Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I L.O.V.E. Lincolnton with every ounce of being in my body...

I love the good, the bad, and the ugly of Lincolnton. I love that when I moved back here one of my friends from the "city" gave me a towel that says ~"the good part about living in a small town is when you don't know what you are doing...everyone else does"! Oh how true that has become. I love that everyone knows me... trips to the grocery store that should take 5 minutes take 20 minutes because I like to talk ~ a little! I like to catch up about my friends when I see their parents, I like to tell parents how their children are doing in school, and I like to find out how my own children are doing. I like that everyone knows me and at 40 years old... people feel obligated to call my parents and tell them I am doing this, that or the other! For real... not kidding...they hear what I do all the time~ . And all that is the good~ It keeps me honest and straight!
The bad part about living in this small town... I moved away once. I have been in other towns where when I came home from work, NO ONE CAME TO VISIT! I forget this sometimes. I come home, put on my pjs, and then ... knock at the door. This leads to the fact that I don't "fluff" my house everyday. My mama... she fluffs in the morning before she leaves and she fluffs before she goes to bed. You can eat off her floors, have a snack and coffee, and relax in a house that feels like it was just cleaned by Molly Maids. My house isn't like that. I like to sleep until the last minute in the mornings... no time for fluffing! I like to stay on the computer at night, read books with Ben, talk to KB, or take long, hot bathes at night... no time for fluffing. So... the bad is being caught off guard when a visitor comes by. I forget where I live sometimes!
Now to the reason I am writing this...THE U.G.L.Y. I love Lincolnton...with all my heart. BUT... today I had to go to the doctor in Greenville. As Mama and I were coming back and looking at all the small towns from here to there, she made a good point. She said that our Christmas decorations were ugly as "insert an ugly word". It made me laugh. I think it is funny to hear her say ugly words. She doesn't say them unless they are absolutely necessary. And tonight they were... My questions about our lights are this... why do we have some colored? some white? some out? some on? some off? some that I can't make out exactly what they are? My point??? let's have all white lights... that way there is no question about what color to put back in them when they go out~ and white is pretty... a snowflake should be white, an angel should be white, and a star should be white. Petty that I am focusing on this... I know... but hey, if that is the only UGLY thing about Lincolnton... then so be it!

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