Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Christmas Angels Bring the Christmas Cheer

 It just so happened that these pictures popped up on my timeline for today... and I have to say that they are the perfect fit for my thought on the angels... and Christmas.  Angels can be spirits or they can be be real... That's Velda, or VeVe now because of Hudson, on the couch... she is an angel to me in so many ways.  She let me make Amberly my real live baby doll.... I would have moved in with her and Marion if they had let me.  She let me spend my weekends with her... and she taught me to spend the night away from Mama and Daddy and not be afraid.  That's also Leah and Bobbie in the picture who are like sisters to me... we don't talk on the phone or email every day or even text every day, but in a crunch.... they have my back and I have theirs.... life has us all in different places right now, but there is a bond there that can't be broken.... and that other blonde is Guille.... I'm sure he is cheating at whatever the game might have been, but he is pretty special to me too....
 This next picture is at Gail and Bob's house on Christmas morning.... I love seeing old pictures... and look... someone got pillows for Christmas!  That's my granddaddy, Harvey... or Har as we called him... sitting on the 70s couch!  He is dressed in a tie... I never saw him in anything else.  He was a mailman, the mayor, chairman of the school board, and ran an old country store.   He died when I was in 3rd grade, but my favorite memory of him was when he took me to church on Christmas morning.  I remember having on a red dress, standing beside him while he drove, and him dropping me off in Sunday School.  I also remember standing on the pew beside him.  That's Boo-Ma, or Rachel (I'm named after her) sitting in the green robe on the couch... in matching bedroom shoes!  She loved a duster or a bathrobe... She would come home at lunch and take off her clothes and put on a duster to eat and then put her clothes back on... I guess I get my love of comfortable clothes from her... some like to say I get my nosiness, non-filter comments, and questioning skills from her too.... I'm sure I was named after just the right person!  That's me in the pink pajamas and boots... obviously we didn't get Christmas pajamas when we were coming along! 
 This is us again.... that's Bob in middle of the floor... I"m sure he is "fixing" something... He could fix anything at one time... it might be rigged up, but he could fix it.  Once when I was in college he came to my rescue with Daddy and brought my friends and me a car because we had a flat tire on the way to the beach.  He slipped me some money as we were leaving and said to have a good time!  That's Boo-Ma on the couch... with a cigarette... IN THE HOUSE... how did we stand that?  And that's Mama in the corner looking at Bobbie! 
 We were back at Boo-Ma's house in this picture to open presents.... Can you believe how simple the tree was decorated?  Why can't we be like that?  I don't know who that is in the red pants... can't make out the shape.... but notice that Mama has on the same robe and the same shoes as Boo-Ma! 
 That's Jim working on a racetrack... me looking at the typewriter... and Leah looking on.... I'm sure mine or Jim's gift was broken because we never had a Christmas where someone's things weren't broken!  I love that Mama has on a robe still.... she wouldn't be caught dead in a robe now... she dresses every day!  She also has been working on her hair because it looks like she has curled it, but she hasn't brushed it out!
This is Granny at Boo-Ma's... isn't it great when in-laws get along?  I love that Granny could come to Boo-Ma's house on Christmas morning.  I never realized how lucky I was as a child growing up that both sets of grandparents got along.... I think that is why I have naturally expected my parents and Mark's to be together with us.  I think as a mother we should encourage this and make both sets of parents feel welcome at Christmas... it makes things a lot less stressful!  

And this.... THIS IS US.... Mark being goofy... Sis not paying attention... Ben and I posing for the camera because we don't like to have bad pictures... as I have looked over these pictures I have realized and I KNOW THERE ARE ANGELS watching over me.  I don't thank God enough for the life that I have had... I'm a lucky girl and I don't ever want to take it for granted.  I could focus on the things that are frustrating, irritating, don't go my way, not right.... but I choose happiness.  I choose to look for the good.  I'm so glad I have living angels who show me the right way to live and act... take a moment and go down memory lane.... Do you have angels?  Do you have people who are pillars in your life?  Have you told them how special they are to you?  Take a minute and let them know.  Invite your in-laws over... invite the other set of grandparents over... invite that cousin you haven't seen in awhile over... tell your children about their great-grandparents... and pray for those who are struggling this holiday season... you never know when you may be someone's angel and you didn't even know it!  God bless those angels in your life!

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