Sunday, May 10, 2015

Jane and Betty Carrot....Happy Mother's Day!

Things I learned from Mama that she didn't even have to tell me... I just watched her!

1.  Always save room for dessert... the sweets are the best part of the meal and no matter how much you have to eat... there is always room for a "little something sweet"....
2.  Never let them see you sweat... my oh my how I have learned this over the past year... no matter how you feel about someone who may have hurt your feelings, crossed your path, or even stabbed you in the back... smile when you see them... never let them know you are hurt... never let them see you sweat... and never waste time on worrying about what "they" think... if you do what is right... it is right!
3.  Put on makeup... you never know who you will see... I've learned in the last few months that some people don't recognize me without my makeup on... Mama thinks you should put your makeup on to go to the mailbox at the end of the driveway... with crows feet and splotchy skin on my face now, I'm seeing exactly why she thinks this!
4.  Your children can always be defended.... no matter the mistakes we make, we know that we have her support... mistakes are going to happen... but look for the good in things... look for a way to support... no matter what...
5.  Mamas are not your best friend every day... recently, on more than one occasion, I have heard Mama's words coming out of my body... sometimes we have to say things to our children that might hurt their feelings... that might make them angry... that might make them cry... but they are so, so true... I'm learning as a Mama that I don't want to ever look back and wish I had said this or that... when it comes to giving advice... I hope I don't ever put my filter on..... On the other hand, I can be a best friend... the best friend who is here when I let my children make the wrong choices to learn a lesson... no matter what I'll be there.

And finally, other than number 3... Betty Carrot is the SAME WAY.... She loves a little something sweet, she is always nice even when she doesn't care for someone and their ways... she defends us to the nth degree... and boy does she have good advice!  I have said more than once... I don't call her as often as I should, but when I do... there is a peace like no other... my conversation always starts out with, "You know when I'm worried about something I always like to pass it on to someone else , so I don't have to worry about it anymore..."  and she always listens... and always takes away my worries... I appreciate that more than she will ever know.

Mark and I are both lucky... our mamas probably have people who think they might be busy bodies... who think they sheltered us and didn't let us do things... who think they are unrealistic in their expectations that we always do well... who tried to make us out as a little bit better than anyone else... but you know what.... I look at that as values/morals... they instilled in us to do the right thing... don't be found in a situation where "if Jesus came back would He be happy where you are right now", who can fault that.... I'm glad I learned that sooner than later.  I can only hope that I'm half the mama to KB and Ben as BC and Jane were to us...

I know everyone else has said that they have the best mamas in the world... I agree with a post I saw on Facebook this morning... "that is tacky to say that your mama is the best".... but just so you know... I think it... Our mamas are the BEST, but I'm not going to post that as my status!   

On a side note:  thank God that they also taught us a gift isn't always necessary!  No gift-giving this year, but I'm sure by July I will see something they need and surprise them with it! 

Happy Mother's Day!  Who knew that 19 years ago we would be where we are right now... with two beautiful, smart, loving, and sometimes aggravating, irritating, sassy-mouthed children who get to tell me Happy Mother's Day today! 

I saw a post about being blessed with material things... my blessings are right here... God-given...

Happy Mother's Day! 

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