Saturday, December 21, 2019

She's Twenty... Oh My

The saying "the days are long but the years are short" rings so true with this one.  I can't fathom that twenty years ago this little bundle of joy came into our lives.  I loved babies from the time I was a little girl and dreamed of having a sweet, precious angel of my own.  My dream came true.  As I looked through photo albums this morning, I was reminded of just how much I have been blessed.  She has always followed the rules, done as she was told, and most importantly, worn a bow in her hair!  I wish I could have bottled up the stage!  I often tell her I want her wedding gown to be smocked! 

She's a lucky little girl who turned into a beautiful woman.  She has had the support and love of strong willed grandparents who help her in times of need and are honest to the core.  What more could she ask for?  She was loved by the two men in this picture and stole their hearts with that sweet smile and love of football.  

She has always been my child who does exactly what I wanted.  (most of the time)  What other three year old would pose like this for a picture.  I've learned that my controlling her is no longer an option because she has a mind of her own.  I say all this to say it is so much better her way.  She has made decisions that make me proud, honored, and overwhelmed by the strength she has.  

She has always been a daddy's girl.  When I look at this picture he doesn't look much over 20 himself.  She was a Christmas baby and the best gift he could have ever gotten.  They share a bond I can't describe.  They think alike, they work alike, they love alike.  They are one in the same no matter how much everyone says she is me.  I know her love of learning, her hard-headed "I got this", and determination comes from him! 

I've always loved this picture because I think of her looking into a glass ball and making a wish.  I have to say I think she could ask for anything and get it.  She has been blessed all her life to be loved by many, succeed at just about everything she tried (let's be honest... basketball may not have been the best), and made wise decisions that led her to be recognized as someone who is to be a role model.  I'm proud of that, but I also know her strong foundation in faith has prepared her for making good decisions and also recovering from a few silly ones!  

When I sent her to college a year and half ago, I never dreamed of the success and opportunities she would have.  She has worked hard and my dreams for her have been put aside because hers are much better.  The determination to be who she wants to be, to do what she wants to do, and live like she wants to live is something that no one can talk her out of... and it's a wonderful thing to say I have an independent daughter.  

She is home often and has become this one's second mama.  Oh how I love that she stays on him.  She cooks his breakfast, makes his lunch, and limits his time on PS4.  She is going to make a great mother one day and has had practice with a little devil!  I just thought the bond between her and Mark was strong... Boo has managed to twist her arm and make her side with him often in the little squabbles the two of us have.   He loves Sis... and I'm not sure what he would do without her support. 

PaPa loved "Miss Priss" too.... without him... Mark wouldn't be the father he is.  I love the memories of KB and Papa... truth be known her love of words and knowledge and numbers came from him.  

This picture says so much... these two also have a bond... they love to read and I know she got that from Mama.  Look closely at the picture and not that Mama still has on her glasses after falling asleep... but notice the books on KB's chest... and that sweet little bow in her hair.   She wanted to be like Jane and read herself to sleep.  She has always loved to sleep with somebody... never wants to be by herself... and if they made an adult family bed she'd take all her money and buy us one!  

To say I'm proud of her is an understatement.  She could be labeled an overachiever in my eyes because she has made all A's for the third semester in a row... my philosophy (and Jim's) was always anything above a C was a waste of time!  She works hard... she represents the Tigers with pride... and she loves the Lord with all her heart.  My prayer is her heart will always stay as big as it is now, she will continue to make good decisions, and in 20 years she might have a precious little girl of her own to brag about!  

The tenderness, sweetness, and gentleness you see in this picture when she was little is still there.. I hope it never goes away.  

She has continued her love of animals and especially cats... I mean Clemson has a mascot of a tiger... what did I expect.  
Life sure has been special for me the last twenty years... I have smiled often and loved much.  I have loved watching her grow and become an independent woman. I'm lucky for her birth! 

Happy birthday sweet girl!  Let's celebrate!!!

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