Saturday, April 18, 2020

What I Will Miss

I could post a thousand things I won't miss about the quarantine... I won't ever take for granted the ability to run to TJ Maxx or HomeGoods... I will just be happy for the day I can walk around the store and look!

BUT... honestly, I have loved some of the things about being at home.

1.  I love the lazy mornings where I get to spend a little extra time reading my Bible and doing my devotion.

2.  I love working in my pajamas.  I've embraced the fact that my hair products and makeup may be old and yucky by the time I get to use them again.  A hat, my workout clothes, and socks have become my dressed up outfit.

3.  I love having all my chickens under one roof.  Going to bed at night and knowing they are all in the nest is comforting... it makes me sleep better and makes me wake up happy knowing they are safe.

4.  I love that all my closets, drawers, and garage have been cleaned out.  Last week I had the sudden thought I needed to make sure everything was done in case we got to go back to work.  I didn't want to look back at this time and regret not getting the mess cleaned out.  I have some clothes to organize to sell, but other than that... all things are clean!

5.  I love our nightly games of Scrabble... unless I lose.  We have entertained ourselves by watching past seasons of Friends and playing Scrabble just about every day.  Mark cheats and makes up words, but it's okay... I still love him.

6.  I love that this is the longest period of time our family has ever been together and no one has killed anyone else.  I feel like I have people attached to my hip, but I'm good with that.  Sometimes I slip out the door to run to the dollar store, but other than that... they are with me.

7.  I love our nightly "Fireside Chats"... I have only read about the original Fireside Chats, but that is what I call the nightly press conference to update what has gone on in the US and world for the day.  It's family time where we discuss how some journalists don't know how to ask questions, some people are over the top with trying to stump the President, and how sometimes the President could have answered in a different tone and made things better.  The bottom line is what I want my children to learn from this ----if anyone is completely, 100% against someone--- they are wrong... and if someone is completely, 100% for someone--- they are wrong.  Find something good in everyone!  I commend both the democrats and republicans who stand on that stage taking harsh questions from the media each day.  This isn't a time to stump a doctor, an admiral, or the President... get the facts and let us back out into the crazy we had once before.

8.  I love my friends even more than I did before.  True friends leave bread on their porch for you... invite you to eat a little supper from afar... and do their best to make you smile during this time.

9.  I love the family devotion our family is doing together each day.  We have the book The Story  and we are reading one chapter each day.  KB created a google document for us to record our notes, and I LOVE reading what we have all written.  We are discussing through technology and not face to face... I guess that's okay!

10.  Finally, I LOVE that through the mitigation we have shown what following rules can do.  We have been careful, we have been smart, and we have been diligent at washing our hands and making contact with others minimum.... I love when we prove people wrong... as a nation we should be proud.  My prayer is our economy picks back up ( I'm going to TJ MAXX and HOMEGOODs first so get out of my way), our schools open back up with parents who love their child's teachers, and the things I have grown to love during this time won't go away... I hope they become our new way of life.

This quarantine thing ain't so bad after all!

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