Monday, April 30, 2012

April 27, 2012

Dear Amberly,

        I can hardly believe that tomorrow we celebrate with a shower for you to have a baby.  It seems like just yesterday that I was at University Hospital waiting on you to be born.  I was so excited that Velda was going to have me a real, live baby doll!  I never dreamed that I would love you so much. 

        I spent the first five years of your life with you just about every day.  I would always spend the night on Saturdays and when you would start crying on Sunday morning, I would run get you and put you in the bed with me.  I would pretend that you were my very own.  I loved spending the weekends with you!

        When I could finally drive, I would come and pick you up to take you to ride around town.  Those were the best… no car seat, loud music, and we car danced.  I thought you were so sweet the night we won Miss Lincoln County Green.  You wanted a crown on your trophy and stopped right on stage to put it there!  You were my topic for my senior monologue ~ I remember pretending to be you and talking like you.  You were a huge part of me growing up~ a little sister like I never had!

        I loved every moment of getting you ready for special days and even your proms.  Our trips to the beach would not have been the same without you and your buddies!  I will always have a special place in my heart for Amanda, Carrie, Dee, and Reed... somehow they were always with you when we went somewhere!   I was so excited when you chose Furman for college. I was even more excited when Stephie Britt came along to take care of you!  :) 

        Today, I want to tell you how proud I am of you.  You have excelled at everything you have ever tried.  You have a sweet spirit, and your faith is beyond amazing.  I love that you are not afraid to let everyone know how much you love the Lord!  You and Phil are going to make wonderful parents~

        There are no words to prepare you for the emotional roller coaster you are about to go on the next few years.  I can’t tell you how much you will love that little boy.  In your eyes he will be perfect and never do anything wrong.  I am so excited to meet your fellow!  There is no gift that I could give you better than that of prayer.  I promise to pray for you, for Phil, and for Hudson.  I pray that you will have strength to get through those hard days, for patience to listen to him cry that first night, and for the wisdom to know it is okay to break down and cry when you can’t handle it anymore.  The best thing you can do for yourself and Hudson is to ask for help when you need it.  I am here!  I will help you whenever I can. 

        In all seriousness, I want to give you the gift of time.  You and Phil are going to need a weekend away a few months after he is born.  I do hope you will call me and let me keep him~ I promise to love him, squeeze him, and spoil him rotten… besides… it wouldn’t be so bad if he turned out just like you! 

        Good luck these next few months!  You are going to make a wonderful mama!



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