Sunday, November 11, 2018

Do the Right Thing at Christmas

Think back to your favorite Christmas... the excitement you had... the gift that made it great... the places you visited... the people who were there....the list goes on and on.... Sometimes Christmas is better because of your expectations being far exceeded.  Sometimes Christmas is the "best one" because you did the right thing!

Let's go back to the stable for a minute... and being stable.  The Christmas season is filled with all kinds of traditions unique to your own family... things that you think are the most wonderful, magical thing in the world may never happen at your neighbor's house.... and you might sneak a peek in their windows and think how crazy they are at what they decide to do!  As soon as one of these traditions or fun things are missed... your Christmas isn't the same and you feel off-balance... or unstable wondering if Christmas is going to be ruined because you didn't get to experience ________ this year.

Let's go really far back and think about the first Christmas... the morning/night that Baby Jesus entered the world... I wonder what Mary thought as she held this miracle baby... I wonder if his birthday each year got any better in her eyes or was the first one the best?  What did she think as she held him and watched him grow?  My gut feeling is that this was the best Christmas ever for her.  She had God in her arms...she knew it was a miracle...and that was all she needed.  Honestly, that's all you and I need every day.... that's it!

As a mother/woman, we want things to be stable and perfect.  We want things to be planned... perfect... and punctual.  Nothing has changed much from today to back then... I'm sure Mary had wished this had been a planned pregnancy... a perfect birthplace... and any time but during a census!

So where does this lead us today?  It's simple... DO THE RIGHT THING!  Yep... you read that just right.... that's simple, right?  Plan all the activities for the family, buy the best gifts you have ever given, give money to the poor children, and send out those lovely Christmas cards... isn't that the best thing?  Isn't that the right thing to do? Insert "sarcasm" here!

James 1:22

Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.

I have looked and looked in the Bible for the part where it says I have to have a meat and three for Christmas Eve lunch, and then an elegant dinner for Christmas Eve night, a huge buffet breakfast for Christmas morning, and prime rib and potatoes for Christmas night... but I can't find that!  Don't get me wrong... I LOVE to eat... I love to open a present... I love to get Christmas cards (I don't take time to send them anymore).... but none of that is in the Bible....

So as I ponder the stability in my house... am I "doing the right thing"?  Am I spreading God's word to those around me?  Am I opening up my home to someone who may not know about that Christmas morning when Jesus was born... am I helping I doing what God wants me to do OR what I think needs to be done? Am I following the commands that God's word tells us about?

It sounds so easy doesn't it?  Do the right thing and things will be great.  Nope... doing the right thing isn't always the easiest thing to do... but it's the right thing to do.  To be "stable" this year... focus on doing the right thing... do what God's word says and spread the love of Christ... we are here to spread His seeds... and He makes them grow! Gain your stability in reading and knowing what God's word says.... and DO THE RIGHT THING!

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