Monday, November 28, 2011

Sisterly/Brotherly Love

I gave in last year to a perfect tree. Not that I ever had a perfect tree, but I decided my children were old enough to decorate our tree and place ornaments where they thought they should be. It was precious. Katie Britt had a side and Ben had a side.
Ben decided this year when it was time to decorate that he would rather play the Playstation. Katie Britt wasn't real happy about putting ornaments on the tree, but with a little persuasion/force... she put the ornaments on the tree. I am not sure why I would be surprised by the placement, but as I sat on the floor of the den this afternoon... I couldn't help but notice.

I honestly don't ever remember our Christmas tree growing up having any special meaning. I am not even sure we put one up at all... we lived far away usually, and then when we could come home for Christmas after school was out there really wasn't a reason to have a tree in our house. I do remember Boo-Ma's tree though. It was perfect. Mary placed each ornament in a perfect place. I also remember Leah, Bobbie, and me singing "The Twelve Days of Christmas" and pointing to the cross-stitched ornaments as we sung. I can remember going to my great-grandmother's, Jett, and her tree had those bulbs as big as my hand on it. They were hot too! I didn't begin to really notice other people's Christmas trees until we would ride around in town at night peeking in the windows of homes. Those were the best! We would trash talk this house or that house for having colored or white lights, big or small lights, real or fake trees. It was fun! Never in my time did I think to myself that it didn't matter whose house it was...they thought their tree was good enough for their family.

In my late years of elementary school and Guille was in 8th or 9th grade (I say this because he was old enough to know better), I can remember sitting by our tree in the foyer and thinking how beautiful it was. I remember Mama going in after we had gone to bed and fixing every ornament and putting it in the proper place. It was a tree to be proud of espcially since everyone could see it from the road! Anyway, one day during Christmas break, Guille came to my room and said, "Let's go look at the presents under the tree!". I was all game for that! We shook, smelled, and squeezed. Finally, he said, "Let's open one of our presents. You can open one of mine and I will open one of yours." I actually thought about it for a minute before I agreed, but I agreed. Besides... he always got to open presents early because his birthday is December 14th. (unfair in so many ways)

As I opened up the game for the Atari or Nintendo, I had a sick feeling in my stomach. I knew that it was a big mistake. It was the very gift he had asked for the entire season. His Christmas would be spoiled if I told him. But... we agreed. He didn't seem to care. He was grinning from ear to ear. My gift that he opened? A phone jack, which lead to other presents on Christmas morning like a phone cord, a phone, my own phone line. We neatly wrapped the presents back up and I am still not sure that Mama knows we did it! I know it ruined Christmas for me. I also felt like I had betrayed that beautiful tree... by being dishonest.

When Mark and I first got married he traveled every week. He would bring me back a t-shirt from the city he had been to visit. After about three shirts in a month, I suggested he begin bringing me Christmas ornaments. So he did. I have them from all over the United States and world. Our first Christmas the bows from my wedding and the ornaments we had collected were on my tree. I loved it. Thinking back now was probably pretty sad.

This Christmas for the first time in many I have to laugh... you probably can't tell from the tree, but all of the special ornaments from my childhood and first years of marriage are at the back of the tree. Any ornament with Ben's name on it, or an ornament that he has made, or an ornament that looks "boyish" is hidden among the branches... the only things that are visible are Katie Britt's! When I pointed that out to her, she just smiled! Poor Ben hasn't figured it out yet, but when he does I have a feeling that he will "fix her up"!

I love this bond that sisters/brothers (and cousins) in my case have for tree decorating. I am sure I will remember this Christmas as the one where I counted down the days until Ben notices that none of his ornaments are really visible from the front of the tree.

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