those who may hurt you... but love them with all your heart!  

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