Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Ultimate Mother Brag Post....

 This is my baby girl... the one I prayed for, dreamed about, and hoped to be a precious, prissy girl... she has exceeded my expectations... This girl right here, #10, is playing basketball for the second year in a row!  She has improved 100 percent from last year and makes me smile knowing that she is doing something that I never dreamed she would!  She is out of her box... and the box I put her in... and I am so proud.  I'm so proud that she can dribble, and pass, and GET A FOUL CALLED ON HER!  I never thought she would be feisty enough... but that girl got some spunk Saturday!  Ashley McKinney would have been so proud of her!  Sis... I love you more and more every day... for the little things like this... thanks for trying out... thanks for giving it your all... thanks for these precious memories that we are creating! 
 Team huddle before taking the court! 

She was being sassy right here!

 That hand... touching that girl.... that makes me smile... "she ain't scered".... she showing her spunk here! 

Side note here:  Dear Christie, Thanks for encouraging her, thanks for seeing that she has potential, thanks for giving her a chance!  You have done a great job with these girls so far!  I think they are ready for the Professional Women's League... okay ... that was little much, but they have improved so much... It's amazing what a year of practice will do! 

 We didn't win Saturday, but we did score!  Who knew we could do that? 

And now for the Boo Boo... Oh my goodness... where do I start with this one?  Back in January "someone" hounded me that they wanted Ben on their team for football... Every time I saw him he said something... and I told him No... actually... I said Never... (Never say that)....
So... here he is... starting something that I am still on edge about... letting the influence of friends and coaches persuade me to do something I am not comfortable with... I know I am just getting paid back for the times that Mama and I would sneak and do things and not tell Daddy or the brothers...

Mark and Ben "snuck" to find out about football...That night when they got home... I was in the office working and Ben came in and sat on the desk in his underwear with his knees up to his chin and said, "Mama, I need to talk to you.  I really want to play football if you will let me"..... At this point Mark is sitting in the corner watching me... I looked at him and told him that he was making me the bad guy... So... I gave in... I have prayed and prayed for his safety... I hope he doesn't get hurt... Tonight was his first game and I watched in awe at this little boy who really isn't big enough to be a part of a football team...
That's my baby out there... #4.... His little chicken legs, butt no wider than a piece of paper, and heart of gold... standing proud to be a "mini-bulldog"....

 Craig's all your fault... I'd like to cut you, but you made him smile so much tonight... I'm gonna put my knife back up! 

I can't believe that I'm at this point where he is playing a contact sport that there is real contact made... I shivered every time he touched the ball.... And you can bet that I was cheering the loudest when he carried it to the one yard line! 

 Ben doesn't have any of his buddies on his team... but he has made some great new friends!  I'm glad for opportunities like this! 

Jack and Josh took pictures for me tonight... I think they may have a crush on Coach Barnett... I found lots of pictures with him in focus!

Ben, I'm still not happy that you are playing... only because I don't want you to get hurt.  And... I never realized that I needed to pay attention the entire time!  I love you baby boy... and please don't get hurt!  (Hopefully, when he reads this post in ten years...he will remember that every time I saw him this week I told him "Don't get hurt"....)  Brush your teeth, don't get hurt.  Get your bookbag, don't get hurt.  I love you, don't get hurt! 

Dear God- Please watch over these two the next few weeks... they have a packed schedule... Mark has one... and so do I!  Not a blank day on the calendar.... keep them safe, keep them rested, and help us to keep making these wonderful memories together!  Amen!  

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