Thursday, March 27, 2014

Thursday 13

My self-diagnosed ADHD has kicked in and I can't decide what I want to write about today....

1.  I'm off work today and my house needs fluffing, but due to the recent cold spell.... I have ferns and potted plants filling my dining room floor... When it finally gets warm again and I move them outside... I will fluff again.  I thought working part time I would have a clean house with lines on the carpet everyday.... HA.... I just say to myself that I will do that tomorrow.... Scarlett has really come to live in this house! 

2.  I am in my last class for my Educational Specialist degree... I have to drive there three more times... I have a huge paper due Monday night... I really should be doing the research on it instead of writing this... but researching case laws and their impact on education isn't nearly as fun... or maybe it is... people sue for stupid reasons.... and win.... I'm learning daily to be careful... lots of crazy people out there who are sue happy!  Back to Scarlett....I'm going to worry about that paper this afternoon... not tomorrow.

3.  Yesterday morning KB woke up with her eye swollen shut... Not sure what happened, but we think it was her acne medicine that broke her out.... anyway.... she should look beautiful tonight in the Miss LCMS pageant with a puffy, red eye.... I loved pageants in high school and I think they are stressful... I worry what impact they make on girls... do they make the ones who don't win feel ugly... the ones who get runner-up feel like leftovers.... the ones who win feel pretty on the inside too?  It's the south though... pageants are a part of life!  Anyway... after dealing with the eye mishap.... yesterday afternoon Ben comes in crying and I thought he had killed the dogs....

4.  He was grabbing his head and crying to a point I couldn't understand him...My motherly instinct could tell he wasn't hurt...but that he had hurt something.... one of his favorite things to do is to hook up the trailer to his four wheeler and drive it around the yard to pick up sticks and pine cones.  He had been working for over an hour when this happened and I couldn't imagine anything but the dogs.... when he finally got it out.... I was relieved.... he had tried to back the trailer back into place and had swiped the pole on the shed and cracked the light of the trailer.... he said a hundred times "Daddy is going to kill me"..... I told him he wasn't and we would get it fixed.... Of course, I called Mayo and he came to our rescue.... Ben is going to do some extra work to pay for the light.... He was late to practice last night and told Mama he had a horrible practice because he was so sad.... I'm sorry that his heart is hurt, but I'm glad to know he is afraid of us... I never knew it before! 

5.  We have six more school days until Spring Break.... that means the Masters and the Heritage are right around the corner.... my favorite two weeks of the year!  I love visiting both!  I love hearing the Masters music.... seeing the commercials.... freshening up the house.... and visiting with family and friends... planning trips, things to do, and getting ready for summer make me have an extra burst of energy! 

6.  Wouldn't it be nice if people who had big mouths and negative attitudes knew the rules and regulations of how all things work?  In the last few months, I have had many encounters with situations that I have bitten my tongue and sat back in awe....while wanting to scream "Look at the big picture folks... not a little piece of the puzzle...."  When I taught middle school there was drama every day.... when I would meet with my team of teachers we would categorize the situations and decide what to handle.... as usual.... the same names would come up just about everyday.... my friend and I would call them "sterling silver spoons"... they loved some drama... and they stirred it up everyday.... Who knew adults could be like that too?  My advice is to polish your spoon before trying to polish my family's.... We have a little protection over us.... and you can try to tarnish us.... but we don't get involved in the drama..... adults disappoint me sometimes.... I'm thankful my children recognize the difference in drama and true things to worry about.

7.  When I get rich.... I'm going to have someone come in and change my sheets EVERY day.... and do my hair and makeup.... and cook me gourmet dinners.... I honestly think I was supposed to be a princess and somewhere along the way my stars didn't aligh up and I became who I am....

8.  My spring cleaning "to do" list is so long that it will be next winter before everything gets done.... I often wonder what I did to fill my time before google search, social media, and access to work from home... While I am not supposed to be working today.... I manage to answer emails, drink coffee, type a blog, add to my things to do list, and sit in my pajamas.... maybe if the power would cut off I could get to that list! 

9.  I think the coach from the baseball game the other night should have been ejected.... he loves to run his mouth, make gestures at our team, and even acted like he was going to go after one of our boys when we played them there.... REALLY?  You are an adult and you are not setting an example for your players... these are children... yes, they are taller than me, but their little hearts are not ready for all that foolishness.... someone should really pop you in your mouth... but then that would hurt that person's character... honestly, I think that it is sad schools allow coaches to represent them with those actions.... maybe it is the adminstration's fault.... you see it... you don't do anything about it... yeah, you probably are to blame. 

10.  I asked for a pressure washer for Christmas... I didn't get one.... if I had one today I could do so much... maybe I should just google that and spend several hours researching and wishing I could find one that was affordable... and maybe even like that little vacuum for the pool....just throw it in and it does the work for you....

11.  Candy crush.... I was an addict... now I have been stuck on the same world for almost six weeks... I'm tired of it.... I wish they would make Mario for an Iphone... and they might... I'll have to google that too... I spent hours and hours doing that growing up.... and then I moved to Sonic in college.... hours wasted that I could have been doing something else.... but... I love that it keeps Daddy entertained.... when we walk in the door at his house... he passes his phone off to us to get him through the next world....

12.  Church- I look forward to going to church... I used to go for me... to see what I could get out of it... I went to check it off my list... I went because I thought it was the right thing to do.... I went to hear a man stand behind the pulpit and talk to me.... Now... I'm not really doing any of that... I look at the scripture for the message... I read it with my own understanding and some from what the pastor says... and I reflect on how this applies to me.... It's amazing how much self-reflection and growth someone can make if they just sit and listen... no one thinks exactly like me... I don't agree with everything that happens and is said... but I do know that love is supposed to be our ultimate goal.... having hatred and despising people isn't a part of who God wants us to be... being in church helps me reflect on that.... I used to think of a million excuses to miss church at least once a month... but now... it is my priority... to be there.... It amazes me the knowledge my children get from it too.... loving my children and giving them a foundation of the importance of faith is my duty as a parent.... I'm probably at a one on a scale of 1 to 10,  but I try.  I can't remember who pointed this out to me, but there are 168 hours in a week.... If someone goes to church on Sunday ( a maximum of three hours).... there are still 165 hours to do whatever you want... that is a lot of time.... I am not good at inviting people to church ( I fear rejection), I am not good about asking people why they stopped coming to church ( I don't have answers to their issues), I am not good about saying "Your life would be so much better if you devoted just a short time to God each week" (that rejection again).... But... church is important.... that desire in my heart to be with other believers is there and I feel like I have let God down if I don't go... In my heart, I'm working on inviting people who have stopped coming to church to come back.... and to invite those who don't go at all to come.... my heart hasn't hit my mouth yet because of fear....

13.  The last one.... Dear Winter... I'm really ready for Spring... I would like to be able to wear a cute outfit to the Masters... spend some time tanning at the Heritage.... and also get all these flowers out of my dining room... you have been here long enough... you have done your damage.... you have shed those old leaves.... knocked down old limbs....and caused cracks/ pot holes in the roads... one my friends "Spring" is bursting out buds and getting ready to come visit.... I need to see her.... She gives me energy... she gives me hope... she starts things anew.... So... go away Winter... tired of ya! 

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