Tuesday, December 3, 2019


Image result for children's manger sceneI love this Nativity Scene... in fact I love nativity scenes in general.  I have several around my house, and I keep one in my bathroom that I see every morning throughout the year as I'm getting dressed. 

Our character for today... He's one you won't find in the above manger scene or any manger scene...  but his actions, his story, his faith is one we have to talk about to know the entire story of Christmas. 

"I'm old and will never have children"
Zechariah was a priest who was married to Elizabeth, Mary's cousin.  He and Elizabeth were childless... and the Bible says they were OLD!  UGH... so many things to think about here.  I was blessed to have no fertility problems at all.  I had horrible pregnancies, but I didn't have fertility troubles.  I can only imagine what each of them felt like not being able to have children.  The Bible tells us Elizabeth was the reason they couldn't have children.  I'm not sure how they knew that, but I'm not one to question what is written either.  I accept it.  Regardless, I have a soft spot for those who aren't able to have children and want them. 

"I'm too old and there is no way this is going to really happen"
Zechariah was chosen by lot to keep the incense burning for the Lord in the temple while everyone else was outside praying.  An angel appeared to him and frightened Zechariah.  The angel told him not to be afraid and his prayer had been heard about having a child.  He would have a son and name him John.  He will be great!  (We will talk later about John)  Zechariah doubts what the angel is telling him.  He wants to know how he can be sure of this because he and his wife are old.  The angel tells of being sent from God and because he didn't believe the angel he would be silent and not able to speak. 

"Be quiet and soak it all in"
Zechariah came out of the temple when his service was completed and could not speak.  The people quickly realized he had seen a vision in the temple but couldn't speak to them.  Through motions they could tell he had seen something in the temple.  Later, Elizabeth became pregnant.  When the baby was born, Elizabeth didn't chose to name him after his father but gave him the name John.  This confused the relatives, but Zechariah asked for a writing tablet and wrote "His name is John" on the tablet.  Immediately Zechariah regained his speech. They knew to name him John. 

"Oh... I get it now! Or maybe not..." 
Zechariah's son was John the Baptist- a prophet sent by God to announce the coming of the Messiah.  He was born on God's time to set the way for Jesus Christ... part of God's plan that I'm sure Elizabeth and Zechariah didn't even realize until later. 

You and I can learn several things from Zechariah.  I know I have said this time and time again, but it's worth it again.... MY TIMING IS NOT GOD'S TIMING!   #yourtimeiscoming  I'm sure Zechariah had questioned God many times about why he and Elizabeth weren't able to have children... I'd be willing to bet he had probably given up because he was "old". 

Another lesson to learn is be careful what you pray for.  I know I have said this time and time again too, but it's worth it again.... MY PLAN IS NOT GOD'S PLAN!  #itisHisplannotmine  I'm sure Zechariah was frustrated not being able to speak and rejoice in seeing the angel, but I also think he had to feel an overwhelming peace knowing an angel of the Lord had been to him.  Before he blasted it on Facebook to the family or friends, he had the opportunity to soak it in and see that while he got what he wanted... it wasn't the way he wanted it.  It was the way God wanted it.

We can learn from Zechariah that we need to be quiet sometimes.  God hasn't physically muted me before, but I have learned to be quiet in situations.  Just last night I quickly had a reality check about biting my tongue.  I knew I needed to stop talking, typing, texting.... just be quiet... remember it isn't my plan.  #sitandanalyzequietly   The reasons why things happen will eventually be seen... one day when I see it... or years and years later when I was just a small, intricate part of His plan.

Finally, I think where I fail the most is not praising the good things in life.   Luke 1:67-79 is called Zechariah's Song.  It's all about praise.  How many times have I received blessings, gifts, angelic people in my life and I do nothing.... I just move right on to the next problem.... stop and thank God for the blessings daily.... for simple things, for complicated things, for things that aren't like I want them.  #tellGodthanks

Zechariah should be in the manger... he is a perfect example for all the Christmas characters we know about from Luke 2.  We can all learn a lesson or two from him in 2019....


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